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Andy Evans Living god

/** * Starts the model going and builds an initial tribe. * * @author <A href ="http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.evans/">Andrew Evans</A> * @version 0.1 */ public class EarlyModernHumansBuilder extends DefaultContext implements ContextBuilder { private Context context ;

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Andy Evans Living god

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  1. /** * Starts the model going and builds an initial tribe. * * @author <A href="http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.evans/">Andrew Evans</A> * @version 0.1 */ public class EarlyModernHumansBuilder extends DefaultContext implements ContextBuilder { private Context context; private GridValueLayer geography; private Grid <Human> encounterGrid; private ContinuousSpace <Human> space; private Network <Human> tribalNetwork; private Parameters params; private double seaValue = 0.0; ** * Builds the spaces and an initial tribe. Each tribe has its own network, but shares continuous and grid space. */ Andy EvansLiving god

  2. Like rats /** * Represents a generic Human. * This could be <I>Homo sapiens sapiens</I>, <I>Homo neanderthalensis / Homo sapiens neanderthalensis</I>, or, infact, most other hominids. * @ToDo Might be better named Hominid.java. * * @author <A href="http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.evans/">Andrew Evans</A> * @version 0.1 */ public class Human {

  3. /** * Makes a new tribe taking in members and a leader. * The leader should be located in space and not present in the members ArrayList. * The leader will be added to the members and the members will be distributed * around the leader in space. * @param members * @param leader */ ublicvoid makeTribe(ArrayList<Human> members, Human leader) { members.add(leader); tribes.add(members); leader.setLeader(true); leaders.add(leader); // Move the tribe. Human tempHuman; NdPointtempPoint; for (int i = 1; i < members.size(); i++) { // Setup the Human. tempHuman= members.get(i); tempPoint= getLocationCentredOnTerritory(members, 0, getTerritoryRadius(members)); space.moveTo(tempHuman, tempPoint.getX(), tempPoint.getY()); encounterGrid.moveTo(tempHuman,(int)tempPoint.getX(), (int)tempPoint.getY()); tribeNetwork.addEdge(leader, tempHuman); } } Stroll along the Prom, Prom, Prom…

  4. /** * Constructor. * * @param context - the primary context. * @param builder - the primary contextbuilder. * @param space - the global continuous space. * @paramencounterGrid - the global grid space. * @paramtribeNetwork - the globally developed tribal network. * @paraminitialPopulationNumber - starting population. */ public Tribes (Context context, EarlyModernHumansBuilder builder, GridValueLayer geography, ContinuousSpace <Human> space, Grid <Human> encounterGrid, Network <Human> tribeNetwork ) { this.context = context; this.builder = builder; this.geography = geography; this.space = space; this.encounterGrid = encounterGrid; this.tribeNetwork = tribeNetwork; leaders = new ArrayList<Human>(); tribes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Human>>(); originX = geography.getDimensions().getOrigin(0); originY = geography.getDimensions().getOrigin(1); width = geography.getDimensions().getWidth() - 1; height = geography.getDimensions().getHeight() - 1; ageSpecificFertilityRates = generateDistribution("fertility"); ageSpecificDeathRates = generateDistribution("deaths"); respectDistribution = generateDistribution("respect"); leadershipDesireDistribution = generateDistribution("leadership"); } Tribe

  5. /** * Takes in an x value (age) and returns a y value (age specific fertility * rates). Distribution generated is based on a 5th order polynomial curve * from Fig.4. of: Hawkes, K. (2010) How grandmother effects plus individual * variation in frailty shape fertility and mortality: Guidance from * human–chimpanzee comparisons PNAS May 11, 2010 vol. 107 no. Supplement 2 * 8977-8984 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0914627107 * http://www.pnas.org/content/107/suppl.2/8977.figures-only * * @param x * @return y */ double fertilityFunction(double x) { // Code generated by http://www.arachnoid.com/polysolve/index.html if ((x >= 13) || (x <= 47.5)) { double answer = 1.424485017186e+00 + -3.633942763485e-01 * x + 3.224862325580e-02 * Math.pow(x, 2) + -1.229367715766e-03 * Math.pow(x, 3) + 2.140384615644e-05 * Math.pow(x, 4) + -1.410256410430e-07 * Math.pow(x, 5); if (answer < 0) answer = 0; return answer; } else { return 0; } } Shopping and…

