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Thursday Aug. 29 th jeudi le 29 août. Tete a tete. French is a language of education & international relations! . France is the world’s #1 tourist destination (70 million visitors yearly)
Thursday Aug. 29th jeudi le 29 août Tete a tete
French is a language of education & international relations! France is the world’s #1 tourist destination (70 million visitors yearly) Knowing a little bit of French makes it so much more enjoyable to visit France & other French-speaking countries. • Jobs opportunities in: • the United Nations, • the European Union, • UNESCO, • NATO, • the International Olympic Committee, • the International Red Cross • Amnesty International • Interpol • Translating, diplomacy, teaching, hospitality & more!
Absent & Late work policies: 1. The student will be expected to make up all assignments missed for excused absences in the same number of days in which he/she was absent unless the teacher lengthens the schedule. 2. Make-up work not completed in the scheduled time will result in "0's" on those assignments. 3. Days missed by a student suspended out of school will be considered excused if the student satisfactorily completes missed assignments in the same number of days he was absent. 4. Every grade that is recorded for work that was due on the day(s) the student was suspended will be reduced by 10 percent. 5. If a student is truant or has cut class, the absence is unexcused, and the student will receive a "0" on any class assignments, tests, homework, and reports or projects due on that day(s). The six-weeks’ conduct grade will also be reduced to a "U" by each teacher whose class was missed due to truancy. A STUDENT WHO IS PRESENT AT SCHOOL ANY PART OF THE DAY (including before or after the regular school day), IS REQUIRED TO TURN IN ANY ASSIGNMENT DUE ON THAT DAY, OR IT WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE. JUST SLIDE IT UNDER MY DOOR, IF I DON’T ANSWER.
Grade Policy: 1. Test days are Tuesday and Fridays If the student is absent the day before a test and no new material was covered, he/she will need to be prepared to take the test on the day it was scheduled. Also, if the student is absent the day of a test, he/she will be expected to make it up the day he/she returns. The reason for this, is because all major assignments such as tests, oral grades & projects are announced in advance, often a week or more, so closing dates apply to all. This applies to projects and major oral grades as well. Major assignments will be accepted late up to 3 days (10 points deducted each day late). If a student is absent, the project, test or oral grade must be turned in or taken on the day the student returns from an excused absence, unless there is an extended absence. 2. Class work or homework assignments will follow KISD absent policy. Most homework is a completion grade, is due at the beginning of the next day’s class, and if late a day, is 50%. Class work is due in class, or if approved-at the very beginning of the next day should student need more time to finish for a 100. If it’s one day late, the grade is a 50%. 3. All makeup work that requires teacher assistance (ex. audio workbook), must be made up before or after school and by appointment, in the same number of days for which the student was absent. Failure to show for 2 appointments will result in a zero for that work. Tutorials are Tuesday mornings from 6:45-7:15 and by appointment only for special circumstances.
ALL DUE: • Supplies today for 110! • Signed syllabus-by Fri. for 100! (Tues=50%) • Sentences today for 50%, unless absent. • TONIGHT: YOU & PARENT sign GREEN BOOK FORM!!! • Tomorrow: BRING GREEN BOOK FORM! • Tuesday: Must bring supplies & textbook to class from this day on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F 3-1 1. Roll, name cards out, #’s, seating chart, “partenaires ” AUSSI: Signed syllabus in, Sentences for 50%, supplies for 110% 2. Practice phonics- appendix pg. R16-phonics www.classzone.com 3. Do Mini-skit: • A. Comment t’appelles-tu? B . Je m’appelle…(name) • A. Quel age as-tu? B. . J’ai ….ans (#) • A. D’oùviens-tu? B. Je suis de…(state/country) • A. Qu’est-cequetuaimes? B. J’aime…..(verb or thing) Practice both parts and then switch after skit is done! H/W: Avoir, Etre, Faire, Aller, Venir-write infinitive, meaning then conjugate in the present and past perfect tense, written out 3 times each on wide rule paper. HAVE BOOK FORM SIGNED!
F3-1 1. Être-_______ Je suis, Je suis, Je suis Tues, Tues, Tues etc. 2. Avoir- 3. Faire- 4. Aller- 5. Venir-
F 2 PreAP-2 1. Roll, name cards out, due for 50%-sentences, 110 for supplies, signed syllabus in. **Copy questions for warmup. 2. *Borrowed words “G”-copy the word, write part of speech, then definition due next Wed. 3. See videos-basic greetings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YdspkvIJPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssg_qVWv3oM&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL91BD69E471307CC2 4. See videos-Numbers & play game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKIvbVMDXCc 5. ***If time: Mini skit *** H/W:Supplies, signed syllabus, Borrowed words “G” next Wed. for 100, answer warmup questions tonight . HAVE BOOK FORM SIGNED!!!
