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Private Keys of Public Key Pairs and Zero-Knowledge Protocols. Peter Landrock. Public Key Infrastructures requires. Generation of user public keys Registration of users and keys (LRA) Certification (CA) certificates bind a person to his key Directories (DIR) Blacklists/revocation
Private Keys of Public Key Pairs and Zero-Knowledge Protocols Peter Landrock
Public Key Infrastructures requires • Generation of user public keys • Registration of users and keys (LRA) • Certification (CA) • certificates bind a person to his key • Directories (DIR) • Blacklists/revocation • Key administration plus -
Format/syntax • ASN.1 based certificates (X.509)? • Special purpose certificates? • Integration into browsers? • Integration into applications (java?) • Security in transport layer (e.g. SSL)? • Format: S/MIME, PGP,….? • Use of smartcards?
PKI - Roles CA DA LRA Users
The world seen with the user’s eyes Business Transactions
Foundation • But the foundation is cryptographic algorithms, which is – mathematics! • So let’s focus on that for a while
Cryptographic Algorithms • Conventionel (symmetric) crypto systems • Quantum cryptography - unbreakable • Hash functions • perhaps the weakest point - art, not math. • Public key (asymmetric) systems • Today RSA, tomorrow elliptic curves?
Crypto systems • Symmetric systems • same key for encryption and decryption • Asymmetric systems • One key may be given to everybody • the public key, P • while the other is kept secret • the private key, S
Public Key encryption - RSA • Choose two large primes p,q and let n = pq • Choose a public exponent e • mutually prime to (n) = (p -1)(q -1) • Based on classical (Greek) math we find integers d, x < 0, with de + x(n) = 1 • Fact (Euler, Fermat): • For m < n we have m medmod n • Finding the private key means factoring n
Alternative: One way functions • Choose a large prime number p • Choose a “generator”, g • Choose a random number vas private key • Calculate the public key w = gv modp • Finding v from w is known as the discrete log problem
The new technique: Elliptic Curves • The set of points P = (x,y) satisfying y2 = x3 + ax + b in Z/pZ. can be added using a particular formula. It allows construction of a public key pair. Example: a = 6890847943309044493598067961180259058846730261 b = 45938986288872696329065378640786839725897820174 will correspond to an RSA security level of 768 bits for some prime p of length 200 bits!
Why Elliptic Curves? • More security per bit • Smaller key size • Smaller signature size • Faster computations • Less resources required (smart cards) • Well developed mathematical theory (complex)
Elliptic Curves An EC is the set of solutions (x,y) to equations of the form y2 + a1xy + a3y = x3 + a2x2 + a4x +a6 over a (finite) field together with an additional point (called the point at infinity O)
Finite fields • (F, +, •): set of elements with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. • GF(p): Integers modulo p (prime) • GF(2n) • polynomials with binary coefficients modulo and irreducible polynomial of degree n • (a+b)2 = a2 + b2 • Unique up to isomorphism
Implementation Issues • Choice of field • GF(2n) faster than GF(p) (at least in hardware) • Representation of elements for GF(2n) • Standard basis • Optimal normal basis • Polynomials over subfield
Elliptic Curves Example: GF(23) Curve defined by y2 = x3 + x + 1 {(0,1), (0,-1), (1,7), (1,-7), (3, 10), (3,-10), (4,0), (5,4), (5, -4), (6,4), (6,-4), (7,11), (7,-11), (9,7), (9,-7), (11,3), (11, -3), (12,4), (12,-4), (13,7), (13,-7), (17,3), (17,-3), (18,3),(18,-3), (19,5), (19,-5)}
Elliptic Curves Sum (xs,ys) of (x1,y1) = (9,7) and (x2, y2) = (18,3)=(-5,3), x1≠y1 is defined as follows: :=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = -4/9 = 20 mod 23 xs = 2-x1-x2 =9-9+5=5 ys= (x1-xs)-y1 = -3(9-5) - 7 = 4 Thus (9,7)+(18,3) = (5,4)
Elliptic Curves Double of (5,4) :=(3x12+1)/(2y1) = 76/8 = 7/8 = 21 = -2 xd = 2-2x1 =4-5-5=17 yd= (x1-xs)-y1 = -2(5+6) - 4 = -3 Thus (5,4)+(5,4) = (17,-3)
GF(2n) GF(2): p(u) irreducible polynomial of degree n EC over GF(2n) defined by y2+xy = x3 + ax2 + b
EC over GF(2n) Sum :=(y1+y2)/(x1+x2) xs = 2+ + x1+x2 + a ys = (x1+xs)+ xs + y1 Double:= x1 + y1/x1 xd = 2+ + a yd = ( + 1)xD + x12
Key Generation • Choose field and equation • Determine the group order g • If large prime divisor q, choose curve randomly • Find a generator of subgroup of order q • Let g = qr • Choose random point P • Calculate rP • If rP O, set generator := rP • Try our lab on www.cryptomathic.com!
1. step • The well-known bank AMO announces a nation-wide PKI scheme based on RSA (1024 bits, public exponent 3) • Message received week 1 at AMO: • I know your private key! I am going to publish the 1st upper byte of the key, unless you send me 2 $! • Bank ignores
2. step • Message received week 2 by AMO: • Here is the 1st byte: 11011010 • I am going to publish the 2nd upper byte of your private key, unless you send me 4 $! • Bank is puzzled. The blackmailer is right about the first byte! Could he be guessing, or maybe the first byte is not so difficult?
