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Children’s Wellbeing Stakeholder Event 11th April 2014. Introduction and Housekeeping Jo Davidson: Director of Children’s Wellbeing. Access to Information and Advice for Families and Professionals Les Knight: Head of Additional Needs. Family Information Service –
Children’s Wellbeing Stakeholder Event 11th April 2014
Introduction and Housekeeping Jo Davidson: Director of Children’s Wellbeing
Access to Information and Advice for Families and Professionals Les Knight: Head of Additional Needs
Family Information Service – a single point of information Family information directory Our family information directory helps parents, carers and professionals find useful local services. It comes in three parts: To find services for families, visit the family service directory To find both registered and unregistered local childcare providers, visit the childcare directory To find information about services for children with special educational and other needs, visit the Herefordshire local offer pages Documents Positive Activities Bromyard Area - 103kb Positive Activities in Leominster and Wigmore Area - 192kb Positive Activities in Ledbury Area - 8kb Related pages Schools directory
Family Services Directory and Childcare Directory • Alphabetical lists of Providers • Searchable Directory • Favourites/Basket Function • Click on individual entries – Contact details and what they offer
Changes to the SEN system – Children and Families Act 2014 Age range - birth to 25 Provide children, young people and their parents greater control and choice in decisions Replace Statements of SEN and s139a Learning Difficulty Assessments with a 0 to 25 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan)-Focus on outcomes Offering families personal budgets for all key agencies Closer multi-agency/partnership working in particular requiring LA and health authorities to work together. Local Offer
The Local Offer Information for families and practitioners – ‘clear, comprehensive and accessible’ ‘Responsive to local need’ with families involved in development and review - duty is to consult Not just a directory How to access services (‘transparency’) as well as description of provision Must include education (incl. schools), health and social care – ‘must co-operate’ Working with the web team - Interactive feedback Keeping it up-to-date!
The Local Offer –Not A Directory They often receive conflicting advice and simply do not know who to trust to give them the information that will help them… Parents report that they tend to only trust other parents’ advice who have already been through the system and understand which direction to go in. Prepared for SE7 by Sharon Smith Hampshire Parent/Carer Network
The Local Offer –Not A Directory The Local Offer has to deliver: A one-stop shop for parent carers to access all of the information that they will need relating to their child/young person – so that parents know exactly where to go every time that they need help or information. Prepared for SE7 by Sharon Smith Hampshire Parent/Carer Network
The Local Offer A local authority must publish information about: The provision it expects to be available in its area at the time of publication for children and young people who have special educational needs, and… The provision it expects to be available outside its area at that time for children and young people for whom it is responsible.
The Local Offer The provision referred to is: • education, health and care provision; • other educational provision; • training provision; • arrangements for travel to and from schools and post-16 institutions and places at which relevant early years education is provided; • provision to assist in preparing children and young people for adulthood and independent living.
The Local Offer A local authority must keep its local offer under review and may from time to time revise it. It must also publish comments received and its responses to the comments
Herefordshire Local Offer for SEN, Disability and other Additional Needs Welcome to Herefordshire’s Local Offer! This is intended to be a ‘one-stop shop’ that allows parents, carers, family members and practitioners working with families to find the information they want. At the present time, the development of the Local Offer web pages are at a relatively early stage of development and the information available will grow over the next few months. The aim is that it will be quick to find the information that you want and that the information is presented in a clear and understandable fashion. To help us to do this, please use this feedback link to tell us if you have not been able to find what you want or if the information is confusing or out of date. You will find that each of the pages of the local offer also have a feedback facility. If you want more detail about how the Local Offer should work, please follow this link…local offer. This link also provides information on the Children and Families Act 2014 which requires Local Authorities to create the Local Offer. If you just want to get on with using the information, click on one of the sections below.
Top Tasks – What do you want to know? How do I get a statement for my child? Can I get an education, health and care plan (EHCP) for my child? Will I be entitled to transport to school if they have a disability? What do I need to do if my child is diagnosed with a disability? Where can I get respite from my caring duties? How do I get financial support for my child? Do I need a social worker?
Main Sections • Education Services • Moving to Independence • Health Services • Education, Health and Care Plans • Social Care Services including Short Break/Respite Service • Voluntary Organisations and other sources of help
How do I get financial support for my child? • Education • Social care • Health • Other sources of financial support
What if my son or daughter needs more support than the school can provide? Additional funding until July 2014 For children with statements, including pupils in special schools, the additional funding is described in the statement which is reviewed at least annually. Parents and carers are invited to every annual review. The funding is at one of two levels described in the next paragraph. This funding is provided into the budget of mainstream schools at the start of the financial year. If the school feels that a higher level of funding is required, the school can apply for ‘banded funding’. The school brings the evidence to a panel made up of school and local authority representatives experienced in SEN. The panel can agree one of three outcomes: band 3 £1350; band 4 £5,500; or, that the evidence does not support the allocation of additional funding.
