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Dr. Simon Guentner Senior Policy Officer Social Affairs EUROCITIES

The role of cities in promoting Active Inclusion. Dr. Simon Guentner Senior Policy Officer Social Affairs EUROCITIES. EUROCITIES. the network of major European cities founded in 1986 134 large cities in over 30 European countries

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Dr. Simon Guentner Senior Policy Officer Social Affairs EUROCITIES

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The role of cities in promoting Active Inclusion Dr. Simon Guentner Senior Policy Officer Social Affairs EUROCITIES

  2. EUROCITIES • the network of major European cities • founded in 1986 • 134 large cities in over 30 European countries • Platform to share knowledge and ideas and develop innovative solutions • Dialogue with the European Institutions • 6 thematic Forums, 37 Working Groups, projects, activities and events • “Inclusive Cities for Europe” programme to improve the involvement of cities in the EU Social Inclusion process

  3. EUROCITIES NLAO • decentralised & comparative research on local active inclusion policies • Financial support through PROGRESS • Duration: March 2009 – August 2010

  4. Active Inclusion and Social Services – the policy context European Social Agenda/ Active Inclusion Rescaling of resources and authority Welfare Mix Organisational change Normative frames Regulative frames ? Governance Quality European Internal Market/ Competition

  5. EUROCITIES NLAO – the approach NRS 1: Empl/Training NRS 2: Social Housing

  6. Distribution of responsibilities in social service provision1Funding, commissioning/allocation and actors The role of cities in providing social services work in progress!

  7. Current challenges (selection) • Socio-demographic trends: ageing, diversity • Local consequences of national welfare reforms • Local implementation and impact of EU competition law • Coordination across sectors (education, employment, health and social care) • people-based and place-based logics of provision

  8. Next steps May-June 2009: National Kick-off April-Oct 2009: National Research – Housing Oct 2009: EU Review Workshop Sept–March: National Research – EmploymentJuly 2010: Final EU Workshop

  9. further information...

  10. Thank you for your attention! simon.guentner@eurocities.eu

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