3. step • Message received week 3 by AMO: • Here is the 2nd byte: 00011001 • I am going to publish the 3rd upper byte of your secret key, unless you send me 8 $! • The Bank hires a security specialist • the problem is that it will cost 100.000 $ to switch to a different key
About 1 year later • Message received week 52 by AMO: • Here is the 51st byte: 01111101 • I am going to publish the 52nd upper byte of your secret key, unless you send me 252 $! • Conclusion of the specialist: • offerhim 25.000 $ now
Conclusion • If they had hired an expert rather than a specialist, they could have saved the money (less his fee of course!) • Expert opinion: • 1024 bits is 128 bytes. He can only do what he does up to the first 64 bytes. • Here is how he does it:
Solution • 1. Subtract 1 from the modulus n • 2. Divide by 3 and multiply by 2 • 3. The upper half of this number is the upper half of your private exponent • AMO: What about the lower half? • Only the banks knows! The system is secure
Proof • ”Based on classical (Greek) math we find integers d, x < 0, with (*) de + x(n) = 1” • where d is chosen minimal of course • Now let e = 3. As d<(n), x is -1 or -2! • But as 3 is mutually prime to (n) = (p -1)(q -1), • p and q are both 2 mod 3, • and (*) above shows x = -2 as (n) = 1mod3
Proof • Hence d = (1 + 2(n))/3 • But (n) = (p -1)(q -1) = n –(p + q) + 1, • Thus we know the upper half of (n): It is equal to the upper half of n. • This suggest to consider very carefully what to store as the private key, e.g. if storage is a problem
Card trick • End up with two piles: A private key and the corresponding public key Card trick described in the appendix
Demo: Key Generation - the most vulnerable part -- using two suits in a deck of cards. Say spade (black) and hearts (red) • Chose a very large prime number (13) • Calculate ”modulo” 13: divide by 13 and take the remainder: 29 = 213 + 3 = 3 mod 13 53 = 125 = 10·13 - 5 = 8 mod 13 (= 9·13 + 8) • Remove the king = 13 = 0 mod 13
My private key!!! • 12, 11, 9, 5, 10, 7, 1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6 • Do you recognise a pattern? • We have illustrated Fermat’s little Theorem: 213 mod 13 = 2 (ap mod p = a) • 2 is a generator: 2, 22, 23, 24, 25,…. up to 212 = 1 are all different mod 13! • Which power of 2 is e.g. 10 mod 13?
Mechanisms and (Interactive) Protocols • Mechanisms • To generate a digital signature is a mechanism • Comprising of cryptographic primitives, e.g. • Hash calculation (e.g. SHA-1) • Signature generation (e.g. RSA PKCS #1) • Interactive protocols • Can be used for • Key exchange (e.g. Diffie-Hellman) • User Identification
User Identification • Let’s assume Alice has a public key pair (P,S). • Alice wants to get access to a database DB • DB knows her public key (e.g. through a valid certificate) • We need to agree on an identification protocol? • How?
Many possibilities • How about? • Alice connects • BD sends a ransom challence r • Alice calculates S(r) and sends this to DB • DB verifies that P(S(r)) = r and lets her in • Is this safe?
Problem • DB can use Alice as an oracle • R might be the hash of a message which commits Alice unknowingly • The problem is that Alice calculates what may be a digital signature • How can this be prevented? • The problem is that we cannot be sure that Alice applies her private key to something completely random
Solution • 1. step • DB chooses any r, calculates s = P(r), and sends s to Alice • 2. step • Alice calculates S(s) = r and returns r to DB • What did DB learn, except that Alice was able to recover r – not known to her – from s? • Nothing at all • But ....
Solution • Alice has no means of verifying that DB follows the protocol • Something else is needed: • Let E be some symmetric encryption which Alice and DB agrees is strong • We can now define a socalled zero-knowledge identification protocol:
Solution • 1. step • DB chooses any r, calculates s = P(r), and sends s to Alice • 2. step • Alice calculates S(s) = r, chooses a random key k and returns Ek(r) to DB • 3. step • DB sends r to Alice • 4. step • Alice sends k to DB who verifies Dk(Ek(r)) = r
Succes! • This protocol • is secure • Alice will not be succesful without knowing S • is sound • DB will know that only a person able to compute r from randomly chosen P(r) can respond • is zero-knowledge • DB learns nothing from the protocol that he could not calculate by himself: P(r) = s S(s) = r – except that Alice can calculate r from s • In fact -
Zero-knowledge protocol can be simulated • 1. step • DB chooses any r, calculates s = P(r), and sends s to DB • 2. step • DB chooses a random key k and returns Ek(r) to DB • 3. step • DB sends r to DB • 4. step • DB sends k to DB who verifies Dk(Ek(r)) = r
Zero-knowledge protocol can be simulated • A third party (an arbiter) cannot differentiate the traces of • a simulated zero-knowledge protocol from that of • a 2-party zero-knowledge protocol: • Only DB will know if he simulated it or he indeed did identity Alice in the protocol!
Useful definitions (Fiat-Shamir) • Authentication • A can prove to B that she is A • Identification • A can prove to B that she is A, but B cannot prove to C that he is A • Non-repudiation • A can prove to B that she is A, but B cannot even prove to himself that he is A
Conclusion • Cryptography is applied mathematics • Mathematics was ”invented” to be helpful • and it is! • T.H. Hardy wrote in ”A mathemathian’s Apology ”: • I have never done anything useful! • Not true: We use the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture in our products