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SEPA : Plus que 85 jours pour finaliser la migration ! Nog maar 85 dagen voor de finalisatie van de migratie!. Agenda. Introduction SEPA Credit Transfers SEPA Direct Debits Q&A Coffee break End of legacy CT & dom’80 Standards Q&A. SEPA: Programme Management Office.
SEPA :Plus que 85 jours pour finaliser la migration ! Nog maar 85 dagen voor de finalisatie van de migratie!
Agenda • Introduction • SEPA CreditTransfers • SEPA Direct Debits • Q&A • Coffee break • End of legacy CT & dom’80 • Standards • Q&A Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SEPA: Programme Management Office Axelle Waterkeyn - National Bank of Belgium
End date regulation Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
End date regulation : 01/02/2014 • Belgian banks did not ask a waiver on the Member State options Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SEPA - End date regulation • End of domestic CT and DD schemes in euro countries as from 01/02/2014 Schemes Formats • Mandatoryuse of ISO XML 20022 format to banks as from 01/02/2014 • IBAN mandatory as from 01/02/2014 • BIC no longer required for domestic transactions as from 01/02/2014 • BIC no longer required for cross-border transactions as from 01/02/2016 • New protection measures for direct debits consumers (white/black list, limit amount, etc.) as from 01/02/2014 Consumer protection Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Migration Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Migration SCT - En Europe et en Belgique Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Migration SDD - En Europe et en Belgique Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Migration SDD - Créanciers Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Communication Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Actions de communication BNB • (octobre2013 – février 2014) • 01/10/2013 Réunion d'informationEntreprises (Febelfin-Isabel-BNB) • 17/10/2013 Dépliant et Affiche SEPA (SPF Finances) • 24/10/2013 Conférence de presse • (SPF Finances-SPF Economie-Febelfin-BNB) • 07/11/2013 Réunion d'information banques (Febelfin) • 14/11/2013 Réunion d'information ERP (Febelfin-Agoria-BNB) • Décembre Sessions d'info ad hoc • Janvier Sessions d'info ad hoc SEPA • 01/02/2014 Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Conclusions • SEPA entame sa dernièrelignedroite • Chacundoitavoirmigré, au plus tard, le01/02/2014 • Les banquesdoiventaccompagnerleursclients et les encourager à entamerleursdéveloppements • L'accentdoitêtreportésur les petites et moyennes entreprises Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Questions Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
“SEPA Credit TransfersWhat’s New? ”Gilles Swinnen - BNP Paribas Fortis Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Agenda • Statistics • Market Status and next steps End Date Regulation • EPC -- SCT Rulebook Releases • 2014 • …. Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SCT Migration statistics Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SCT Migration Project • January 2008 : SCT Start – up • October 2011 : End of Legacy Paper Acceptance (BE) • 2011 – 2013 : Communication campaign Febelfin / NBB • End Date : 01/02/2014 • Points of concern to support a full migration: • IBAN/BIC • Client channels: • Clients using single payments • Clients using upload of files • Internal banking applications • XML Reporting 25% to go 18 Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
EPC - SCT Rulebook Releases • Feb 2014 • Clarifications: • Additional text to align Rulebook with End Date Regulation text • Changes: • Extra reason codes indicating BIC not reachable at CSM for given Scheme • Feb 2016 • No more BIC required for cross-border credit transfers (IBAN-only) 19 Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Other: • FAQ SCT published on website NBB : see http://www.nbb.be/doc/ts/Products/PaymentSystems/SEPA/FAQ_Nl.pdf http://www.nbb.be/doc/ts/Products/PaymentSystems/SEPA/FAQ_Fr.pdf http://www.nbb.be/doc/ts/Products/PaymentSystems/SEPA/FAQ_En.pdf • SCT Payments for beneficiaries in non-EEA countries Regulation 1781/2006 (art 4-5): Obligation to provide IBAN, Name and Address Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Questions? Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SEPA…the last countdown… Begoña Blanco Sánchez Head of Product Management Payments ING Belgium
PSD 2 Status at European level End date Regulation Lessons learned Conclusion Questions? Agenda Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Draft July 2013 National consultation in September 2013 Discussions on going at EPC & EBF Possible Impacts on the SEPA rulebooks Purpose is toclarifyand complete PSD 1 1. PSD 2 Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
End-dates: No waiver requested by Belgium 01/02/2014 for Euro countries 01/02/2016 for non-Euro countries Core scheme Rulebook 7.0 implementation 01/02/2014 No new rulebook expected in 2014 B2B scheme Rulebook 5.0 implementation 01/02/2014 No new rulebook expected in 2014 BIC removed 01/02/2014 (domestic) BIC removed 01/02/2016 (cross border) National Fact Sheets on Regulation 260/2012 on ECB Website : http://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/sepa/about/countries/html/index.en.html 2. Status at European level (EPC) Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
E-mandates Survey At EPC Conclusion ? Febelfin workgroup Core 1 Spain, Austria, Germany in 2013 & 2014 FixedAmountscheme EPC has requested a list of activitiesthatcouldbeoptfor FA Who’sallowedtouse the FA scheme ? (code of conduct ?) Whataboutfixedamount ? How tointerpreteit ? Impact of the PSD 2 ? 