**French 2 PreAP- warmup: • 1. Comment t'appelles-tu? 2. Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? 3. Quel âge as-tu? 4. Quelle est ta nationalité? 5. Où et avec qui habites-tu? 6. Quelle est la date de ta naissance/ Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Où es-tu né(e)?7. Quelle est ta cuisine préférée?8. Quels sont tes loisirs préférés/Tu aimes faire??? 9. Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? 10. As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? Copiez les questions!
*French 2 Pre-AP Borrowed words “G” 11. C’est la vie 12. Soupçon 13. Du jour 14. Escargots 15. Film noir 16. Exposé 17. Forté 18. Layette 19. Macramé 20. Mêlée 21. Motif 22. Noblesse oblige 23. chef d’oeuvre 24. Par Excellence 25. Passé • 1. Crudité • 2. Élan • 3. Force Majeure • 4. Gaffe • 5. Milieu • 6. Panache • 7. Roux • 8. Repartee (repartée) • 9. Cache • 10. Ruse
F 2 R-4,7 1. Roll, name cards out, supplies 110, sentences-50, signed syllabus in! 2. Videos (per. 4 got to “R” on sounds, 7th-Sounds done) Phonics & Alphabet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yksf6pVB0p4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWNWobUPAtM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_xw61hZrUc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhH51nv8k1Y 3. basic greetings: (4th & 7th-NOT done) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YdspkvIJPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssg_qVWv3oM&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL91BD69E471307CC2 4. Numbers: (4th & 7th-NOT done) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKIvbVMDXCc 5. If time: Mini skit*** H/W:Supplies, signed syllabus,
***F 2-ALL Mini-SKIT • 1. Je m’appelle…(name) • 2. J’ai ….ans (#) • 3. Je suis de…(state/country) • 4. Je suis ….(adjective or nationality) • 5. J’aime…..(verb or thing)
F 1-5,6 1. Roll, name cards out, sentences for 50% Supplies-110, signed syllabus in. NEW SEATS? 2. Yesterday’s notes were Greetings and #’s 0-10. Please find that paper and lay on your desk or open your notebook to let me see/stamp them. 3. TAKE NOTES: Colors , #’s 11-20 4. REVIEW: ABCs (L’alphabet): (5th-done) (6th-NOT done) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yksf6pVB0p4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHoL2ZLfLls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWNWobUPAtM 5. Les Salutations: “Bonjour” (5th almost done) (6th-NOT done) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhUUXZxglG4 6. Numbers: 0-10 (5th & 6th NOT done) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSsk1Rv9_Ng 7. See: 10-20 & colors*** H/W-Supplies tomorrow for 105, signed syllabus for 100 & TBA
COLORS Blue- bleu/bleue White-blanc/blanche Red- rouge Yellow- jaune Black- noir/noire Pink- rose Green- vert/verte Brown- marron or brun/brune Gray- gris/grise Purple- pourpre/or violet/violette Orange-orange Beige-beige F 1 NOTES 8/29/13 Numbers 11-20 11-onze 12-douze 13-treize 14-quatorze 15-quinze 16-seize 17-dix-sept 18-dix-huit 19-dix-neuf 20-vingt
un (unh) F 1 *** deux(deh) trois(trwa) quatre(catr) cinq (sank)
six (sease) sept (set) huit(weet) neuf(nef) dix (dease)
11 onze (onz) douze (dooz) treize(trehz) quatorze(katorz) 14 quinze(kans) 15
16 seize (sehz) 17 dix-sept(deeset) dix-huit(deesweet) 18 dix-neuf(deesnef) 19 vingt(van) 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsc3qLMaCu8&feature=fvwrel (number song) Pouvez-vouscompter jusqu’àvingt? (Can you count to 20?)
Les couleurs Rouge Gris/ Grise Jaune Vert/ verte Blanc/ blanche Violet/ violette & Pourpre Noir/ noire Brun/ brune & Marron Orange Bleu/ bleue Rose
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys
***F 1 Per. 5 & 6 NOTES-from Wed. 8/28 (yesterday) Numbers 0-10 0-Zéro 1-Un 2-Deux 3-Trois 4-Quatre 5-Cinq 6-Six 7-Sept 8-Huit 9-Neuf 10-Dix • Greetings • Hi/Bye-Salut • Hello/good day-Bonjour • Good evening-Bonsoir • Goodbye-Au revoir • See you soon-À bientôt