Education - local offer What do our Educational Settings Offer? • Early Years Settings • Schools • Post-16 Education and Training Providers • Special Schools and Other Specialist/Alternative Provision My Child has a difficulty with…? Different Barriers to Learning • autism and other complex communication difficulties • behavioural, emotional and social difficulties • language and communication • hearing and visual impairment • learning difficulty • physical and medical
Voluntary and support services - local offer Voluntary and support services Hereford Carer Support For information visit the HCS website Marches Family Network For information visit the MFN website Parent partnership service For information visit the parent partnership service page Link to regional information Link to national directory of voluntary organisations
SENDirect e-brokerage system– Herefordshire Pilot Site • Consortium of 8 leading national charities • One of 10 LAs nationally to win bid to pilot • Will be part of Local Offer • Aims to link Parents and Providers • Funded by the DoH and DfE • Currently developing software • Planned launch in March 2015. • Need parents and providers to sign up to test it • SENDirect website www.sendirect.org.uk
HerefordshireChildren’s Integrated Needs Assessment INTERIM FINDINGS Leonie Roberts Interim Consultant in Public Health
Needs Assessment • Demographics • Health • Education • Safeguarding • Services • Key themes
Demographics • 39,900 children and young people • Notable drop at 19 – University
Expected population changes Migration is the key driver of demographic change Young adults (18-25 are the most mobile Net out-migration of young adults (18-25) Dampened by increased migration from overseas • 1800 to 1900 live births per year • Number of births to UK women remained constant (1600 per year) • Increase in number of births from EU (150 in 2012)
HEALTH THROUGH THE LIFE COURSE Mental Health and Well-being
Health and wellbeingEarly years (0-4 years) • Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births was 3.9 for the period 2009-2011 (4.4 England average) • Low birth weight varies by practice 5.7% to 8.8% (County average 7.4%) • Smoking rate at time of delivery 11.2 per 100 maternities (13.2 England average) • Breastfeeding initiation rate of 73% (64% national)
Immunisation The county is not meeting the 95% coverage needed to protect the most vulnerable children
Health and wellbeing Age 5 to 19 • 58 deaths between 2002 and 2011. Traffic accidents were the most common cause • Teenage conceptions 26.0 per 1000 girls aged 15-17. (30.7 per 1000 England) • 44.4% of 12 year-olds had evidence of dental decay (33.4% in England) • Obesity among year 6 pupils varies from 9.7% to 25.7% (16.5% county average, 19% national)
Most common hospital admissions • Age 0-4 Viral and acute respiratory admissions • Age 5-14 Respite care (35%) • Age 15-19 Respite care(25%) and pregnancy related (15%) • 850 respiratory admissions age 0-19. 40% from the most deprived areas.
Education population • 21,700 children attending state-maintained schools: 12,700 at primary level and 8,900 at secondary
Educational development Age 22 months to 10 years • SES – Social economic status • Q – Cognitive score
Educational attainment • Early years – above the national average • Key stage 1 – same as national average • Key stage 2 – 71% below national average • Early years – Free school meals below the national average • Key Stage 1 – FSM slightly below national average • Key stage 2 49% FSM, 20% LAC
“The difficulty of doing GCSEs when you’re coping with homelessness and just trying to survive” Young person in Hereford
1604 239 Safeguarding and social care for vulnerable children and young people 39,900 216
Vulnerable Children Defining vulnerabilities is difficult - Children who are at risk of, or who are already experiencing, social and emotional problems. Vulnerability may be linked to disadvantage and poverty Homeless Mental health issues Young offenders Looked after children Disabled children • Young carers • Gypsy and travellers • Children experiencing domestic violence and abuse
Vulnerable children • 1400 children claiming disability living allowance • 311 children and young people on the carers register. Only 11% of carers are on the register • 255 Gypsy and Roma children and young people known to the Council • 113 people aged 10-17 entered the youth justice system for the first time. (2012/13) • This equates to 671 first time entrants per 100,000 youth population. This is higher than the West Mercia rate of 546 per 100,000
Homeless • Herefordshire has a high rate of homelessness this means that more children compared to the national and statistical neighbours’ average will become homeless • Over half of households labelled homeless have dependent children equating to 201 children
Children in need Child who is unlikely to have, or have the opportunity to have a reasonable standard of health and development without any support provided by a public authority • 1139 children in need (excluding LAC, CPP) • Herefordshire’s rate of children at 445.5 per 1000 children is higher than national (325.7)and statistical neighbours (301.5)
Children in need 2013 18% NOT RECORDED
Looked after children A looked after child (LAC) is a child who is accommodated by the local authority either as a result of voluntary agreement by their parents or as a result of a Care Order issued by a court of law to safeguard the child 241 LAC in Herefordshire 67 LAC per 10,000 in December 2013 47 per 10,000 statistical neighbours
Children with child protection plans • 239 children with CPP in June 2013 (an increase of 36% since June 2012)
What are the main issues facing vulnerable children and young people in Herefordshire? The main issues are: • Poor parenting • Funding / service & budget cuts • Rural isolation & rural service issues • Lack of support to address needs • Lack of early intervention
SUPPORT WORKERS - long-term, consistent and skilled support • MENTORING – support from others who have been through similar situations • SUPPORT PLANS – help practically and emotionally through adverse life events and transitions • POSITIVE INTERVENTIONS – targeted support • SAFE, WARM, AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTS • EMOTIONAL SUPPORT • PRACTICAL SUPPORT • AVOID CRISIS INTERVENTION THAT PUTS YOU AT INCREASED RISK What support do children and young people think they need? “I’ve known people who are struggling, thin and underweight. You can’t bear to look at them. They have no strength left in them. The Herefordshire system is not working for anybody”