2. Status at European level Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Protection of the consumers Banks have to offer (= obligation) : Maximum amount Periodicity Black list White list MandatoryforCore Pleaseinformcustomersnottoaddperiodicity or amount in the mandates Onlyfordebtorbanks 3. End Date regulation Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Cross border transaction : forbidden since 01/11/2012 Domestic transaction: 2 cents in BE until 01/02/2017 R transactions allowed: based on the real cost of treatment 3. End Date regulation - Interchange Fees Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned - Communication Important to share SEPA knowlege Branches !!! Sales Implementation Customer supports Marketing … Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned - Database NBB As per 01/02/2014, database willprovidestatic data availablefor the customerswhowilluse the DOM reference later on No amendment on the DOM 80 mandatesafter the End date -> new mandate is required 2 steps to close DOM 80 At debtor level At Creditor level Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned - Migration of the mandates Database at National Bank If the NBB file contains several DOM 80 mandates with the same mandate number for the same creditor, the mandate can be identified in the colonne “mandatereference” by 6 positions (this is the case when several mandates have been signed by the debtor for the same creditor with the same DOM 80 number provided by the debtor bank) Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned - Archiving the mandates Today, only paper mandates are available Archiving 10 years after last debit Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Mandatory field on the Belgian SDD mandate XML format: no tag for the “description of the underlined contract” Interbank mandate is published on the NBB website Fields on the template are mandatory Creditors should ask their banks to check the mandate form they would like to use No details of kind of accounts should be added No stamp from the bank Any other info should be separated from the mandatory fields 4. Lessonslearned - The mandate Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Cancellation of the mandatesbetween the debtor and the creditor (or via the debtor bank ifmentioned in the Terms & Conditions) MandateCore: consumers & non-consumers B2B is optional -> Coremandatecanbesignedby a Business debtor -> B2B mandatecannotbesignedby a consumer) B2B is notrelatedto the type of account holdby the debtor but the quality of the clientacting as a consumer or non consumer 4. Lessonslearned - The mandate Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013 Information Session Febelfin –07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned - The mandatereference Rulebooks Reference has to be unique with the Creditor ID …subject to interpretation… -> 1 reference is possible for 2 mandates: 1 in core & 1 in B2B -> advice your creditors: no misuse is allowed Best advice: to use 1 unique reference per creditor to avoid any confusion Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessons learned - Business code When Creditor has an Enterprise n°: 98 BE ZZZ 0456810810 • Enterprise number (10 pos.) • The Business code can be used by the creditor • Check digit does not apply to the business code • Not part of the creditor ID Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
3 LEVELS « Group header » (FILE) Group Header Payment Information 1 « Payment Information »(BATCH) Transaction Information 1 Transaction Information 2 Payment Information 2 Transaction Information 3 Transaction Information 4 Transaction Information 5 « Transaction Information »(PAYMENT) Payment Information 3 Transaction Information 6 4. Lessonslearned - File structure Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Lessons learned/ Advice Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
If customer with European activity, advice on B2B processacross Europe Clarification paper willbe sent before End 2013 by SPS/EPC 4. Lessonslearned - B2B process Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
4. Lessonslearned- reason codes Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
45 The Debtor Bank’s Reference of the request 48 The Date of sending the request by the Debtor Bank 49 The Name of the Debtor Bank 50 The Debtor Bank contact details 51 The e-mail address or fax number where the copy of the Mandate should be sent to at the Debtor Bank 12 BIC code of the Creditor Bank (optional) 20 The Identification Code of the Scheme 02 The Identifier of the Creditor 03 The name of the Creditor 01 The Unique Mandate Reference 14 The Name of the Debtor 17 The type of Mandate (paper, e-mandate). 4. Lessonslearned - Refund Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
No choice, the migration is regulatory Banks and customers have to move towards SEPA No SEPA ..no business… Migration is hard process but …after migration is not far away…and SEPA will create opportunities for all users ! 5. Conclusion Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
6. Questions? Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SEPA End of Legacy Karel Andries - Belfius
Decision Febelfin & CEC Boards (18 & 25/10/2013) (1/2) • The reportedmigration levels are sufficient to maintain the “end date” of 01/02/2014. • The migration time linesrelated to this date staysconfirmed (last date forsending to banks, • last date of clearing, last date of settlement). • A technicalcontingencysolutionshouldbe in place: thistechnicalcontingencysolution must allow the Belgian Banking Community tosolvepotentialproblemsencountered in their bank releases (31/01/2014 and/or 01/02/2014) withinanacceptable timeframe. • The measures consists of : The closure of the domesticapplications: CEC/STET willuse the plannedCore(BE) Directory Change release. • AP1 – AP6: The Credit Transfers willbeclosedfor National transactions on 26/02/2014 • AP2 – AP3: The Dom80 Collections/Reimbursementwillbeclosed on 26/02/2014 • AP5: The DOM80 Unpaidwillbeclosed on 01/05/2014 • AP1 - AP6 The Swiftlikeapplication codes willbeclosedfor “sending” on 26/06 andfor “receiving” on 30/06/2014. Based on this, it is stronglyrecommendedtoallbanks to keep theirdomesticpaymentapplications open in a passive way (onlyreceiving – no sending) after 01/02/2014. Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Decision Febelfin & CEC Boards (18 & 25/10/2013) (2/2) Anydeviation of or problemwith the migrationrules as of 01/02/2014 by a participant , willbe subject of the Operationeel Crisis Committee (CEC/STET) in whichall CEC participants are represented. • Despite of the reportedmigration levels, the banksexpresstheirgreat concern about the “actualmigration status” and the ambitiousplans/communication of the creditorsand the ERP providers to reach the deadline in time. Creditors and ERP Providers have to beaware of the importanceof goodpreparation and planning forrealising the migration in time. The migrationprogresswillbemonitoredveryclosely. A new evaluation is plannedbeginning of December 2013, based on the migration status end of November 2013. • A business contingency solution beyond 01/02/2014 is notplanned. There is no consensus on end date and communication. Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
SEPAEnd of Legacy Credit Transfer Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Commerciële end date: binnenlandse producten • Overzicht: Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013
Commerciële end date: clearing loten STET • AP1: Niet Dringende Overschrijvingen Infosession - Febelfin - 07/11/2013