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Where do you get your information?. Google . . SciFinder Scholar / Beilstein / Gmelin / Merck Index / CRC Handbook / Knovel / SPRESIweb / CASSI / ACS Pubs / Google / Web of Science / Library Catalog / Chemfinder / MEDLINE / Kirk-Othmer / DGR / MSDS / Aldrich / Chem Sources / Access Science .
1. CHM 294:Library Resources Jeremy Garritano
Chemical Information Specialist
49-67279 // jgarrita@purdue.edu
2. Where do you get your information?
3. My goals for today Explain Chem Library web site organization
Introduce you to a few important resources that will help you in your classes and labs
Encourage you to make use of our services
(and help you with your assignment)
4. Question #1 Your roommate just drank a bottle of something labeled “NaHSO3” that he found in the fridge. (He’ll drink anything.) You wouldn’t care that much if he died, but he is the percussionist in your dorm band “The Amelia Earhurts.”
Where can you go to find some information on how poisonous this “NaHSO3” is?
Merck just says whether it is toxic or not. MSDS for first aid.Merck just says whether it is toxic or not. MSDS for first aid.
5. MSDS and Safety Information Under “Research Guides” on Chem Lib web site
MSDS search sites
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
Safety and MSDS Collection in Library
MSDS are in Red Binders (by chemical name)
Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference
Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards
6. Question #2 You have found that your Organic unknown has the molecular formula C12H16O. You would like a list of the possible substances with that formula, preferably with some physical properties, so you can figure out what it is.
Where should you look?
CRC and Knovel, also ChemFinderCRC and Knovel, also ChemFinder
7. Property Information Online Merck Index
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
International Critical Tables
Chemistry of the Elements
Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
Lange's Handbook of Chemistry
Hazardous Chemicals Handbook
8. Property Information in Print Frequently used books in Ready Reference area
Merck Index
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Dictionary of Organic Compounds
Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds
Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds
and more…
9. Spectra Information Under “Research Guides” on Chem Lib web site
NIST WebBook
Aldrich Catalog
Print resources in Ready Reference area of Chemistry Library:
Sadtler and Aldrich collections
10. Spectra Coverage (Print & Online)
11. Question #3 You would like to do a summer internship at Bowling Green, but you don’t know the research areas of the professors there.
Where (other than the university’s web site) can you look to find this information?
12. Directory of Graduate Research Come out every other year and covers US and Canada
Includes biographical and publication info
Includes links to faculty and dept web pages
Search by institution/location, faculty name, or research interests/discipline
Covers graduate programs in: chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry, polymers and materials science, toxicology, marine science, and environmental science.
13. Finding Articles and Patents SciFinder Scholar (searches Chemical Abstracts from 1907-present and MEDLINE)
Search by author, topic, chemical structure, reaction, and more.
Links to full-text where available, incl. patents
14. For your assignment ACS Publications
Pay attention to dates searched
Use advanced features to search particular journals or subject areas
We have access to full-text of all ACS journals