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myths. By: Ryan and Nathan.

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  1. myths By: Ryan and Nathan

  2. long long ago in grece Medusa a very powerful godess was jelous of the mintaur because he had a huge home and all you can eat cafe. when the mintuar was about to eat his favorite meal (poeple) Medusa was walking thought the forest then she spotted the mintaur's castle she imangined to turn the mintaur into stone then the evil mind of medusa she open the door of the mintaur's castle then Medusa fond mintaur she the mintuar food turn it to stone. this made the mintuar so mad.

  3. But medusa had a evil plan she was going to turn the mintaur into stone.

  4. The mintuar wanted to rip the snakes out of medusa's hair, then the mintuar had a idea...

  5. Medusa was busy looking at her staches when bang! The mintuar had wanted to fight medusa he had a shiny mirror in one hand in the other hand was a sword she knew what to do after the battle medusa won the battle by turning the mintaur into stone. The mintuar was dead.

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