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THIRD MILLENNIUM BUSINESS RESOURCE ASSOCIATES PRIVATE LIMITED. PGDM P/T Programme : 2010-12 Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad. • Corporate Consulting • Learning, Development and Education
THIRD MILLENNIUM BUSINESS RESOURCE ASSOCIATES PRIVATE LIMITED PGDM P/T Programme : 2010-12 Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad • Corporate Consulting • Learning, Development and Education • Human Resource Policies • Placement
Visiting Faculty SumitChaudhuri Chairman and Managing DirectorTHIRD MILLENNIUM BUSINESS RESOURCE ASSOCIATESPRIVATE LIMITED tmbra2000@gmail.com
Term – IV Course Human Resource Management Topic - 02 Job Analysis, Job Description And Job Specification : Concept of Job analysis and Design – Methods of Job Analysis – Job Description – Job Specification – Modern Management Techniques ; Job rotation – Job enlargement – Job enrichment
Job Analysis Job –A Job is a collection of tasks that can be performed by a single employee that contributes to production of some product or service provided by the organisation. Analysis – Analysis means resolution into simple elements or examining the constitution minutely.
Job Analysis …Contd. Job Analysis means the formal study of jobs. It includes two elements: (A) Job Description. (B) Job Specification.
Job Analysis …Contd. Description concerns itself with the content of the job: 1 Tasks; 2.Working Conditions; 3.Responsibilities; 4.Expected performance standard.
Job Analysis…Contd. Specification emphasises: • Education; • Experience; • Skills (Technical and Behavioural); • Knowledge (Technical and Behavioural); etc.
Methods of Job Analysis 1. Job element method It focuses on work behaviours and the results of these behaviour rather than more abstract characteristics.
Methods of Job Analysis 2. Checklists and rating scales Checklist is a job analysis method based on an inventory of job elements. You can ask questions about purpose of position; key responsibility areas; organisation; relationships; decision making; authority; skills, knowledge, experience; working conditions, etc.
Methods of Job Analysis 3. Competency profiling Competency profiling is the activity of determining the specific competencies that are characteristic of high performance and success in a given job. Contents of competency modeling include skills, knowledge, abilities, values, interests, personalities.
Methods of Job Analysis 4. Direct observation Direct Observation is a method to observe and record behaviour / events / activities / tasks / duties while something is happening. 5. Work methods analysis Work methods analysis is used to describe manual and repetitive production jobs, such as factory or assembly-line jobs. Work methods analysis includes time and motion study and micro-motion analysis.
Methods of Job Analysis 6. Critical incident technique Critical incident technique is a method used to identify work behaviours that result in good and poor performance. 7. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) PAQ model is a questionnaire technique. It is a structured instrument of job analysis to measure job characteristics and relate them to human characteristics. It consists of 195 job elements that describe generic human work behaviours.
Methods of Job Analysis 9. Work Profiling System WPS model is a questionnaire technique of job analysis and is a computer-administered system for job analysis. 10. Task Inventory A task inventory is a list of the discrete activities that make up a specific job in a specific organisation. .
Job Evaluation An attempt to determine and compare the demands which the normal performance of particular jobs makes on normal employees without taking account of the individual abilities or performance of the employees concerned. It is the process of analysis and assessment of jobs to ascertain reliably their relative worth. It involves giving / fixing / assigning a place / position in the job hierarchy. Job Rating – Conversion of the worth of a job to its money value.
Relationship Between the Terms Job Analysis Job Specification Job Description Job Evaluation Job Rating
Uses of Job Analysis Job analysis, through clearly defined and written job description and job specification provides a fuller understanding of the specific requirements of jobs and personal attributes needed and thus helps in taking job related personnel decisions.
Uses of Job Analysis…contd Some Uses of Job Analysis are: • Determining Organisational Structure. • Job Design (specification of content and methods of work by individuals and groups. Job design consists of three activities – specifying individual work tasks, specifying the method of performing the work tasks and combining work tasks into jobs for assignment to individuals i.e. Job Content).
