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Generic and Practical Resettable Zero-Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model Moti Yung RSA Laboratories and CS Dept. of Columbia University Yunlei Zhao Software School, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China. 1. Resettable Zero-Knowledge RZK.
Generic and Practical Resettable Zero-Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model Moti Yung RSA Laboratories and CS Dept. of Columbia University Yunlei Zhao Software School, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China
1. Resettable Zero-Knowledge RZK • RZK is introduced by Canetti, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali (STOC 2000). • Motivated by implementing ZK provers using smart-cards or other devices that may be (maliciously) reset to their initial conditions and/or cannot afford to generate fresh randomness for each new invocation. • A generalization and strengthening of CZK intruduced by Dwork, Naor and Sahai [DNS98] .
2. The Bare Public-Key (BPK) Model • No constant-round (black-box) RZK/CZK protocols in the standard model [CKPR01]. • To get constant-round RZK/CZK protocols, several computational models have been introduced: the timing model, the preprocessing model, the common reference string model, and the BPK model, etc.
The BPK model [CGGM00] • A protocol in BPK model simply assumes that all verifiers have deposited a public key in a public file before any interaction takes place among the users • The BPK model also allows dynamic key registrations.
No assumption is made on whether the public-keys deposited are unique or ``nonsensical" or ``bad" public-keys (e.g., for which no corresponding secret-keys exist or are known). • Note that an adversary may deposit many (possibly invalid or fake) public keys without any guarantee on the validities of the registered public-keys.
That is, no trusted third party is assumed in the BPK model; the preprocessing is reduced to verifiers minimally register a public-key in a public file; and the communication network is assumed to be adversarially asynchronous; • Weaker than PKI, where authentic association of user ID and its public-key is added.
3. Concurrent Verifier-Security in the Public-Key Model • Verifier security in public-key models turns out to be much more complicated and subtler than that of the standard model.
In public-key model, a verifier V possesses a secret key SK, corresponding to its public-key PK. A malicious prover P* could potentially gain some knowledge about SK from a session with the verifier. • This extra gained knowledge may help this prover: • Violate concurrent soundness: i.e., convincing the verifier of a false theorem in another concurrent session; • Or: violate concurrent knowledge extractability: i.e., convincing the honest verifier of a true statement in another concurrent session but without knowing corresponding witness.
Verifier (PK) Malicious Prover Verifier (PK) Verifier (PK)
Four notions of soundnessin the public-key model, i.e., from weaker to stronger: one-time, sequential, concurrent and resettable soundness. • Concurrent soundness (CS): a malicious prover P* cannot convince the honest verifier V of a false statement even when P* is allowed multiple interleaving interactions with V in the public-key model. • Concurrent knowledge-extractability (CKE): a malicious P* can convince the honest V of a statement only if it knows the corresponding witness
Some facts about concurrent verifier security in the public-key model • Any (resettable or not) black-box ZK protocols with concurrent soundness in the BPK model (for non-trivial languages) must run at least four rounds [MR01]. • Any (whether resettable or not) black-box ZK arguments with resettable soundness only exist for trivial (i.e, BPP) languages (whether in the BPK model or not) [BGGL01,MR01]. • Concurrent knowledge-extractability is (strictly) stronger than concurrent soundness.
The first constant-round RZK-CS protocol in the BPK model [DPV00] • Constant-round (black-box) RZK-CS argument for NP was first established by Di Crescenzo, Persiano and Visconti [Crypto 2000] • Round-optimal • Based on NIZK for NP and a special form of sub-exponentially secure PKE (e.g., the sub-exponentially secure version of the ElGamal scheme that is based on the sub-exponentially strong DDH assumption), etc. • The security analysis seems to be not extended to the case of CKE (CKE is not the issue considered in [DPV00] ) • Problems left in [DPV00]: • Can constant-round (in particular, round-optimal) RZK-CS can be based on general hardness assumption? • Can RZK-CKE be provably achieved? • Can RZK-CS/CKE be implemented practically, say, with a very small constant number of exponentiations?
This work • Constant-round (7-round) RZK-CS argument for NP in the BPK model based on any sub-exponentially-strong OWF. • Round-optimal (i.e., 4-round) RZK-CS based on any certified OWP. • One-round trapdoor commitments • Generic yet practical transformation for achieving 5-round RZK-CS arugments: • Applicable to all languages admitting ∑-protocol • Without going through NP-reduction, and can be implemented with several exponentiations • Satisfy a reasonable (weak) black-box concurrent knowledge-extractibility.
5. The General RZK Construction Based on Any Subexponentially-Strong OWF
Common input xL. • Let fP be any (standard polynomial secure) OWF, and fVbe any sub-exponentially secure OWFs. • The public-key of the honest verifier V is: PK=fV(xV). • Let y0P=fP(x0P) and y1P=fP(x1P). The pair (y0P, y1P) is then fixed for P.
The rough protocol structure xL PK Phase-1: RWI(y0P y1P) P(w) V(xV) Phase-2: (Resettably-sound) WIPOK(y0P y1P PK) Phase-3: RWI(x PK)
Complexity leveraging • The system parameter is N, the prover uses a relatively smaller parameter n (still polynomially related to N), such that: • Breaking fP by brute-forth in 2n-time does not compromise the security fV(i.e., PK) that is sub-exponentially secure in N, specifically, secure againt -time algorithm.
