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E. f. h. QCD Triggers in V13+Beyond. Andrew Brandt, U. Texas at Arlington. Trigger Workshop October 31, 2003 Fermilab. QCD Trigger Effort. QCD triggers have been very stable: Significant early effort by John Krane and Greg Davis Triggers work well, have excellent rejection
E f h QCD Triggers in V13+Beyond Andrew Brandt, U. Texas at Arlington Trigger Workshop October 31, 2003 Fermilab
QCD Trigger Effort • QCD triggers have been very stable: • Significant early effort by John Krane and Greg Davis • Triggers work well, have excellent rejection • Not too many tools for jets (PT and?) • Very little manpower • Recent effort has been limited to Pavel Demine looking at trigger • efficiencies of each trigger version, no trigger development (NEW RESULTS) • Now have Notre Dame student Hong Luo (with Don Lincoln) studying jet • triggers, working on improving triggers (NEW RESULTS) • Big effort underway to develop FPD trigger capability • Carlos Avila and Daniel Mendoza developed special run trigger capability • Manchester group working on FPD_LM system: Brian Cox (Prof), James Monk (GS), Scott Kolya (Eng), Dave Mercer (Eng) • DFE +Trigger Manager: Mario Vaz, Daniel Mendoza, Renata Rodriguez (UERJ GS), AB
QCD Thesis Students Student | Institute | Advisor | Subject |Year ================================================================================ Alexander Kupco | Prag | J. Chyla | Dijet mass |DONE ================================================================================ Greg Davis | Rochester | T. Ferbel | Inclusive jet |2003 ================================================================================ Jean-Laurent Agram | Strasbourg | Charles/Royon| Inclusive jet |2005 ================================================================================ Eugene Galyaev | Notre Dame | Neal Cason | b dijet mass |2006 ? Hong Luo | | Don Lincoln | b inclusive pT | ================================================================================ Jorge Molina | Rio | A. Santoro | Elastic dN/dT |DONE TODAY ================================================================================ Mike Strang | UT Arlington | A.Brandt | Diff. jets |2004 ================================================================================ Petr Homola | Prag | V. Simak | Diffractive jets |2005 ? ================================================================================ Tamsin Edwards | Manchester | B.Cox | Diff. jets/Z (gaps)|2005 ================================================================================ James Monk | Manchester | B. Cox | double pomeron |2006 ? ================================================================================ Luis Miguel Mendoza | Bogota | C. Avila | diffractive W, Z |2007 ================================================================================ Renata Rodrigues | Rio | A. Santoro | double pomeron |2007 ? ================================================================================ Anna Carolina de | Rio | A. Santoro | Diffractive heavy |2007 ? Jesus | | | flavor ================================================================================ Helene Malbouisson | Rio | A. Santoro | diff. Structure |2007 ? ================================================================================ QCD Jets QCD B Diffraction
Comments on QCD Physics QCD does *NOT* equal prescale! Inclusive jet and dijet mass are discovery channels: Highest PTand highest mass events should not be prescaled. Highest PTdiffractive and double pomeron events should also not be prescaled. Looking for rare exclusive double pomeron events in dijet channel and C toJ/, requires maximum statistics.
Prescaled Jet Triggers JT_8TT CJT(1,5) L3(1,8) e80-l30-m10 JT_15TT CJT(2,3) L3(1,15) e80-n30-m20 JT_25TT_NG CJT(2,5) L3(1,25) e80-l60-n30-m20 JT_45TT CJT(2,5) L3(1,45) e80-l60-n30-m20 JT_65TT CJT(3,5) L2(1,20) L3(1,65) l80-n60-m30 3CJT5 CJT(3,5) q 4CJT5 CJT(4,5) q q=0.1 Hz e=0.1 l=0.25 n=0.5 m=1.0 These triggers are used for inclusive jet cross section, dijet mass, and diffractive jet physics; we need to establish that we will have sufficient statistics with a higher lum profile.
JT_95TT+JT_125TT Both currently unprescaled at all lums, if rate on JT_95TT becomes a problem, can go to JT_125TT at highest lums. JT_95TT: CJT(4,5) L2JET(1,30) L3JET(1,95) 40E30: L1=52 Hz L2= 39 Hz L3=0.52 (unique fraction 0.27 for 179614 40E30 prescale set, likely unique fraction will decrease with luminosity, so prescaling will give marginal savings) JT_125TT: CJT(4,7) L3JET(1,125) 40E30 L1=11Hz L2= 11 Hz L3=0.12 Expect scaling with luminosity ->0.24 Hz at 80E30 If V13 were today we could change JT_125TT to same L1, L2 as JT_95TT. Should consider 95 ->105 (L3 rate went up by x2 from non-linear corrections) Raise L2 Threshold? Use CJT(3,5)?