  6. /** * Takes in an x value (age) and returns a y value (age specific death * rates). Distribution generated is based on a 5th order polynomial curve * from Fig.10. of: Gurven, M and Kaplan, H. (2007) Longevity among * hunter-gatherers: a cross-cultural examination. Population and * Development Review 33(2):321-365. * http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/faculty/gurven/papers/GurvenKaplan2007pdr.pdf * * @param x * @return y */ oubledeathsFunction(double x) { // Code generated by http://www.arachnoid.com/polysolve/index.html double answer = 1.120897832817e-01 + -1.728930697785e-02 * x + 8.870107962213e-04 * Math.pow(x, 2) + -1.794524489958e-05 * Math.pow(x, 3) + 1.359053742955e-07 * Math.pow(x, 4) + -1.516234023974e-10 * Math.pow(x, 5); if (answer < 0) answer = 0; return answer; } I have become DeathDestroyer of Worlds

  7. /** * Makes a new tribe taking in members and a leader. * The leader should be located in space and not present in the members ArrayList. * The leader will be added to the members and the members will be distributed * around the leader in space. * @param members * @param leader */ public void makeTribe(ArrayList<Human> members, Human leader) { members.add(leader); tribes.add(members); leader.setLeader(true); leaders.add(leader); // Set up the members in space. Human tempHuman; NdPointtempPoint; for (inti = 0; i < members.size() - 1; i++) { // NB last member is now leader. // Setup the Human. tempHuman = members.get(i); tempPoint = getLocationCentredOnTerritory(members, 0, getTerritoryRadius(members.size())); space.moveTo(tempHuman, tempPoint.getX(), tempPoint.getY()); encounterGrid.moveTo(tempHuman,(int)tempPoint.getX(), (int)tempPoint.getY()); tribeNetwork.addEdge(leader, tempHuman); } } Two Tribes

  8. private EarlyModernHumansBuilder builder; private Context context; private GridValueLayer geography; private Grid <Human> encounterGrid; private ContinuousSpace <Human> space; private Network <Human> tribeNetwork; private double originX; private double originY; private double width; private double height; private double[] ageSpecificFertilityRates; private double[] ageSpecificDeathRates; private int[] femaleAgeGroups; private int[] ageGroups; private intfertileAge = 13; private intinfertileAge = 48; private intageAllDieAt = 81; private intminimumLeaderAge = 20; private double f2mSexRatio = 0.47; // Based on sex ratio of 106M/100F private double territoryAreaConstant = 70.0; // See getTerritoryRadius(intpopulationSize) private double territoryAreaExponent = 0.70; // See getTerritoryRadius(intpopulationSize) private double seaValue = 0.0; private double pixelSize = 10.0; private intmaximumMembership = 100; private int traitors = 50; Parameterisation Max tribal size = 100 Random distribution around leader Traitors = 50 Fertile age = 13; Infertile age = 48; Age all die at = 81; Minimum leader age = 20;

  9. /** * Generates a person excluded to a space. * At the moment we don't exclude current leaders. * @param tribe * @return A Human set up in space. Not (yet) set as a leader. */ public Human excludeHuman(ArrayList<Human> tribe) { SimUtilities.shuffle(tribe,RandomHelper.getUniform()); Object[] members = tribe.toArray(); Human excludee = null; Human currentLeader = leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe)); // Find someone not a current leader. for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { excludee = (Human) members[i]; if ((excludee != currentLeader) && (excludee.getAge() >= minimumLeaderAge)) { if (Math.random() < leadershipDesireDistribution[excludee.getAge()]) { break; } } } // Exclude the Human and set them up in a space away from the tribe. tribe.remove(excludee); tribeNetwork.removeEdge(tribeNetwork.getEdge(currentLeader, excludee)); // Find new home. booleannewHomeFound = false; intminDistance = 2; intmaxDistance = 3; double maximumTribeRadius = getTerritoryRadius(maximumMembership); GridPointpt; NdPointnewHome; NdPointcurrentCenter = space.getLocation(leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe))); And crawling, on the planet's face

