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Harlem Renaissance Legacy: Examining Bearden, Hurston, and Packer

Delve into the rich cultural legacy of the Harlem Renaissance through the works of Romare Bearden, Zora Neale Hurston, and ZZ Packer. Explore themes of racism, dreams, and identity through art, literature, and personal narratives.

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Harlem Renaissance Legacy: Examining Bearden, Hurston, and Packer

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  1. Romare Bearden's (1912-1988): Image: Does the painting remind you of anything? an object? a person? a place? Mood: Is the image somber? angry? a feeling of gaiety? Motion: Is the painting active or static? Are you aware of brush strokes, gestures? Use the five senses as a theme. What are the people in the painting hearing, smelling, touching, seeing, tasting? Describe the painting. Sound: Does the image give off a sound? Is it noisy? quiet? Color: Does one color predominate? Is it a varied palette?

  2. Setting the Scene Loraine Hansberry ≠ Harlem Renaissance BUT A Raisin in the Sun = lit. tradition of Harlem by addressing Racism AND Discrimination And Dreams Deferred

  3. ZoraNealeHurston Dust Tracks on the Road

  4. Background • Considered one of the most influential writers of her time—pioneering force in documenting African American culture • Virtually disappeared as a writer until Alice Walker reestablished Hurston’s writings in the 60s. • Writer and folklorist—twin careers

  5. Autobiography • Autobiography is a nonfiction account of a writer’s life told in his or her own words. Relies on… • feelings about key events and experiences • social context —the attitudes and customs of the culture in which the writer lived.

  6. Purpose • Share experiences • Show vitality in personal community • Explore meaning in personal past • Identify where dreams begin

  7. How does Hurston’s autobiography document cultural ideas? Personal ideas?

  8. What is Hurston’s dream? How does she pursue it?

  9. Is her dream perfect? What obstacles exist?

  10. Z.Z. Packer • Well-traveled • born in Chicago; raised in Atlanta and Louisville • Well-educated • Yale University • Writing Seminar at Johns Hopkins University, • The Writers' Workshop at Iowa University • Stegner Fellow at Stanford University. • Drinking Coffee Elsewhere: collection of short stories recently published • eight stories • the antics of a troop of black Girl Scouts who encounter some [atypical] white Girl Scouts ["Brownies"]

  11. Setting the Scene ZZ Packer ≠ Harlem Renaissance BUT “Brownies”=literary tradition of Harlem Renaissance by addressing Racism AND ReverseRacism Unsavory themes = Unsavory language

  12. “Brownies” • Read the short story and ANNOTATE as we read • Make connections • Make meaning • Make comments • Answer questions AS we read • 1-2 paragraph response to the FINAL question. • Examples from LIFE and LITERATURE

  13. Take home Quiz Due Thursday

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