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The Aztecs: Gods, Education, Music, and Warfare

Explore the religious beliefs of the Aztecs and how they influenced their daily lives, education system, musical traditions, and warfare tactics. Learn about Aztec gods and goddesses, educational practices for boys and girls, the art form of Aztec music, and the weapons used in Aztec warfare. Discover the story of the Aztecs, from the founding of their capital city to their encounters with Spanish conquistadors. Uncover the rich cultural heritage of this ancient civilization.

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The Aztecs: Gods, Education, Music, and Warfare

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  1. The Aztecs Anna V, Koh, Tom and Leo Present

  2. Gods and goddesses • CentzonTotochtinGod of the moon. • ChalchihuitlicueGoddess of storms and beauty. • ChanticoGod of fire and earth. • ChicomecoatlGod of wheat. • CihuacoatlGoddess of childbirth. • Huitzilopochtli God of the Sun. • Quetzalcoatl Creator of humans. The Aztecs were very religious people. They thought that if they did something bad, their gods could punish them, even to death. They were polytheists, that means that they believed in many gods, not only one.

  3. Education • For the Aztecs, it was very important to be educated. When boys had 4 years old, they needed to help carry water and firewood. By 6 they learned to fish and to take goods to the market. • It was the parents’ responsibility to educate their children. • Girls stayed at home and helped their mother to cook, to clean etc Their education was based for there marriage, although no b

  4. Music Aztec music is an art form, waiting to be discovered. Very little research has gone into the study of Aztec musical instruments :

  5. Sport & Games • The Aztecs had many games and sports. Each had a religious meaning. Macuilxochitl was the Aztec god of games and sports. The most popular Aztec game was called the ball game.

  6. Aztec Weapons • These are the Aztec weapons :

  7. The Story of the Aztecs The Aztecs were wandering tribe. One day their gods gave them a sign so that they could build a home : They had to find an eagle eating a snake on a cactus. That was where they finally build Tenochtitlan, The biggest city the world ever saw at the time. The priests would say that Quetzalcoatl would arrive that year. When he did arrive he was actually Cortez, leader of the Spanish, took Montezuma as a prisoner and took all his gold. The Aztec warriors were not happy about Montezuma’s decisions so they killed him and chased Cortez out of town.

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