  10. /** * Generates a person excluded to a space. * At the moment we don't exclude current leaders. * @param tribe * @return A Human set up in space. Not (yet) set as a leader. */ public Human excludeHuman(ArrayList<Human> tribe) { SimUtilities.shuffle(tribe,RandomHelper.getUniform()); Object[] members = tribe.toArray(); Human excludee = null; Human currentLeader = leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe)); // Find someone not a current leader. for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { excludee = (Human) members[i]; if ((excludee != currentLeader) && (excludee.getAge() >= minimumLeaderAge)) { if (Math.random() < leadershipDesireDistribution[excludee.getAge()]) { break; } } } // Exclude the Human and set them up in a space away from the tribe. tribe.remove(excludee); tribeNetwork.removeEdge(tribeNetwork.getEdge(currentLeader, excludee)); // Find new home. booleannewHomeFound = false; intminDistance = 2; intmaxDistance = 3; double maximumTribeRadius = getTerritoryRadius(maximumMembership); GridPointpt; NdPointnewHome; NdPointcurrentCenter = space.getLocation(leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe))); some insects, called the human race.

  11. /** * Generates a person excluded to a space. * At the moment we don't exclude current leaders. * @param tribe * @return A Human set up in space. Not (yet) set as a leader. */ public Human excludeHuman(ArrayList<Human> tribe) { SimUtilities.shuffle(tribe,RandomHelper.getUniform()); Object[] members = tribe.toArray(); Human excludee = null; Human currentLeader = leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe)); // Find someone not a current leader. for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { excludee = (Human) members[i]; if ((excludee != currentLeader) && (excludee.getAge() >= minimumLeaderAge)) { if (Math.random() < leadershipDesireDistribution[excludee.getAge()]) { break; } } } // Exclude the Human and set them up in a space away from the tribe. tribe.remove(excludee); tribeNetwork.removeEdge(tribeNetwork.getEdge(currentLeader, excludee)); // Find new home. booleannewHomeFound = false; intminDistance = 2; intmaxDistance = 3; double maximumTribeRadius = getTerritoryRadius(maximumMembership); GridPointpt; NdPointnewHome; NdPointcurrentCenter = space.getLocation(leaders.get(tribes.indexOf(tribe))); Lost in time, and lost in space...

  12. public void printDemographics () { double numberOfBirths = 0; for (int age = fertileAge; age < infertileAge; age++) { numberOfBirths= numberOfBirths + ageSpecificFertilityRates[age] * femaleAgeGroups[age]; } System.out.println("Births = " + numberOfBirths); // Calculate the number of deaths in each age group. double[] numberOfDeaths = new double[ageAllDieAt + 1]; for (int age = 0; age < ageAllDieAt; age++) { numberOfDeaths[age] = ageSpecificDeathRates[age] * ageGroups[age]; } // Kill off everyone in the last age group. numberOfDeaths[ageAllDieAt] = ageGroups[ageAllDieAt]; for (int i = 0; i < ageGroups.length; i++) { System.out.println(" Age : " + i + " All : " + ageGroups[i] + " Female : " + femaleAgeGroups[i] + " Deaths : " + numberOfDeaths[i]) } } Bad god Spreading fast if people But tribes die out below max size

  13. Et alia // Note that we keep a tribe-level reference the leader for // convenience, so we don't have to loop through whole tribe to find them, // but also keep a record of whether they are leaders inside each Human // so we can display them differently (see HumanStyle.java). ArrayList<Human> tribe = new ArrayList<Human>(); tribes.add(tribe); The ontological status of predictions as private information

  14. Ship of Fool /** * Initialises the Human. Note that the spaces do not include tribal spaces, which are coped with * through the Tribe subcontext. Nevertheless, we record whether the Human * is a leader to allow HumanStyle to distinguish leaders. * @param space * @paramencounterGrid */public Human (GridValueLayer geography, ContinuousSpace <Human> space, Grid <Human> encounterGrid) { this.geography= geography; this.space= space; this.encounterGrid= encounterGrid; } www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.evans/ /** * Represents a generic Human. * This could be <I>Homo sapiens sapiens</I>, <I>Homo neanderthalensis / Homo sapiens neanderthalensis</I>, or, infact, most other hominids. * @ToDo Might be better named Hominid.java. * * @author <A href="http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.evans/">Andrew Evans</A> * @version 0.1 */

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