New TrigSim Results • WARNING! Really new results (courtesy of Hong+Don) <24 hours old, QCD group won’t see until Monday • GOALS: Investigate L2 thresholds, develop tools to enable trigger development, especially for high dijet invariant mass trigger (L2 +L3 , mass cuts) • Hong incorporated TrigSim into Ariel’s d0root package • Needs p15.06.00 to get RECO & TrigSim into TMBTrees • Available information • L1CalEMTwr, L1CalTwr, L2EM, L2Jet, L2Muon, L3ToolResults • Analyzed two trigger list versions • Data from Pavel’s DST files [RECO r13.06.01] • v9.31 80,000 events • v11.02/03 54,000 events • RECO Jets not JES corrected (Don thinks) • Standard jet quality cuts • DR(L2 Jet, RECO Jet) < 0.75
JT_65 L2 Pt Before+After Cuts Looks like 20 GeV is a bit conservative V11 much worse than V9 but possibly no bad run cuts
JT_95 L2 Pt Before+After Cuts Looks like 30 GeV is a bit conservative
Compare V9+V11 Some gains by raising L2 threshold, need to be quantified+V12
New Efficiency Method • Previously used ratio of jet triggers—only gives relative efficiency, problematic at low end • Pavel Demine’s new method uses muon triggers with no calorimeter requirements, use as cross check on 100% efficiency thresholds • Efficiency for jet trigger= muon*jet trigger/muon vs PT • Moriond data with p13.05.00 and p13.06.01 • Standard jet quality cuts
Gap+Jet Triggers JT_15TT_GAPN or S CJT(2,3)+GAP L3(1,15) Prescaled, currently .3-.4 Hz each L<40E30; <.1Hz at 40 E30 e80-l40-n30? JT_15TT_GAPSN CJT(2,3)+GAPS L3(1,15) Currently unprescaled 0.6 Hz at 40E30 expect a prescale at higher luminosity unless can improve trigger (or natural prescale from double gap takes hold) JT_45TT_GAPN or S CJT(2,5)+GAP L3(1,45) Currently prescaled by 2 at 40E30 .08 Hz each would like to keep unprescaled at least to 60E30 (like highest inclusive ET trigger). Also will have natural SI prescale (note s80-u60 in prescale file!) JT_45TT_GAPSN CJT(2,5)+GAPS L3(1,45) Unprescaled at all luminosity 0.03 at 40E30 *Also have 3 zero-bias+gap triggers These triggers are used for single diffractive and double pomeron jet physics (Gaps and FPD)
J/ +Gaps J/ +Gap 2MT1_2TRK_GAPN = 2MT1_C_2L2L_2TRK + ALMNorth[v] 2MT1_2TRK_GAPS = 2MT1_C_2L2L_2TRK + ALMSouth[v] Currently prescale of 4 at 30E30, 200 at 40E30, Unprescaled rate: .25 Hz @20E30 .5 Hz@40E30 e80-l60-n40 would be good Could be unprescaled at all lum, when low PT track match works J/ +Gaps 2MT1_2TRK_GAPSN = 2MT1_C_2L2L_2TRK + ALMSouth[v]ALMNorth[v} <.01 Hz at 20E30 <.04 at 80E30 should be unprescaled at all luminosity These triggers are being used to search for exclusive J/ and C , a key step towards validating diffractive Higgs models
FPD Triggers • Expect to have all 18 FPD detectors, and trigger scintillators in readout at end of shutdown.(!) • Currently can only trigger using special runs (NIM to generate AND/OR terms). • Need LM vertex board (<6 months, according to Brendan) combined with Trigger Manager (commissioning starting in next few weeks) for scintillator based triggers. • Could have DFE-based triggers through TM earlier • Will need some resources, bandwidth, exposure groups, trigger bits • Proposed strategery: add high rate monitor and calibration triggers (elastic, inclusive diffractive) in separate global run not to be recoed. • Use TM to define a gap exposure group (currently have 3) and an FPD exposure group. A few global run triggers for double pomeron, J/, and dijets. Other diffractive physics symbiotically.
Workshop Goals QCD bandwidth is already very limited, few Hz at low lum, <2 Hz at intermediate lums (40E30). We were already gutted by meisters due to V12 list failures. (Rate to tape is only issue, since the QCD triggers have excellent rejection). 20% of nothing is nothing, can’t save the experiment by cutting QCD. We will have new physics capability after shutdown. Modest expansion in bandwidth needed—some of it off the farm books. Tools in development or under investigation: L1 FPD, L2 and L3 +mass cuts, L2 Gap Tool, L3 SI tool L3 Vertex, Timescale couple/few months (longer than mid-Nov) Large tiles?
QCD Conclusions • More activity in QCD triggers than ever before • New promising studies on L2 and efficiencies • Will have new L2 thresholds for V13 • Working on FPD triggers and new tools • Need follow-up on exposure group discussion • Everyone else should cut hard so we can get a few bandwidth scraps!