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Energy Frontier Research Centers: Update Dr. Altaf H. Carim Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) Meeting July 9, 2009 Bethesda, MD. Context.
Energy Frontier Research Centers: Update Dr. Altaf H. Carim Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) Meeting July 9, 2009 Bethesda, MD
Context • EFRCs interlock scientifically with existing BES programs; they are neither completely separate and disconnected, nor overlapping and duplicative • EFRCs will operate differently than, and expectations are different compared to, single-investigator grants, small-group awards, facilities operation, etc.BES has had a few examples of funded programs on a similar scale, but no prior portfolio of this magnitude. • Interdisciplinarity, size, number, visibility Some motivations for theEFRC management structure:
The Basic Energy Sciences EFRC management team Altaf H. (Tof) Carim Team lead (Scientific UserFacilities Division) JohnVetrano MaryGalvin Mark Pederson Michael Casassa (Chemical Sciences, Geosciences,& Biosciences Division) (Materials Sciences & Engineering Division)
Groups of EFRCs and their primary BES points of contact • Groupings are based in part on topical relationships, but also involve a variety of practical and administrative considerations • Some activities, such as periodic Directors’ meetings, will involve all EFRCs, while others may be organized by groups or subsets thereof. Red (Vetrano) Orange (Casassa) Yellow (Galvin) Blue (Pederson) R. Blankenship - Washington U. M. Wasielewski - Northwestern D. Gust - ASU T. Meyer - UNCChapel Hill R. Sayre, Danforth Plant Science Center M. McCann - Purdue D. Cosgrove - PSU C. Law - Princeton B. Gunnoe - U. Va. M. Bullock - PNNL D. Vlachos - Delaware J. Spivey - La. State C. Marshall - ANL N. Armstrong - Arizona H. Atwater - Cal Tech M. Baldo - MIT P. Barbara - Texas J. Bowers - UCSB G. Chen - MIT D. Dapkus - USC B. Grzybowski - Northwestern V. Klimov - LANL J. Yardley - Columbia H. Abruña - Cornell P. Burns - Notre Dame C. Grey - Stony Brook H.-K. Mao - CIW M. Nastasi - LANL F. Prinz - Stanford K. Reifsnider - South Carolina G. Rubloff - Maryland G. Soloveichik - GE M. Stocks - ORNL M. Thackeray - ANL D. Wolf - INL P. Green - Michigan A. Zunger - NREL D. Morelli - MI State T. Russell - U. Mass. J. Simmons - SNL S. Davis - BNL V. Ozolins - UCLA G. Pope - UT Austin B. Smit - UC Berkeley D. DePaolo - LBNL D. Wesolowski - ORNL
Energy Storage Michael Thackeray, ANL Center for Electrical Energy Storage: Tailored Interfaces Grigorii Soloveichik, General Electric Global Research Center for Electrocatalysis, Transport Phenomena,and Materials (CETM) for Innovative Energy Storage Héctor Abruña, Cornell Univ. Nanostructured Interfaces for Energy Generation,Conversion, and Storage Clare P. Grey, Stony Brook Univ. Northeastern Chemical Energy Storage Center Gary Rubloff, Univ. of Maryland Science of Precision Multifunctional Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage Ken Reifsnider, Univ. of South Carolina Science Based Nano-Structure Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Systems
Advanced Energy Materials Dieter Wolf, Idaho National Lab Center for Materials Science of Nuclear Fuel Peter Burns, Univ. of Notre Dame Materials Science of Actinides Malcolm Stocks, ORNL Energy Frontier Center for Defect Physics in Structural Materials Michael Nastasi, LANL Extreme Environment-Tolerant Materials via Atomic Scale Design of Interfaces David Mao, Carnegie Institute of Washington Center for Energy Frontier Research inExtreme Environments (EFree) Fritz Prinz, Stanford Univ. Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion
Solar Fuel Production Robert Blankenship, Washington University in St. Louis Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center Michael Wasielewski, Northwestern University Argonne-Northwestern Solar Energy Research Center Devens Gust, Arizona State University Center for Bio-Inspired Solar Fuel Production Tom Meyer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Solar Fuels and Next Generation Photovoltaics
Biofuels and Combustion Richard Sayre, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Center for Advanced Biofuels Systems Maureen McCann, Purdue University Center for Direct Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels Daniel Cosgrove, Pennsylvania State University Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation Chung Law, Princeton University Combustion Science