Two types of OWF-based constant-round rWI argument for NP • The CGGM transformation from Blum’s WI proof for NP to RWI proof for NP • The verifier is required to first commit its random challenge on the top by running a perfectly-hiding commitment scheme • Randomness of prover is got by applying PRF on the transcript. • Phase-1 RWI arguments for NP: • The challenge is committed with Naor’s OWF-based statistically-binding and sub-exponentially hiding commitments, which can be implemented from any sub-exponentially strong OWF • Phase-3 RWI for NP: • The challenge is committed with a OWF-based trapdoor commitment scheme (by combining Naor’s OWF-based commitment scheme and Feige-Shamir trapdoor commitments), such that the binding property can be broken in 2n-time.
The dual role of Phase-1 RWI argument in RZK proof and in CS/CKE proof • To deal with the subtlety with extracting xV in RZK simulation: • We want to argue that Phase-2 WIPOK(y0P y1P PK) is actually POK of the secret-key xV . But, Phase-2 begins after V* resettingly interacting with instances of P in Phase-1 RWI on fixed (y0P y1P). In general , in this case, normal POK and even CS do not guarantee concurrent knowledge-extractability of xV . • By statistically-binding of Naor’s commitments, reduce resetting interactions of V* with honest P in Phase-1 into concurrent interactions, which guarantees witness-hiding of (x0P, x1P) and in turn guarantees of POK of xV of Phase-2. • To guarantee preimage-verifiability of (y0P y1P) in CS/CKE proof , following the simulation/extraction approach: • Honest verifier always continues its interactions after successful Phase-1 RWI even on false(y0P y1P) , i.e., no preimage of either y0P or y1P exists, but the sub-exponential-time CS/CKE simulator always aborts by brute-force searching in this case.
But, using statistically-binding commitments in Phase-1 RWI makes the proof of concurrent soundness complicated and subtle. • Idea: reduce to sub-exponentially hiding of Naor’s commitments based on sub-exponentially strong OWF.
The role of Phase-3 RWI • On one hand, it is used for establishing RZK (the RZK simulator uses xV as the Phase-3 witness in simulation); • On the other hand, committing random challenge with trapdoor commitments (that can be broken within 2n-time) enables the simulation/extraction approach for proving(weak) CKE
An Observation • Recall that the Phase-1 RWI argument on (y0P , y1P) plays a dual role: one-waynessness in RZK proof; and preimage-verifiability of either y0Por y1P in CS/CKE proof. • Suppose fPis preimage-verfiable, then Phase-1 RWI can be removed, and the prover only needs to send a unique value yP=f(xP) on the top. • This renders us 5-round simplified implementation • Preimage-verifiable OWF is a quite weak hardness assumption.
Generic yet Practical Transformation • Building tools: • ∑-protocol and ∑OR-protocol (WI without NP-reduction) • Naor-Reingold practical PRF: needs only 2 exponentiations and can be reduced to only 2 multiple products modulo a prime (without any exponentiaitions!) with natural preprocessing. • Preimage-verifiable OWFs admitting ∑-protocol, from which perfectly-hiding trapdoor commitments can be established (Damgard Crypto’89) • With all above tools, the preimage-verfiable OWF-based simplified implementation can be further converted into generic yet practical implementation for any language admitting ∑-protocols without NP-reductions. • With RSA and DLP as examples, the implementations only need several modular exponentiations.
Round-Optimal Implementation. • In the 5-round simplified implementation, the unique value yP=f(xP), sent by P on the top, is used by the verifier V in two ways: • It serves as a part of the inputs to the Phase-2 (resettably-sound) WIPOK proof on (yP, yV); • It serves the trapdoor commitment public-key (TCPK) for the verifier to make trapdoor commitments in the second round. • We want to merge yP into the third-round message from P to V. To this end, we need: • Lapidot-Shamir WI for NP • A special kind of trapdoor commitment scheme: commitment phase is non-interactive without knowing TCPK, which is only sent in the decommitment phase.
OWP-Based One-round TC • One-round commitment stage: • To commit to 0, the committer P sends an n-by-n adjacency matrix of (OWP-based one-round perfectly-binding) commitments with each entry committing to 0. • To commit to 1, the committer sends an n-by-n adjacency matrix of commitments such that the entries committing to 1 constitute a randomly n-cycle C. • Two-round decommitment stage: The receiver V sends a Hamiltonian graph G=(V, E) with size n=|V| to P. • To decommit to 0, P sends a random permutation , and for each non-edge of G , (i, j) E, P reveals the value (that is 0) committed to the ( (i), (j))-entry of the adjacency matrix sent in the commitment stage (and V checks all revealed values are 0 and the unrevealed entries constitute a graph that is isomorphic to G via ). • To decommit to 1, P only reveals the committed cycle (and the receiver checks that all revealed values are 1 and the revealed entries constitute an n-cycle).
7. Weak Concurrent Knowledge-Extractability • Black-box sub-exponential-time CKE: for any x, suppoe P* can convince of ``xL” with non-negligible probability, with almost the same probability a black-boxpoly(n)2n-time extractor can extract a witness w for xL • Suppose L is -hard, 0<c<1, then this means that P* does know the witness w (rather than only convincing NP-membership) • Still reasonable • Super-polynomial-time knowledge-extraction is intrinsic for black-box RZK • Most practical OWFs are essentially sub-exponentially hard. • Allow highly practical implementation, which are within reach for coming smart-card environment • Highly practical efficiency and the CKE property are important for RZK to be used as smart-card based Identification, which is the original motivation of RZK
Agenda • Resettable zero-knowledge (RZK) • The bare public-key (BPK) model • Concurrent verifier security in the public-key model • Related works and our contributions • The general RZK construction based on any sub-exponentially secure OWF • Simplified, practical, and round-optimal variants • On the weak concurrent knowledge-extractability