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Ch. 33– Warm-up #3 (33.3). Why did the Chinese get involved in the Korean War? What theory was used to justify US foreign policy in SE Asia during the Cold War? Who were the Vietcong?. UN troops were approaching the Chinese border Domino theory Pro-communist S. Vietnamese.
Ch. 33– Warm-up #3 (33.3) • Why did the Chinese get involved in the Korean War? • What theory was used to justify US foreign policy in SE Asia during the Cold War? • Who were the Vietcong? • UN troops were approaching the Chinese border • Domino theory • Pro-communist S. Vietnamese
The Colonies Become New Nations Chapter 34 Sections 1, 3, and 4 1945-Present
The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom Chapter 34 – Section 1
Moving Towards Independence • After achieving limited independence from Britain, India’s CongressParty (independence seekers) became internally divided • 350million Hindus vs 100million Muslims • The Muslim Leaguewas created in response • Their leader, MuhammadAli Jinnah, would not accept a mixedIndia
Partitioning India • India became too expensivefor Britain to maintain as a colony following WWII • In an attempt to compromise, Britain partitioned (divided) India • Eastand WestPakistanwere carved out of India for the Muslims • 10 millionpeople relocated to live with their own people • Faced persecutionalong the way • Gandhihimself is killed for arguing for protection of Muslims
Kashmir • One region was controlled by a Hinduprince but had a Muslimpopulation. • Both groups fought for control… and still do
Modern India • Independence came in 1947 • Nehrubecame the nation’s first prime minister – followed the practices of Gandhi • Reorganized the politicalunits • Industrialized • Led socialreform (elevated lower castes, improved rights of women)
Trouble Insues • Nehru’s death (1964) led to the election of Indira Gandhi (Nehru’s daughter) • Sikhs will begin calling for independence • Conflict led to Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguards killing her, leading to more killing (1984) • Indira Gandhi’s son will take over, eventually killed by a car bomb after losing power (1991)
India’s New Challenges • Populationgrowth • SocialInequality • Religiouscivil wars • Pakistanrelations • Both have nukes and absolutely hate each other… yay!
Pakistan Copes with Freedom • Pakistan was divided between Eastand West • 1000miles apart, they have very different cultures • A natural disaster in the East with little support from the West led to a civil warin 1971 • EastPakistan won and became Bangladesh
Instability in Pakistan • Jinnah, the country’s first leader, died soon after independence • No one leader emerged, leading to military coups • Pakistan has lacked stabilityfor the last 50years, usually as a result of Muslim militant extremists
Civil War in Sri Lanka • Sri Lanka became independent in 1948. Internal disputes were immediate • 75% Buddhists (Sinhalese) • 20% Hindu (Tamils) • Since 1981, the Tamil Tigers have been fighting for independence
And now… • We will wait until Monday to begin presentations • For today: • USA TestPrep: last “Warring World” quiz due this weekend • Chapter 34 Vocabulary • Unit 8A Study Guide • USA TestPrep Extra Credit
Ch. 34– Warm-up #1 (34.1) • What term describes the division of India into 2 separate states? • What region was fought over immediately following the partition of India? • What separated East and West Pakistan? • What caused the civil war in Sri Lanka? • Partition • Kashmir • 1000 miles of Indian territory • The minority group (Tamils) want independence
New Nations in Africa Chapter 34 – Section 3
Achieving Independence • Independence movements had begun decades before WWII • The Negritudemovement in the 1930s celebrated African culture, heritage, and values • Like the Indian soldiers in WWI, African soldiers fought in WWII, expecting freedom as repayment • The path to independence was varied
Variety of Paths • Ability to govern depended on the style of the colonizer • Direct(bad) vs indirect(good) • Independence in a direct colonial rule system led to: • Civil wars • Collapsed economy • Ethnicconflicts
Ghana • Firstsub-saharan nation to become independent • Kwame Nkrumahused “Ghandi-like” tactics to get more independence • Will become the first prime minister (1957) • New programs, while well intentioned, bankruptedthe country • Military coupin 1966led to a power struggle that lasted until 2000
Kenya • The British farmers wanted to maintain the colony. • They lost as a result of 2 things • JomoKenyatta – strong leader and first president • Mau Mau– guerilla fighters
Algeria • Like Kenya, Algeria had to fight • Colony of France • The same year that Francesurrendered Vietnam (1954), Algeria’s FLN (liberation army) began fighting • Ahmed Bellawill become their first president • Attempted socialism but its failure allowed Muslimfundamentalists to begin a civil war in 1990
Internal Struggles: Congo • Belgiumgave Congo its independence in 1960 • They had no experience/preparation • After a 5 year civil war, MobutuSeseSekotook control and ruled for 32 years as a dictator • In 1997, he will be overthrown and the control has been fighting civil wars ever since
Angola • Like France, Portugalgot “stuck” fighting to hold on and finally admitted defeat in 1975 • The Angolan Communists(MPLA) declared themselves in charge • This led to a civil war (20+ years) • We supported UNITAwhile the Soviets supported MPL
Ch. 34– Warm-up #1 (34.1) • The movement created to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values was called ___________. • What was the name of the secret society that fought for Kenyan independence from Britain? • Which country was Mobutu SeseSeko the dictator of? • Negritude • Mau Mau • Congo
Conflicts in the Middle East Chapter 34 – Section 4
Jewish claims to Israel • Israel’s claims to the land that was Palestine dates back 3000years • Around 135 AD, the Diasporaforced them out • In the late 1800s, Jewish people began to return to the land of their ancestors • Zionismwas a movement to take control back of their holy land
The Fate of Palestine • After WWI, Britaingot control of Palestine from the Ottomans • The number of Jewish citizens in the region continued to grow • After WWII, the UN partitionedPalestine into 2 separate states (1948) • The Jews got 55% of the land, but only had 1/3 of the population • All Islamiccountries voted against it
Wars: 48 and 56 • One day after becoming a state, its 6 Islamic neighbors invaded • Israel wins, taking away the state that would have belonged to Palestine • 8 years later, Egypt seized the Suez Canal, prompting another war with the West and Israel
67 and 73 • Tension built until, in 1967, the Islamic nations (with weapons from the Soviets), prepared an attack • Israel struck their airfieldsfirst, ending the war before it could really begin (6 DayWar) • Israel will take more land as a result • In 1973, on the holiestJewish day (Yom Kippur), Egypt invades (led by Anwar Sadat). Fighting lasts weeks but Israelwins (led by Gold Meir)
The PLO • In 1964, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) was created to get back land for Palestinians • Guerrillagroups eventually took control • Led by Yasir Arafat until 2004, the PLO used guerilla warfare to attack Israel • Use the intifada(uprising) to put pressure on Israel
Peace Attempts • 1979– Camp David– Sadat and Begin (Egyptand Israel) sign an agreement to end the war and recognize Israel • Sadatis assassinated in 81 by a Muslim extremist • 1993– OsloPeace Accords– Rabinand Arafatagree to Palestinian self-rule • Rabinis assassinated in 95 by an Israeli extremist
And Now… • Study for the Chapter 34 Vocabulary Quiz • Make sure your notebook is in order and ready to turn in (with cover page) • Complete the “Transformations and Globalization” quiz on USA Test Prep