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Multi Channel Strategy. Results of the subgroup on multi channel indicators Bengt Harshammar (SE) Theo Keulen (NE) Peter Oberbichler (AT) Gerhard Pöschl (AT) Kari Rintanen (FI) Ronny Rycx (BE) PES Benchmarking Working Group Budapest April 2011.
Multi Channel Strategy Results of the subgroup on multi channel indicators Bengt Harshammar (SE) Theo Keulen (NE) Peter Oberbichler (AT) Gerhard Pöschl (AT) Kari Rintanen (FI) Ronny Rycx (BE) PES Benchmarking Working Group Budapest April 2011 Dr. Peter Oberbichler
Aim of the sub group on Multi Channel Strategy Indicators • Prepare suggestions for new POPs and VACs on the basis of existing data. • Prepare suggestions for new indicators deduced of a mixture of new and existing POPs and VACs. • Support the development of an common understanding of “Multi Channel Strategy”.
General remarks Perpetuation of familiar structure of POPs and VACs use of existing data As many PES as possible which can provide data Reference to core business of PES Easy to understand(also for non work group participants) Indicators on Self Service
Current state on multi channel strategy in European PES • Multi channel strategy is high on the agenda in many PES • All PES are involved in the development of different service channels • 26 PES responded to a survey of the PES benchmarking group last year – the results have been discussed at the heads of PES meeting
Multi-Channeling Milestones and Evolution in PES The year in which PES started to publish JV on Internet (24 PES) The year in which PES introduced J-S data base on Internet (22 PES) Summary of the survey (transparency by Sonja Pirher; ESS)
Multi-Channeling Milestones and Evolution in PES The year in which PES enabled on-line JV intake (22 PES) The year in which PES established online Registration of J-S (18 PES) Summary of the survey (transparency by Sonja Pirher; ESS)
Are the activities of job seekers referred to self-service channels systematically monitored by PES staff? 9 Summary of the survey (transparency by Sonja Pirher; ESS)
Measurement of custumer satisfaction with the INDIVIDUAL channels EMPLOYERS JOB SEEKERS • PES that measure only overall satisfaction of services (regardless of channeldelivery) are not included in the above graphs. • 2 PES follow up satisfaction of service delivery with 4 channels, 8 PES record satisfaction with 3 channels (the most common combination is LO/Internet/CC) and 5 PES record satisfaction with 2 channels (most common combination is LO/Internet). Summary of the survey (transparency by Sonja Pirher; ESS)
Current state of multi-channelling development - according to PES self-assessment Description which apply the most to the current state of multi-channellingin your PES? Summary of the survey (transparency by Sonja Pirher; ESS)
The results of the survey confirm that the multi-channelling approach has been at the core of PES modernisation processes. • At the same time they show significant differences between the service models in European PES. Some PES have already established a modern customer-oriented service model, while others are planning to achieve such a model in thenearest or more distantfuture. • These differences, on the other hand, could inspire interesting and very useful discussions within the PES network. • Thank you for your attention! • sonja.pirher@ess.gov.si
Definition of Multi Channel Strategy • Multi-channel approach: “The PES services are delivered through a number of channels (face to face contact in the PES offices, telephone contact, self-service system with online tools). The individual channels have been developed over the course of time.” • Integrated multi-channel strategy: “The PES services are delivered through a number of channels (personal contact in the PES offices, telephone contact, self-service system with online tools). The channels have been developed on the basis of a defined strategy and concrete targets for the individual channels. The services of the channels are coordinated with each other, the use of the channels is planned and directed, the switch between channels (the interface) is regulated.”
Different approaches on “Integrated multi channel strategy“ • Same services are offered in all channels • jobseekers themselves decide through which channels they want access the service. • The PES carefully manages which customers access the service through which channels. • Every channel offers different services. The choice of the channel by the customers depends on the type of service needed. • Combination of 1 and 2.
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Customer Satisfaction – Job Seekers” General satisfaction with the used channel (addition to Q 6) A) Face to face channel • Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB), FI • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) B) Online channel • Indicator possible: BE (VDAB), FI • Indicator possible, but not satisfying: AT • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) C) Telephone channel • Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB) FI, • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) New Indicator: Customer satisfaction in different channels
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Customer Satisfaction – Companies” General satisfaction with the used channel (addition to Q 7) A) Face to Face channel • Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB), FI • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) B) Online channel • Indicator possible: BE (VDAB), FI • Indicator possible, but not satisfying: AT • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) C) Telephone channel • Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB) FI, • Indicator not possible: SE (no differentiation between the channels) New Indicators:Customer satisfaction in different channels
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Self registration – Job Seekers” New POP: Number of jobseekers who register themselves online as unemployed job seeker - Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB), FI, SE, Option: Online registration by the job seeker without and/or with support of PES staff Option: Obligation to appear personally at the PES office responsible for administration of the jobseekers’ allowance after online self registration • directly after registering (in order to apply for unemployment benefits) – Exceptions for certain groups of people? • After a certain period of time (e.g. after three months) New Indicator: Ratio between online registrations and all registrations
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Self registration – Companies” New VAC: Number of vacancies registered online • Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB), FI, SE, New Indicator: Ratio between online self registrations and all registrations of vacancies
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Job searching activities – Job Seekers” New POP: Number of registered jobseekers who look for a job using mainly the online self service channel - Indicator possible: AT, BE (VDAB), FI, SE, Option: During the whole job searching period Option: For a limited period of time New Indicator: Ratio between jobseekers looking for a job only online and all registrations of jobseekers
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Vacancy filling – Companies” NEW VAC: Number of vacancies matching is done only online Option: During the whole searching period Option: For a limited period of time Indicator possible: FI, • Indicator possible but not foreseen: SE • Indicator not possible: AT, BE, New Indicator: Ratio between vacancies with only online matching and all vacancies
Possible Indicators on Multi Channel Strategy“Transits to employment via online service – Job Seekers” New POP: Transits to employment using only online channels Indicator possible: FI (with poor quality), SE • Indicator not possible: AT, BE, New Indicator: Ratio between transits to employment using only the online service and all transits to jobs
Q 8: Share of online registered jobseekers POP 9 / POP OPOP 0: Inflow of job seekersPOP 9: n (number of job seekers self registering via online channel) Q 9: Share of jobseekers searching a job via online channelPOP 10 / POP OPOP 0: Inflow of job seekersPOP 10:n (Inflow of job seekers searching only via online channel) Q 10: Share of transitions to work using online channelPOP 11 / POP 6POP 6: Deregistration and transition to work POP 11:n (transitions to work only by using online channel) New indicators on Self Service for Job seekers – proposals
Q 11: Share of registrations via online channelVAC 9 / VAC 2VAC 2: Posted vacanciesVAC 9: n (number of vacancies self registered via online channel) Q 12: Share of filling vacancies only via online channelVAC 10 / VAC 2VAC 2: Posted vacancies VAC 10: n (number of vacancies matching is done by companies only via online channel) Q 12: Share of vacancies filled only via online channel VAC 10 / VAC 4VAC 4: Posted vacancies filled VAC 10: n (number of vacancies filled only via online channel) New indicators on Self Service for companies – proposals
Q 6a: job seekers satisfied using online services Q 7a: Share of employers satisfied using online services New indicators on Self Service Customer satisfaction - proposals
Which of the POPs, VACs and Indicators are relevant for your organisation? Which indicators can be measured in your organisation? New indicators