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Business PLAN The Business Plan is a necesity. Introduction. The business plan is a concise and comprehensive summary of the business.
Introduction • The business plan is a concise and comprehensive summary of the business. • The business plan is the image of your business, your goals and how they can be achieved. The structure of a business plan will vary depending on the nature of the business. • The business plan is a written document that provides an overview of the company, its future and financial position. • The business plan of the company explaining the situation, plan the future action plan, how much it will cost and who will be the associated revenues. • A business plan contains a description of your company (products/services), target market, marketing plan and sales strategy, a review of financial documents and the management team. The business plan is a working tool used to start and run a business that requires material resources, human and financial.
ROLE • The business plan is used by start-up companies to trace the route of the existing companies to fulfill its objectives successfully. • Often the business plan is associated with the start up of a business or the filing date of the application in order to obtain funding. • Although they are the most common uses of the business plan, it can be a valuable element for the effective operation of the business as all businesses need plans to optimize the development process. • The role of a business plan is to guide the Contractor since the first year of operation of the business. • The role of the business plan is and to demonstrate that the business is financed.
REMEMBER • The business plan is not a form to be filled out at the request of an officer, an element that must be achieved for the bureaucracy to get a certain amount from a financier. • The business plan is the very essence of your business and it objectives of the entrepreneur on paper, thus requiring maximum attention and seriousness. The Business plan is a way of recognizing a failure, entrepreneurship, business promoted the idea. (after C. Bişa) Any business plan assumes a certain sequence of operations in 3 steps: • 1. Gathering the necessary information: prices, competitors, suppliers, technical data, legal, etc. • 2. Effective planning of that activity – choosing the right strategy and finding ways to achieve the objectives set. • 3. Drafting the plan – the choice of the optimal shape of the recipient of the presenting stage. (Joel Bessis)
A Fixing Objectives Where you want to get? Return of Invetsment Products / Market Productivity Expansion / Consolidation etc E Determining wchich Strategy is the best way to get A from B considering C and D Strategy Human Resources Responsability for implementation and motivations D SWOT Strong Weak Oportunities Threats C Environmental economic analysis of evolution Market request Clients Competitors Techologies existent Labor force Other influences DRAWING UP BUSINESS PLAN The ImplementationGraphical RepresentationAfter C. Bisa B Situation Diagnosys Where are you? Products / Market Production Rosources: Human,Materials, Financial Organization Rezults
Business PlanFunction • The development and crystallization of ideas about how you should run your business • The evaluation of new business ideas • The function of a retrospective evaluation of the performance of a business over the years • The function of funding
RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION CausesdeviationDirections from Aplitude plan CRYSTALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS Purposes Objectes Actions Risc BUSINESS PLAN Geting Founds Creditation Invetment Grants PROSPECTIVE EVALUATION Analize Evaluate business Compare projects Clasify BUSINESS PLAN FUNCTIONSGRAPHICAL REPRESENTATIONAfter C. Bişa
Shortly… Business Plan is: • management instrument • presentation and sales document • development and planning document • recruitment plan. A good business plan should: • describe the business concepts • describe how the company will function • describe what activities will take place and what results • describe what the goals are and how they will be achieved.
A business plan is a tool that can be used as: • A plan of action – can help "setting in motion". A business plan helps to make each phase of the process and to analyze them separately in order to understand the importance of individual and overall. In this way a big problem becomes a series of small problems that once resolved will automatically lead to solving the problem. A well thought-out business plan can help you begin the work, and what initially seems an impossible project, it will unfurl in a few small projects, less intimidating. • A map for the route of the company – if your business was begun, a Business Plan can be considered an extremely valuable tool to keep you on the right road, in the desired direction. A business plan can help them and others to understand the vision: suppliers, clients, employees, and partners. • A tool for sale – the most important role of a business plan. In the case of external funding, the business plan is the tool you need to convince founders that you grant support is sought. A business plan well drafted will convince the founder benefits implementation or development of your business.
A document showing that the information and figures are needed in decision making A starting point for starting up a business or a project BUSINESS PLAN IS: An initial outline of the evaluation of the company is adjusted in order to achieve the objectives A zone of operations necessary for coordinating all the activities A tool for negotiations with suppliers A tool attracting, informing and motivating employees Curriculum vitae of the Company, vital in relations with donors BUSINESS PLAN FUNCTIONSAfter C. Bisa
A Business Plan is important to: • Get a funding – a detailed and realistic plan has a better chance of getting funding. • Partners – customers: big companies are interested in the survival skills of small firms. A good business plan provides an important partner that the company has a thorough knowledge and strength to survive and grow over the long term. • To attract Senior managers: If the company wants to attract a manager with extraordinary qualities, a business plan will make the company more attractive and seemed organized, active, geared towards its targets.
