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EOG Based Robot Controller

EOG Based Robot Controller. Presented By: Charbel A. Habib Harpreet Kaur Jassal Hassan A.M. Muhsen. Outline. The Project Input unit Processing unit Control Unit Output unit Future Work Conclusion. The Project System Architecture. EOG. EOG Signal EOG: Electrooculogram

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EOG Based Robot Controller

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EOG Based Robot Controller Presented By: Charbel A. Habib Harpreet Kaur Jassal Hassan A.M. Muhsen

  2. Outline • The Project • Input unit • Processing unit • Control Unit • Output unit • Future Work • Conclusion

  3. The ProjectSystem Architecture

  4. EOG • EOG Signal • EOG: Electrooculogram • the recording of the changes in voltage that occur with the eye position. • Electro: electrical • Oculo: eye • Gram: recording

  5. EOG • EOG Signal • EOG: Electrooculogram • spherical battery • positive terminal: the cornea • negative terminal: the retina. • 0.4 and 1 mV

  6. EOG • EOG Signal

  7. EOG • EOG Signal • The signals are measured using EEG disposable electrodes

  8. Input Unit • Sensors • Amplifier

  9. EOG • Electrode signal: • 0.4 and 1 mV • This low voltage is not strong neither usable SOLUTION: ???

  10. EOG • Amplifier • Designing an amplifier • Requirements: • Total gain of 5000 • Cutoff frequency of 25Hz LPF • Offset compensation

  11. Amplifier Design

  12. Buffer Amplifier

  13. Difference Amplifier Amplifier Gain = -R2/R1

  14. High Frequency Filter 4th order Butterworth Filter Cut off Frequency of Filter (f0)= 1/(2π*R*C)

  15. Low Pass Filter

  16. Summer Amplifier

  17. Inverting and Non inverting Amplifier + Rectifier Inverting Amplifier = -R2/R1 & Non Inverting Amplifier = 1+ R2/R1

  18. Half Wave Rectifier

  19. Amplifier Implementation

  20. Amplifier Gain

  21. Problems • Unavailability of small power supply • Electrodes • Amplifier Vcc supplier

  22. Main Unit • Process Unit • Control Unit

  23. Right side movement of eyes Movement of eyes during reading Left side movement of eyes Upside movement of eyes Blinking movement of eyes Downward movement of eyes Processing Unit

  24. Signal Processing Filtering (Median Filter) Segmentation (Clustering)

  25. Original Data

  26. Filtered Data

  27. Segmented Data

  28. Problems • Microcontroller Delay • Median Filter Window Size

  29. Control Unit

  30. Control Unit • Translation (PWM) • Center = 128 • Right & Up = 185 • Left & Down = 70 • Communication • Direct from Microcontroller

  31. Main Unit • Overall Picture

  32. Problems • Calibration • ADC Delay

  33. Output Unit

  34. Demo

  35. Future Work • On/Off Mechanism • Real Neck Implementation • Applying to Aesop3000

  36. Conclusion

  37. THANKS Any Questions???

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