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Module 3: 4 E's

Booty Camp

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Module 3: 4 E's

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  1. The 4 Es – Keys to a Successful Launch Prosperity Tribe

  2. The Fundamentals • A few fundamental things will make all the difference in a launch. • A launch is very much about the energy and less about the specifics. • You can get more sophisticated later and we’ll give you more things to consider in later weeks.

  3. The 4 Es You’ll want to ensure you include these four in every launch and every program. • Entertain • Educate • Engage • Empower

  4. Entertain • When you bring your energy about what you love, people will be entertained. • Flat boring copy, uninspiring video, poorly scripted telecalls, will send people running. • We’re human we like to be entertained. • Entertaining doesn’t have to be pleasant – can be compelling, you can jot people.

  5. Entertain • In 40 DN Launch we used a video launch to entertain people with our relationship. • Showed us enjoying various aspects of our life (at the spa, creek-side, at home, salsa dancing at night). • When you entertain people they want what you have. • When entertaining, it’s flowing and keeps people involved in your story and connected to what you are selling.

  6. Educate • Most people stop after this E and think education is enough, but it’s not. • People often share too much or not enough or are not specific enough because they’re not dialed into their target tribe. • When you dial into your target tribe you educate in a way that solves their problem. • That’s all you should care about – solving their problem in the unique way you do.

  7. Educate • Don’t give away the store in the launch or they’ll think they already have everything they need. • Don’t educate too little or they’ll think you’re teasing them. • How do you tell what the happy medium is? • Share two or three concepts they wouldn’t otherwise know, if they didn’t hear it from you.

  8. Educate • Share key learnings you’ve gained from the school of hard knocks or elsewhere. • Pick concepts that are the source of their biggest pain (you might even give part of this away for FREE). • Don’t hold back, but don’t solve it all in the launch. • Educate through on-the-spot coaching or your own stories.

  9. Engage • Engaging is not the same as entertaining. • Engaging has an quality of real interest and magnetism. • When you engage while entertaining and educating they’ll ignore everything else to focus on you and your message because it’s resonating with them at the deepest level.

  10. Engage • Part of engagement is an energetic quality. • You want to magnetize people toward you and shake them out of their comfortably numb state. • Entertaining shakes them a little, but then you engage them further by saying something radical, inviting them to look through a different lens or sharing a compelling story. • ENGAGED PEOPLE BUY!

  11. Empower • When you empower people, you give them permission to do the things they can’t do. • Could be a shift or taking a stand or working with you. • You hold a space for them to act so they can actually create the life they want. • Your product or service is the bridge they can cross over to live in the Promised Land. • Empowered people live in the Promised Land; disempowered people live in their pain.

  12. Empower • When launching and offering things for free, offer enough, but not so much that they delude themselves into thinking they don’t need anything else. • Offer yourself as a guide, not as a savior. • If you try to save people in any way, they lose their internal ability to help themselves. • You empower people by being really clear who your target tribe is and that you want people willing to be empowered.

  13. Empower • You’re a person who has been on the journey who’s offering them a shorter path through your learning. • Help them understand that when they take action, they’re empowered. • Be unwavering in your commitment to their transformation, but not for insisting that they do it with you. • In your launch tell them what’s possible and hold this space and then challenge them to take action.

  14. Recap • The 4 Es are essential to every launch (and every product). • Have the 4 Es next to you as you consider your genius loves and skills. • Consider your target tribe: How do they want to be entertained, educated, engaged, and empowered. • Really noodle on this and do a Wonderstorm on each one (“I wonder… how could I entertain… educate… engage… empower.”).

  15. How To Make It Work? • Remember to factor your lifestyle into your launch. • Don’t create a launch that conflicts with your lifestyle or you won’t be in your genius, you won’t be happy and that will show through. • The easiest launch for you that includes the 4 Es is likely the best choice for you. • Remember to use your Playbook and Wonderstorm with each of the 4Es.

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