BUSINESS PLAN PRESENTATION A business plan is seen mostly as a tool for raising capital, but it is also a product that requires an image to be able to be sold. In order to be promoted, the business plan must be reviewed from the perspective of the marketing mix. Marketing Mix of business plan consists of: • Product – the business plan itself • Price – time that potential investors will be willing to devote to reading and analyzing your plan • Distribution policy-how to present the business plan to the recipient • Communication policy – how to support the presentation and business plan.
Who should write your business plan? YOU!!! The business plan should be a picture of the goals and vision of the business Entrepreneur. You can discuss with a person with experience in writing business plans, to make sure that you have covered all the important sections
How long should be your business plan? • The length of the business plan depends on the type and its objective. In general, a Business Plan should be 20-40 pages of text, drafted in a classical manner, with airy schematics, diagrams, and tables and financial details in appendices. • Experts are of the opinion that a business plan must have a maximum of 50 pages including annexes. The best criterion for assessing the business plan is the ability to read and digest. • A good business plan should leave the recipient a clear idea about its content after only 15 minutes.
REMEMBER!!! • Don't ever shorten a business plan through renunciation to useful charts!!! • The information must be clear and understandable! Use charts and diagrams to illustrate the figures! • Will be easier to remember! • Use photos and drawings to these location/products, but not abuse! Depending on the magnitude of the work, the degree of complexity of the business-plan approach can have different sizes! There are 3 types of business plans: • summary plan • complete plan • detailed plan
What looks a business plan? Any business plan is unique. Every business plan should have a structure of seven components: • 1.The letter of intent Through this letter is presented to the recipient scope and title of the business plan, business name and describes the main points of interest. • 2.Cover The cover mentions the company name and coordinates, the date on which the business plan. • 3. Front Page The front page will contain: - project name • date business plan • the name and address of the firm • name and telephone number of the contact person-a short paragraph for a description of the company and of the business • the amount needed a paragraph about the confidentiality of the data available within the business plan
4. Summarybusiness plan WILL BE DRAWN the LAST! Although it is first read by investors! Includes a number of 2-3 pages in which it will focus on the most significant points of the business plan. Summary of the business plan will need to provide the following information: • to provide a clear, concise and relevant business • to highlight the unique advantages in achieving success • demonstrating why business won't work-concept to demonstrate simple and clear management objectives • to include strong sentences in other chapters of the plan • to be written in a positive tone and confident • to be concise so they can be read in less than 5 minutes • can be seen as a mini plan business within the business plan framework. Summary of the business plan can be completed with a personal touch, with a message from management, personal assessment of your business.
Business PlanSummary Structure • Company history and current activity • Concept and business opportunity • Description of product/service • The market • Management Team • Financial Requirements and benefits • Other information
Capture the interest: • products will be promoted through a novel approach • your market study shows an increase in demand for this type of service/product • will meet a unique market niche that has not been addressed so far.
MISTAKES TO AVOID! • Failure to demonstrate clearly what your proposal relates. • Summary - too long and too bushy, without conclusions • Summary too comprehensive • Failure to demonstrate special, UNIQUE opportunity • Failure in shaping the investment parameters • Failure in generating enthusiasm in the reader • Failure to identify what will be achieved and how management will make a presentation of general application, • Enable the use of a language • Unorganized, difficult
5. Table of contents • Table of contents provides a well-structured examiner that will not waste time searching for the information you are interested in. • We recommend placing the Contents after the synthesis of the plan. • The table of contents should present the major chapters of the business plan and can be divided into subsections. • It must be borne in mind by indicating page number for every chapter and subchapter. • The table of contents needs to be filled once the business plan is completed. • Table of contents pages should be numbered, organized, clear, correct.
MISTAKES TO AVOID! • Chapters and/or subchapters important missing • Layout does not match the contents of the plan • The table of contents is on two pages • The table of contents is detailed and bushy • The text is not evenly aligned and show care for • Look as if I would be interested in his looks and design.
6. Content • Content is the longest business plan component and represents details about all aspects of the business. • The contents of the business plan include the following sections: • Business Description • Marketing Plan • Operational Plan • Management and Business Organization • Financial Plan
7. Annexes • Annexes contain materials that support the contents of the business plan. • At the end of the business plan, you can attach the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, cash-flow, photos or descriptions of your product/service, customer lists, vendor lists, CVs of members of the management team, technical data etc.
Bibliography: Cristian Bişa – "Development of Feasibility Studies and Business Plans". THANK YOU!!! SUCCES!!!