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Fishing expeditions in gloomy waters: Detecting differential expression in microarray data

Learn to detect differential gene expression in microarray data through data processing, normalization, and hybridization models. Understand the techniques for hypothesis testing and statistical analysis to refine data for higher-level analysis.

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Fishing expeditions in gloomy waters: Detecting differential expression in microarray data

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  1. Fishing expeditions in gloomy waters: Detecting differential expression in microarray data Matthias E. Futschik Institute for Theoretical Biology Humboldt-University, Berlin,Germany Hvar Summer School, 2004

  2. Overview • Starting points: Where are we? • Gene expression matrix • Data pre-processing • Background subtraction • Data transformation • Normalisation • Hybridisation model • Within slide normalisation • Local regression • Detection of differential expression • Hypothesis testing • Statistical tests

  3. Roadmap: Where are we? Good news: We are almost ready for ‘higher` data analysis !

  4. Log-transformation Data-Preprocessing • Background subtraction: • May reduce spatial artefacts • May increase variance as both foreground and background intensities are estimates ( “arrow-like” plots MA-plots) • Preprocessing: • Thresholding: exclusion of low intensity spots or spots that show saturation • Transformation: A common transformation is log-transformation for stabilitation of variance across intensity scale and detection of dye related bias.

  5. The problem: Are all low intensity genes down-regulated?? Are all genes spotted on the left side up-regulated ??

  6. Hybridisation model • Microarrays do not assess gene activities directly, but indirectly by measuring the fluorescence intensities of labelled target cDNA hybridised to probes on the array. So how do we get what we are interested in? Answer: Find the relation between flourescance spot intensities and mRNA abundance! • Explicitly modelling the relation between signal intensities and changes in gene expression can separate the measured error into systematic and random errors. • Systematic errors are errors which are reproducible and might be corrected in the normalisation procedure, whereas random errors cannot be corrected, but have to be assessed by replicate experiments.

  7. Hybridisation model for two-colour arrays A first attempt: For two-colour microarrays, the fundamental variables are the fluorescence intensities of spots in the red (Ir) and the green channel (Ig). These intensities are functions of the abundance of labelled transcripts Ar/g. Under ideal circumstances, this relation of I and A is linear up to an additional experimental error ε: I = N(θ) A + ε N : normalisation factor determined by experimental parameters θ such as the laser power amplification of the scanned signal. Frequently, however, this simple relation does not hold for microarrays due to effects such as intensity background, and saturation.

  8. Hybridisation model for two-colour arrays Let`s try a more flexible approach based on ratio R (pairing of intensities reduces variablity due to spot morphology) κ: non-linear normalisation factors (functions) dependent on experimental parameters. After some calculus (homework! I will check it tomorrow) we get M - κ (θ) = D + ε D = log2(Ar/Ag) M = log2(Ir/Ig) How do we get κ (θ)?

  9. Normalization – bending data to make it look nicer... Normalization describes a variety of data transformations aiming to correct for experimental variation

  10. Within – array normalization • Normalization based on 'householding genes' assumed to be equally expressed in different samples of interest • Normalization using 'spiked in' genes: Ajustment of intensities so that control spots show equal intensities across channels and arrays • Global linear normalisation assumes that overall expression in samples is constant. Thus, overall intensitiy of both channels is linearly scaled to have value. • Non-linear normalisation assumes symmetry of differential expression across intensity scale and spatial dimension of array

  11. Normalization by local regression Common presentation: MA-plots: A = 0.5* log2(Cy3*Cy5) M = log2(Cy5/Cy3) >> Detection of intensity-dependent bias! Similarly, MXY-plots for detection of spatial bias. M, and thus κ, is function of A, X and Y Regression of local intensity >> residuals are 'normalized' log-fold changes Normalized expression changes show symmetry across intensity scale and slide dimension

  12. ? ? ? Normalisation by local regression and problem of model selection Example: Correction of intensity-dependent bias in data by loess (MA-regression: A=0.5*(log2(Cy5)+log2(Cy3)); M = log2(Cy5/Cy3); Corrected data Raw data Correction: M- Mreg Local regression Different choices of paramters lead to different normalisations. However, local regression and thus correction depends on choice of parameters.

  13. GCV of MA 2 iterations generally sufficient Optimising by cross-validation and iteration Iterative local regression by locfit (C.Loader): 1) GCV of MA-regression 2) Optimised MA-regression 3) GCV of MXY-regression 4) Optimised MXY-regression

  14. Optimised local scaling Iterative regression of M and spatial dependent scaling of M: 1) GCV of MA-regression 2) Optimised MA-regression 3) GCV of MXY-regression 4) Optimised MXY-regression 5) GCV of abs(M)XY-regression 6) Scaling of abs(M)

  15. Comparison of normalisation procedures MA-plots: 1) Raw data 2) Global lowess (Dudoit et al.) 3) Print-tip lowess (Dudoit et al.) 4) Scaled print-tip lowess (Dudoit et al.) 5) Optimised MA/MXY regression by locfit 6) Optimised MA/MXY regression wit1h scaling => Optimised regression leads to a reduction of variance (bias)

  16. Comparison II: Spatial distribution MXY-plots: MXY-plots can indicate spatial bias => Not optimally normalised data show spatial bias

  17. Averaging by sliding window reveals un-corrected bias Distribution of median M within a window of 5x5 spots: => Spatial regression requires optimal adjustment to data

  18. Randomised distributions Mr1 Mr2 M Mr3 Comparison with empirical distribution => Calculation of probability (p-value) using Fisher’s method Original distribution Statistical significance testing by permutation test What is the probabilty to observe a median M within a window by chance?