Catalysis for New Fuels Brent Gunnoe, University of Virginia Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalization Morris Bullock, PNNL Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis Dion Vlachos, University of Delaware Catalysis Energy Center Jerry Spivey, Louisiana State University Center for Atomic-Level Catalyst Design Chris Marshall, ANL Institute for Atom-Efficient Chemical Transformations
Materials Design: Light & Energy Conversion Daniel Dapkus, University of Southern California Emerging Materials for Solar EnergyConversion and Solid State Lighting John Bowers, U.C. at Santa Barbara Center on Materials for Energy Efficiency Applications Gang Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Solid-State Solar-ThermalEnergy Conversion Center (S3TEC Center) Harry Atwater, California Institute of Technology Light-Material Interactions in Energy Conversion James Yardley, Columbia University Re-Defining Photovoltaic EfficiencyThrough Molecule-Scale Control Bartosz Grzybowski, Northwestern University Center for Integrated Training in Far-From-Equilibriumand Adaptive Materials (CITFAM)
Materials Design:Interfaces and Physics Neal R. Armstrong, University of Arizona Center for Interface Science:Hybrid Solar-Electric Materials Paul Barbara, University of Texas, Austin Understanding Charge Separation and Transferat Interfaces in Energy Materials and Devices (EFRC:CST) Marc Baldo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Excitonics Victor Klimov, Los Alamos National Laboratory The Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics
Energy Harvesting, Conversion and Transport Peter Green, Univ of Michigan Solar Energy Conversion in Complex Materials Alex Zunger, NREL Center for Inverse Design Donald Morelli, Michigan St. Univ. Revolutionary Materials for Solid StateEnergy Conversion Tom Russell, Univ. of Massachusetts Polymer-Based Materials for Harvesting Solar Energy Jerry Simmons, SNL Solid State Lighting Science Séamus Davis, BNL Center for Emergent Superconductivity
Carbon Captureand Management Vidvuds Ozolins, UCLA Molecularly Assembled Material Architectures for Solar Energy Production, Storage, and Carbon Capture Gary Pope, Univ. of Texas, Austin Frontiers of Subsurface Energy Security Berend Smit, UC-Berkeley Center for Gas SeparationsRelevant to Clean Energy Technologies Donald DePaolo, LBNL Center for Nanoscale Control of Geologic CO2 David Wesolowski, ORNL Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport Center
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 • Initial Award Period • Periodic Directors’ Meeting(tied to alternate BESAC meetings) • Reverse Site Peer Reviews (Management/Operations focus) • On Site Peer Reviews(Science focus) • EFRCs Science Forum • Energy Frontiers Workshop • BES Topical Contractors Meetings(as appropriate) EFRCs Management Timeline FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 REVIEW SCHEDULE: Initial reverse site management/operations review – FY10 3rd/4th Quarter Interim science and management review – FY12 COMMUNICATION: Establish EFRC Web sites Monthly management conference calls (by topical groups) Periodic Directors’ meetingsInformal site visits by BESEFRCs Science Forum (FY11, 4th Quarter, w/BESAC) Energy Frontiers workshop (FY13, tentatively 3rd Quarter) BES Contractors’ meetings, by topic
First EFRC Directors’ MeetingJuly 8, 2009 – key messages • Primary objective: Share information and expectations regarding management and operations of the EFRCs, to contribute to their success • Components of this: • Familiarize EFRCs with BES management structure and expectations • Interaction of EFRC directors with each other & BES points of contact • Information gathering, documentation, and distribution • Timeline for meetings, reviews, and other activities • Discussion of reporting and change control needs • Address communications expectations and issues • Share information on complementary tools and opportunities • EFRC Directors must have the authority and responsibility to actively manage their own centers • The overall EFRC portfolio will be actively managed by BES