Uses of Job Analysis …Contd. • Some Uses of Job Analysis …Contd. • Human Resource Planning • Employment (Recruitment & Selection) • Placement • Induction and Orientation • Appraisal (Performance & Potential) • Planning (Career & Succession) • Training and Development • Job Evaluation and Job Rating • Labour Relations and Labour Settlements
Uses of Job Analysis …Contd. • Some Uses of Job Analysis …Contd. • 11.Industrial Engineering (Engineering Design & Methods Improvement) • Safety Aspects • Counselling • In order to use it as a source of input for effective decision making, job analysis needs to be carried out periodically, particularly in view of the changing nature of jobs necessitated by advancement in technology and variations in manpower characteristics.
Job Description Job Description is the description or factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief, it should tell what is to be done, how it is to be done and why it is to be done.
Job Description …Contd. Job Description includes: • Job Title • Summary • Purpose • Responsible to: how closely controlled • Responsible for
Job Description …Contd. Job Description includes …Contd. • Duties • Effects of Errors • Other relationships / contacts • Physical conditions • Difficulties
Job Specification Job Specification spells out the attributes of a person in terms of education, training, experience, abilities, skills and aptitude required to perform a particular job.
Job Specification …Contd. • The format for Job Specification should include: • Position Title • Education / Training • Experience • Knowledge • Abilities
Job Specification …Contd. • The format for Job Specification should includes …Contd. • Skills • Aptitude • Desirable Attributes • Contra-indicators, if any
Job Rotation Definition • Job design techniquein which employees are moved between two or more jobsin a planned manner. • The objective is to expose the employees to different experiences and wider variety of skills to enhance job satisfaction and to cross-train them. .
Job Rotation …contd Uses of Job Rotation • It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business units, functions and countries. 2. Identification of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required. .
Job Rotation …contd Uses of Job Rotation….contd 3 It determines the areas where improvement is required. 4Assessment of the employees who have the potential and calibre for filling the position. .
Job enlargement Definition • Job design technique in which the number of tasks associated with a job is increased (and appropriate training provided) to add greater variety to activities, thus reducing monotony. • It is a horizontal restructuring method in that the job is enlarged by adding related tasks. Job enlargement may also result in greater workforce flexibility. .
Job enlargement …Contd. Uses of Job enlargement…contd 1. Reduction in the Level of Boredom: Job enlargement helps in reducing boredom and repetitiveness of the employee in the job. It provides possibility of increasing the number of tasks performed by the employee.
Job enlargement …Contd. • Uses of Job enlargement…contd • 2. Utilisation of Skills: Job enlargement helps in utilising the skills and abilities of employees in the job to the full extent. The feeling of proper utilisation of employee skills provides them with greater satisfaction and further motivates them.
Job enlargement …Contd. Uses of Job enlargement…contd 3. Quality and Efficiency: Job enlargement enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of employees as they are formally trained for the new added jobs..
Job enlargement …Contd. • Uses of Job enlargement…contd • 4. Feedback: Job enlargement comes out as an effective measure where an employee can get the feedback of his performance. It enables him to develop his career and also delivers positive motivation for the future.
Job enlargement …Contd. Uses of Job enlargement…contd 5. Job Enjoyment: Job enlargement provides satisfaction and so employees feel less fatigued and exhausted. The variety of tasks in the job makes employee happy and delighted.
Job enrichment Definition Job enrichment in organisational development, human resources management and organisationalbehaviour, is the process of improving work processes and environments so they are more satisfying for employees. Many jobs are monotonous and unrewarding. Workers can feel dissatisfied in their position due to a lack of a challenge, repetitive procedures or an over-controlled authority structure.
Job enrichment …contd Uses of Job enrichment 1. Increase in employees' level of motivation at work, both individual and in groups. 2. Reduced need for supervision, a reduced level of fatigue, absenteeism and labour turnover.
Job enrichment …contd Uses of Job enrichment…contd 3. Increase in the level of skill flexibility.
My grateful thanks to Professor N.R. Chatterjee Late Dr. P. Ghosh Ms. ShagunVyas Gupta Mr. Joseph Mani Ms. AnkitaBasu Roy Dr. A. Basu Roy Ms. IshaGosain Ms. HemaaVaswani Ms. Trisha Chaudhuri and many others from whom I have learnt immensely
My grateful thanks also To Professor Nina Jacob and all other faculty members and staff of Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad for providing the opportunity of interacting with you all.
And, most importantly, thanks to all of you for being such wonderful students !