  19. Statistical significance testing by permutation test Histogram of p-values for a window size of 5x5 Number of permutation: 106 p-values for positive M p-values for negative M

  20. Statistical significance testing by permutation test MXY of p-values for a window size of 5x5 Number of permutation: 106 Red:significant positive M Green:significant negative M M. Futschik and T. Crompton,Genome Biology, to appear

  21. Normalization makes results of different microarrays comparable • Between-array normalization • scaling of arrays linearly or e.g. by quantile-quantile normalization • Usage of linear model e.g. ANOVA or mixed-models: • yijg = µ + Ai + Dj + ADig + Gg + VGkg + DGjg + AGig + εijg

  22. Going fishing: What is differentially expressed Classical hypothesis testing: 1) Setting up of null hypothesis H0(e.g. gene X is not differentially expressed) and alternative hypothesis Ha (e.g. Gene X is differentially expressed) 2) Using a test statistic to compare observed values with values predicted for H0. 3) Define region for the test statistic for which H0 isrejected in favour of Ha.

  23. t = ( - P-value: probability of occurrence by chance Significance of differential gene expression Two kinds of errors in hypothesis testing: 1) Type I error: detection of false positive 2) Type II error: detection of false negative Level of significance :α = P(Type I error) Power of test : 1- P(Type II error) = 1 – β Typical test statistics 1) Parametric tests e.g. t-test, F-test assume a certain type of underlying distribution 2) Non-parametric tests (i.e. Sign test, Wilcoxon rank test) have less stringent assumptions

  24. Detection of differential expression • What makes differential expression differential expression? What is noise? • Foldchanges are commonly used to quantify differenitial expression but can be misleading (intensity-dependent). • Basic challange: Large number of (dependent/correlated) variables compared to small number of replicates (if any). Can you spot the interesting spots?

  25. Criteria for gene selection • Accuracy: how closely are the results to the true values • Precision: how variable are the results compared to the true value • Sensitivity: how many true posítive are detected • Specificity: how many of the selected genes are true positives.

  26. Multiple testing poses challanges >> Multiple testing required with large number of tests but small number of replicates. >> Adjustment of significance of tests necessary Example: Probability to find a true H0 rejected for α=0.01 in 100 independent tests: P = 1- (1-α) 100 ~ 0.63

  27. Compound error measures: Per comparison error rate: PCER= E[V]/N Familiywise error rate: FWER=P(V≥1) False discovery rate: FDR= E[V/R] N: total number of tests V: number of reject true H0 (FP) R: number of rejected H (TP+FP) Aim to control the error rate: 1) by p-value adjustment (step-down procedures: Bonferroni, Holm, Westfall-Young, ...) 2) by direct comparison with a background distribution (commonly generated by random permuation)

  28. Alternative approach:Treat spots as replicates For direct comparison: Gene X is significantly differentially expressed if corresponding fold change falls in chosen rejection region. The parameters of the underlying distribution are derived from all or a subset of genes. Since gene expression is usually heteroscedastic with respect to abundance, variance has to be stabalised by local variance estimation. Alternatively, local estimates of z-score can be derived.

  29. Constistency of replications • Case study: SW480/620 cell line comparison • SW480: derived from primary tumour • SW 620: derived from lymphnode metastisis of same patient •  Model for cancer progression • Experimental design: • 4 independent hybridisations, • 4000 genes • cDNA of SW620 Cy5-labelled, • cDNA of SW480 Cy3-labelled. •  This design poses a problem! Can you spot it?

  30. Usage of paired t-test d: average differences of paired intensities sd: standard deviation of d Bonferroni adjusted p-value < 0.01 p-value < 0.01

  31. Robust t-test Adjust estimation of variance: Compound error model: Gene-specific error Experiment-specific error This model avoids selection of control spots M. Futschik et al, Genome Letters, 2002

  32. Another look at the results Significant genes as red spots: 3 σ-error bars do not overlap with M=0 axis. That‘s good!

  33. Take-home messages • Don‘t download and analyse array data blindly • Visualise distributions: the eye is astonishing good in finding interesting spots • Use different statistics and try to understand the differences • Remember: Statistical significance is not necessary biological significance! • Ready to go fishing in Hvar ... ?

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