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opening. When I say “teaching Torah,” I don’t just mean text; I mean teaching history, sociology, political science, the study of who the Jews are in interaction with the other civilizations of the world, as well as the text they have written. —Arnold Eisen.
When I say “teaching Torah,” I don’t just mean text; I mean teaching history, sociology, political science, the study of who the Jews are in interaction with the other civilizations of the world, as well as the text they have written.—Arnold Eisen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A N C E L L O R ’S M I N Y A N S U P P O R T I salute JTS Board Chair Abby Joseph Cohen, JTS Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen, the entire Board of Trustees, and members of the administration.With their “new energy,” we all can anticipate important progress going forward.From strength to strength,Gershon Kekst
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T “A righteous man is the foundation of the world.” Thank you for the foundation on which we can build the future.Abby Joseph Cohen and David M. Cohen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T Gershon,we salute you for your leadership, your vision, and your commitment to JTS.You have been our mentor and role model.The JTS Board of Trustees
We must teach and demonstrate community; we must teach and hold to Torah. This is of course a tall order. We have no choice but to meet it.—Arnold Eisen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T To GershonThe blessing to the patriarch is contradictory. A childless old man is promised that his progeny will be as numerous as the grains of sand at the shore and as many as the stars in the sky.“There are far more grains of sand than there are stars,” the Sages note.The reason for the disparity is important.“Some people are like grains of sand on the shore, indistinguishable one from the other; washed away by the tide. Others are beacons of light illuminating the heavens. They are guiding stars to the wanderers.”Undoubtedly our Sages, Chazal, had Gershon in mind when they offered this interpretation of the blessing to the patriarch Abraham. This shining light has been a beacon to many. They heed his advice and navigate by wise luminescent counsel. Gershon’s influence on his friends, on society, and on JTS will be long lasting.How fortunate I have been in my personal life to have had such a warm, nurturing guiding star.Rabbi Malcolm Thomson (JTS ’64)
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T Gershon,All our love and admiration for your many contributions to JTS and all your accomplishments on the bigger stage of life.Jerry Rosenfeld and Judith Zarin
Gershon, thank you for 18 years of leadership as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and for your support of Jewish learning and community.From the Faculty, Students, and Staff of JTS T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T We are pleased to join in honoringa truly extraordinary leader,Gershon Kekst.Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T The Wexner FoundationCongratulations to our dear friendGershon Kekst.With our respect, admiration,and love,Leslie and Abigail Wexner
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T We join The Jewish Theological Seminaryin honoring Gershon Kekstas the recipient of the 2009 Louis Marshall Award.
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T Congratulations to our good friendGershon Kekst.Irene and Bernard Schwartz
Jews are not meant to be a people off to the side, talking to God and one another; they are meant to be out in the world, doing good things for the world, making sure that Blessing comes to be pervasive in this world.—Arnold Eisen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T Levine
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T Dear Gershon,Congratulations to a first class Chairman Emeritus.Your commitment to the Jewish people, your love of JTS, and your tremendous leadership have strengthened the ideals of what JTS stands for and have opened the door for the next generation of Board of Trustee leadership.May you continue to make a difference in all your future pursuits, as well as here at JTS.May you go from strength to strength.Diane and Howard Wohl
JTS is part of a much larger picture. It’s a picture of the Jewish people and Jewish past, Jewish tradition, Jewish faith. It’s an institution that’s in service to something larger than itself.—Arnold Eisen
CONGRATULATIONS David and Carol Feinberg T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I R M A N ’ S C I R C L E S U P P O R T
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C H A I S O C I E T Y A N D S E M I N A R Y S O C I E T Y S U P P O R T In honor of Gershon Kekst,whose wisdom, leadership, and selfless devotionhave touched the lives of so many, so profoundly.May the blessings you generate come back to youmultiplied many times over.We honor and salute you.Kol Hakavod!Jeanette and Joe Neubauer We applaud your incredible service and devotion to JTS.Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP Thank you, Gershon,for your leadership, advice, and friendshipover the years.Mary and Saul Sanders
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S E M I N A R Y S O C I E T Y S U P P O R T Quarter-page Message Quarter Page Start Congratulations to Gershon Kekst from Arkin Kaplan Rice LLP Gershon, Thank you for your splendid leadership and many years of devoted service to JTS. Rob Kaplan Shep Goldfein
All through Genesis we see Jews entangled in a web of relations with non-Jews . . . all because of this mission that we’re not supposed to simply serve ourselves, but somehow be an agent of transformation. —Arnold Eisen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P L A T I N U M – L E V E L S U P P O R T Gershon Kekst,a most deserving individual and a role model.May you continue to be an inspiration.Congratulations!!Oded Aboodi & Family
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T Congratulations toGERSHON KEKSTfor all you have done for JTS over 18 years as Chairman.FromRobin Chemers Neustein
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R P I L L A R S O F J T S S U P P O R T Congratulations to our dear friendGershonon receiving this wonderful honor.Helen, Beth, and Joshua Nash
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T Simpson Thatcher
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T We appreciate the wonderful job you’ve done. Now it’stime to sit back and relax!!Irma and Paul Milstein
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T To our great friend Gershon,with thanks for all the good you do.Congratulations,Joanne and Mike
Congratulations To OurGood FriendGershon Kekst.Thank You For All You Do.Eva and Marc Stern T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T
The Coca-Cola Company is pleased to honor Gershon Kekst tonight for his long service to The Jewish Theological Seminary. Gershon is a trusted friend, a valued mentor, and an inspired leader who has touched the lives of countless people, always instilling quiet confidence through his dedication and service to others. T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R G O L D – L E V E L S U P P O R T
Torah includes not just text and ideas but lives and communities.—Arnold Eisen
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S I L V E R – L E V E L S U P P O R T The trustees, faculties, and students of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem express their boundless gratitude, respect, and affection for Gershon Kekst, whose generous support and wise leadership have nurtured our Institute through its first quarter century so that it now brings each year Jewish learning to more than 40,000 teachers, scholars, and school children throughout Israel and Eastern Europe. Professor David Golinkin Robert S. Rifkind President Chairman, Board of Trustees
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S I L V E R – L E V E L S U P P O R T Best wishes to our friend Gershon Kekst.We are honored to celebrate with you as you have honored us and klal Yisrael through your leadership and devoted efforts.The Officers and Directors of the World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues ( Masorti Olami ) Alan H. Silberman Rabbi Tzvi Graetz President Executive Director
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S I L V E R – L E V E L S U P P O R T CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHESTO GERSHON KEKSTThank you for your 18 years of exceptional serviceto the Jewish Community as Chair ofThe Jewish Theological Seminary.You are a great role model.Fondly,Steve & Dedee Lovell and FamilyLOVELL SAFETY MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C.“The Workers’ Compensation Experts”110 William StreetNew York, NY 10038-3935Telephone (212) 709-8600
Mazel tov to Gershon and the entire Kekst family.Gershon, we are thrilled to celebrate this prestigious honor with you. Hazak v’ Ematz!With love and admiration from your family at Park Avenue Synagogue. T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S I L V E R – L E V E L S U P P O R T Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove Steven M. Friedman, Chairman