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Are you kept awake thinking about your credit report? The tips provided here in this article are going to help straighten out your credit
IT’S TIME TO PLAY THE CREDIT RESTORATION GAME Are you kept awake thinking about your credit report? The tips provided here in this article are going to help straighten out your credit and get you into a better financial situation. CREDIT CARD: If you have a poor credit history and can’t qualify for a credit card, get a secured card. These types of credit cards often require a good faith deposit to open a new account. If you open a credit card account, keep charges fairly low, and pay it on time, this will go towards improving your credit score. If you have credit cards with balances that are greater than fifty percent of the maximum, you should pay those down as quickly as possible. It’s best to keep all of your credit cards below the fifty percent mark! You should keep your balances under fifty percent; anything over this and you can lower your credit rating, so spread out the money you own and pay down your credit cards. If you want to boost your credit score and earn a decent living, open an instalment account. You should make sure it is an instalment account that you will be able to pay into every month. By successfully handling the instalment account, you will help to improve your credit rating. INTEREST RATES: To avoid paying too much, you can refuse to pay off huge interest rates. It is bordering on illegal for credit card companies to charge you skyrocketed interest rates. Remember you agreed to pay any interest that accrued over the life of the account. It is likely you can have exorbitant interest rates reduced if you sue the creditor. When trying to rehabilitate your credit, it is important to work with each credit card company you are indebted to. If you do this you’ll find that your debt doesn’t increase and your credit is improved. You can do this by speaking with them and asking to change the monthly charges or due date. Do not do anything that will make you end up in jail. As we speak, people are trying to take advantage of illegal practices to have people create credit files that can get them into trouble. This is illegal and you will eventually be caught. You could go to jail if you have a lot of legal issues.
Before going into debt settlement, find out how it will affect your credit score. Research all of your options, make an informed decision about the method you chose, and only then should you agree to the settlement. They are just out to get their money and do not care how that effects your credit score. CREDIT CARD: It will be easier to increase your credit rating if you only have one open credit card account. Transfer credit card balances to one card for loan consolidation. By doing this, you can work towards completely paying off one credit card with a large debt, rather than working piecemeal with many smaller debts. Check over your credit bill each month to make sure there are no errors. If this is the case, you need to call the company right away to avoid them from reporting it to credit reporting agencies. If you are able to negotiate a repayment plan with your creditor, be sure to get it in writing. This is a great way to have documentation of the plan if the creditor changes their mind or the company ownership gets changed. Once you finish making all your payments, be sure to send that information to the credit agencies in writing. Do not file for bankruptcy if you do not have to. This will show up on your credit for around 10 years. It may seem like the right things to do, but your future will be affected. Once bankruptcy has been filed, it could permanently halt your chances of ever obtaining credit again in the future. To even begin improving your credit you will need to lower the balance owed on them as soon as possible. It is a tossup as far as which cards are best to pay off first – some choose ones with the highest interest rate, others choose the card with the lowest balance. By doing this, you will show your creditors that you are trustworthy with your credit. CREDIT REPORT: Your credit report doesn’t need to be the stuff that nightmares are made of. It is possible to take control and repair your credit. By learning from these tips, you can have the credit report of your dreams. Tags: - Credit Cards, Credit Rating, Credit Report, Credit Score, Interest Rates Source: merchantlynx.com