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Supply Lists for K-5 2014-2015 School Year. WILDERNESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. First day of school is Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Kindergarten 1 large box of tissues Book Bag – large + 1 Bath towel (NO mats) 2 composition books (sewn not spiral)
Supply Lists for K-5 2014-2015 School Year WILDERNESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL First day of school is Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Kindergarten 1 large box of tissues Book Bag – large + 1 Bath towel (NO mats) 2 composition books (sewn not spiral) Ziploc bags – one box of each size (quart and gallon size) 1 large container of baby wipes 2 containers of playdough Crayola crayons – 24 pack 1 package dry erase markers 1 pair childs Fiskar scissors Headphones-straight jack not L-shaped + (NO ear buds) Clipboard – flat with simple clip + 1 pencil box - 8 x 5 inches only + *6 large glue sticks – white 2 (4 oz) bottles white school glue 1 large bar eraser + Change of clothes in plastic bag + Optional: 1 box magic markers + Labeled with child’s name Second Grade 1 pencil box - 8 x 5 inches only 6 marble composition books *2 large boxes of tissues 1 box quart or gallon Ziploc bags Large glue stick for Art class *1 box crayons – 24 pack 1 pair Fiskar scissors 2 decorative folders (for privacy) 2 pocket folders w/fasteners(1blue & 1 red) no names on folders please 20 - #2 pencils *4 Expo dry erase markers – black Headphones - straight jack not L-shaped (labeled in ziplock baggie) Clipboard – flat with simple clip *12 glue sticks Optional: 1 ream of printer paper 1 pkg ruled notebook paper Clorox wipes Baby wipes Fourth Grade *15 glue sticks 2 large boxes of tissues 1 pks wide ruled notebook paper 2 pocket folders w/ fasteners *2 boxes of 24 wooden #2 pencils 1 pack 3X5 index cards Pencil top erasers Scissors 1 pkg colored pencils (no crayons) 1 pkg (4-6) dry erase markers 1 black sharpie 7 composition books (sewn not spiral) 1 zippered pencil pouch - NO BOXES Clipboard A-S quart size baggies T-Z gallon size baggies NO TRAPPER KEEPERS Please do not label any items. Optional: hand pencil sharpener Fifth Grade 1 durable three-ring binder with zipper (2 inches thick) 1 5-subject spiral notebook – with minimum of 120 pages) 2 3-subject notebooks 2 sets of subject dividers 4 plastic 3-prong folders (1-red; 1-blue; 1-yellow; 1-green) 1 pack 3X5 index cards 4 composition books - with sewn binder, not spiral Markers and/or crayons *Pencils - 24 wooden 12 glue sticks 2 highlighters – two colors 2 black Sharpie markers 2 pkgs dry erase markers minimum of 4 2 boxes of tissues 1 Ziploc box gallon baggies 4 packages notebook paper - wide ruled 1 pencil bag with zipper Third Grade 4 plastic pocket folders with fasteners (1 each red, blue, yellow, green) 4 composition books - with sewn binder, not spiral 2 pkgs wide ruled notebook paper 3 boxes - #2 pencils 1 box 24-count crayons 1 pkg black dry erase markers 1 pair Fiskar scissors Clipboard - flat with clip 1 pencil box - 8 x 5 inches 1 large box of tissues 1 box baby wipes *6 glue sticks-will need to be replaced Optional: Printer paper, index cards Ziploc bags-(select one) quart, gallon, sandwich or snack, extra glue sticks Playground equipment-outdoor games, balls, jump ropes First Grade 1 pencil box - 8 x 5 inches only 4 bar erasers *1 box #2 pencils - not personalized 1 box crayons – 24 pack * 1 pair Fiskar scissors (blunt tip) 2 primary journal composition books 3 regular composition books - with sewn binder, not spiral 1 large box of tissues * 1 box of baby wipes 2 pocket folders without fasteners 2 bottles white glue (8-oz Glue All) * 2 packages glue sticks Ziploc bags-1 box @ sandwich & gallon Headphones - straight jack not L-shaped 2 dry erase markers NO MAGIC MARKERS OR PENCIL SHARPENERS, PLEASE! OPTIONAL: playdough, clipboard, highlighters Items that can be reused from previous year: pencil box, clipboard, headphones, ruler, scissors, backpack • *NOTE:These items may need to be replenished throughout the year. • ALL students will be engaged in Art and Physical Education classes. Students will need gym shoes for P.E.