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BRAVO Results of REMSAD. Shiang-Yuh Wu, Betty Pun & Christian Seigneur AER, San Ramon 10 October 2002. REMSAD Domain. Spatial Distribution of Sulfate 36-km Domain. Spatial Distribution of Sulfate 12-km Domain. 4-month, 12-km Simulation Time Series. Sulfate ( m g/m 3 ) at Big Bend.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BRAVOResults of REMSAD Shiang-Yuh Wu, Betty Pun & Christian Seigneur AER, San Ramon 10 October 2002

  2. REMSAD Domain

  3. Spatial Distribution of Sulfate36-km Domain

  4. Spatial Distribution of Sulfate12-km Domain

  5. 4-month, 12-km SimulationTime Series Sulfate (mg/m3) at Big Bend

  6. 4-month, 12-km SimulationRegression Analysis Sulfate (mg/m3) at Big Bend

  7. Chemical Composition at Big Bend21 August 1999

  8. REMSAD Performance • First performance evaluation for a regional PM model with a comprehensive database (daily speciated data with good spatial coverage) • Performance for 3-month, 12-km simulation is reasonable at the Big Bend site with r2 of about 0.4

  9. REMSAD Schedule • Base 4-month PM simulation: completed this week • 10-day August simulation: completed next week • 10-day October simulation: completed next week • Emission sensitivity simulations: to be selected, two by December

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