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Bellwork. Discuss with your neighbors what reformation means and what was being reformed?. Reformation Problems. Notes!. Legacy!. Luther’s Reformation. English Reformation. Reformation. Corruption in the Catholic Church Upset who? European Monarchs/Kings Citizens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bellwork Discuss with your neighbors what reformation means and what was being reformed?

  2. Reformation Problems

  3. Notes! Legacy! Luther’s Reformation English Reformation

  4. Reformation • Corruption in the Catholic Church • Upset who? • European Monarchs/Kings • Citizens • What was the Catholic Church doing? • Selling Indulgences • Time for a Change!!

  5. Martin Luther

  6. Luther’s 95 Theses! • October 31, 1517 • 95 Theses posted • Written in relation to Luther’s feelings about the church especially • Indulgences • People should ask for forgiveness not purchase it! • Protestant Reformation had begun!

  7. Response to Luther! • Pope viewed him as a heretic or a threat and had him excommunicated. • Peasants War • Peasants begin using Luther’s ideas as the basis of their fighting. • Luther believed injustices were be done to Peasants! • Luther does not support the war! • German Princes supported Luther, they came to be known as protestants

  8. Luther’s Teaching People could only achieve salvation by doing good deeds and by being forgiven by god All people of faith were equal!

  9. Luther’s Impact!-Write this! • Luther writes the 95 Theses and challenges the corruption of the Catholic Church. • Translates the bible into the Vernacular • Teaches his followers that they can be saved by being good people. • Others begin their own doctrines: • Calvinists • Presbyterians • Lutherans

  10. King Henry!

  11. Background on Henry! • Reigns from 1509-1547 • During this time period: • Credited with starting the English Reformation • More of a political affair than a theological or Religious

  12. Henry wants a son! • First wife: • Catherine of Aragon gives Henry a daughter Mary • Henry wants a son and wants an annulment of his marriage. • Pope denies it, so Henry banishes his Wife • Marries Anne Boleyn (Second Wife) • In Secret • Bores him a daughter, has her beheaded • Third Wife (Jane Seymore) • Church of England begins 1534 after he is excommunicated. • Edward VI born, Seymore dies • Three more wives before Henry dies

  13. Henry’s Impact-WRITE THIS • Breaks away from the Catholic Church • Establishes himself as not only the King of England, but also Head of the Church of England. • His children create problems for England politically and religiously before Elizabeth I takes control.

  14. Legacy of Reformation-WRITE THIS New denominationsof Christianity Catholic Church power declined Monarchs gained MUCH MORE power and expanded territory…

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