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Explore the concept of the European Capital of Culture event, its benefits and risks, and key factors for successful implementation. Learn from previous Capitals and find more information through the provided resources.
Info Day: “2015 European Capital of Culture” Detailed insight
Introduction • The European of Culture event: one of the most visible cultural events in Europe; substantial in scale and scope. • High artistic and cultural quality requirements • Benefits and/or risks (financial deficit, criticisms). • To guarantee its success: information (concept, process), planning in advance, time, money.
Benefits and risks - Benefits : image, regeneration, urban developement, social cohesion, employment, tourism : -The number of visitors to the ECOC increases during the year (+12% related to the previous years) and one year after. - Risks : debts, criticisms, disappointments
I/ What is a European Capital of Culture? • A unique concept: • Title awarded to one city in 2 Member States for one year: Belgium and Czech Republic in 2015, • Not for what it is or has (different from World Heritage): for what it does during the year; • A programme devised especially for the year; • Decision 1622/2006/EC => criteria (art 4): European dimension, City and citizens
Evaluation of proposals based on criteria: 1 /European Dimension ● 2 aspects • The themes: role/ links of the city in Europe, European identity, participation in European Cultural life; • The way to implement: cooperation, trans borders projects ● Overhall integration into the European cultural actions (promoting /participating in the European cultural policy) ● Exemples in the Guide for cities applying for the title
Evaluation of proposals based on criteria: 2/ City and citizens • 2 aspects • Attractivity at European scale and participation of people • Sustainability/ long term cultural and social development of the city
II/ The designation and monitoring process: from 2008 to 2015 ● Competition in Belgium: - proposals assessed by an international panel (13=7+6 members) against the criteria, - 2 stages: pre selection and final selection. ● Road map: • 2008: call for submission of applications in Czech Republic ; deadline to apply: • Late 2009 : pre selection panel’s meeting => list of pre selected cities - Autumn 2010: final selection panel’s meeting => one recommended city - 2011: Designation by the EU Council of Ministers
How to apply? • Reply to the call for submissions of applications filling in the « Proposed Application for the title » (in EN and CZ): overview of the programme • Completed by a file for furtherdetails • The pre selected cities will have to provide the same documents to complete/ go further
Monitoring • After designation, 2 meetings with a panel of 7 international experts (in 2012 and 2014) • 3 objectives : assessing the progress/giving guidance/checking compliance with the commitments • A prize « in honour of Melina Mercouri » (1.5 million euros?) to reward the quality of the preparation.
III/ Keys to success: concept • Devising clear objectives and concept for the event on the basis of the criteria (european dimension etc) and the specificities of the city • A forward looking programme • An attractive programme at european scale • a sustainable project for the city (thinking together urban and cultural problems) • Consulting and associating cultural operators and the socio economic world from the beginning
Keys to success: Implementation • Public commitment to the programme and the budget must be firm and constant : public funds are the most important source (77%, State included) but private sponsoring plays a great role (13%) • Seeking for sponsorship well in advance • Independence from the political authorities of the artistic director • A clear and strong communication strategy
Keys to success: information and best practices • For more information, use: - the Guide: Guide for the cities applying for the ECOC title, - Web site: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/ecocs/cap_en.html • the study: European Cities and Capitals of Culture par Palmer/RAE Associates, 2004 • Info day in Brussels on 5 May • Contacting the previous Capitals