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Chapter 2 P E R S O N A L I T Y. Who am I???. Two Main Factors. HEREDITY Inherited Traits – Genes from your parents Can’t be changed Birth order Gender. Two Main Factors. ENVIRONMENT Acquired Traits – Influenced by : Home/family School/friends/peers Religious Groups/Sports teams
Chapter 2P E R S O N A L I T Y Who am I???
Two Main Factors HEREDITY Inherited Traits – Genes from your parents Can’t be changed Birth order Gender
Two Main Factors ENVIRONMENT Acquired Traits – Influenced by: Home/family School/friends/peers Religious Groups/Sports teams MEDIA
E = Extrovert Carries it out Acts Communicates (very social) Outgoing I = Introvert Dreams it up Reflects in advance Ideates Tends to stay to self 8 MAIN TYPESWe are made up of a combination of these types…
S = Sensing Type • Practices • Gets things into use • Forms habits, creates order • Applies experience to problems N = Intuitive Type • Develops theory • Gets things designed • Uses hunches • Applies ingenuity to problems
T = Thinking Type • Logical, organizes knowledge • Reforms what needs reforming • Is creative with impersonal data and things F = Feeling Type • Stresses values, supplies meaning to knowledge • Arouses enthusiasm for reform (change) • Is creative with personal data and things
J = Judging Type • Is methodologival • Is a cautious planner • Seeks closure • Has few inputs P = Perceptive Type • Is procedural • Seeks more data • Has many inputs • Is a fearless adventurer
Personality Traits of an Extrovert * Energetic * Impersonal * Strategic * Easygoing * Organized * Critical * Persuasive * Structured * Challenging * Outgoing * Sociable * Straightforward * Quick * Thorough * Independent * Decisive * Verbal * Creative * Objective * Responsible * Clever * Efficient * Expressive * Questioning * Direct * Enthusiastic * Curious * Practical * Tough * Vivacious
Types of Jobs for Extroverts * Photographers * Medical secretaries * Religious workers * Marketing personnel * Scientists * Clergy * Surgeons * Police/detectives * Salespeople * Nurses * Journalists * Retail Sales * Computer analysts * Hair/cosmetologists * Managers * Receptionists * Mortgage brokers * Salespeople * Actors/entertainers * Lawyers * Teachers (preschool & coaches) * Consultants * Rehabilitation counselors * Psychologists * School administrators * Factory/site supervisors * Writers, artists, entertainers * Child care workers * Administrators (computer/education)
Personality Traits of an Introvert * Detailed * Factual * Empathetic * Systematic * Gentle * Logical * Realistic * Caring * Skeptical * Steadfast * Sensitive * Precise * Reliable * Cooperative * Independent * Conscientious * Understanding * Autonomous * Patient * Virtuous * Original * Protective * Creative * Demanding * Loyal * Curious * Private * Self-determined * Deep * Visionary
Types of Jobs for Introverts * Storekeepers * Admin/managers * Nurses * Dentists * Dental assistants * Police/detectives * Computer sys. Analysts * Scientists * Bookkeepers * Auditors/accountants * Chemical engineers * Lawyers * Mechanics * University teachers * Clerical supervisors * Social scientists * Military * Librarians * Psychiatrists/psychologists * Health technicians * Writers, artists, editors * Education consultants * Teachers * Farmers * Mechanics * Computer programmers * Social workers * Electric technicians * Musicians/composers * Engineers * Clergy * Media specialists * Artists/entertainers * Physicians
Keirsey’s 4 Temperaments Temperament – observable personality traits: • Habits of communication • Patterns of action • Sets of characteristic attitudes, values & talents • Includes personal needs • Kinds of contributions people make in the workplace • Roles people play in society Basically – What we SAY and what we DO
Communication: Concrete vs. Abstract External, concrete, everyday REALITY: facts & figures, work & play, home & family, news, sports, weather, celebrity gossip WHO_WHAT_WHERE_WHEN_HOW Internal, abstract world of IDEAS: theories & conjectures, dreams and philosophies, beliefs and fantasies WHYs_WHAT-IFs
Action: Utilitarian vs. Cooperative Utilitarian – do what gets results, achieves their objectives effectively & efficiently and only after check to see if they are observing rules Does what WORKS Cooperative – try to do the right thing, keep w/agreed upon social rules, conventions, codes of conduct and only after see if it was effective Does what’s RIGHT
The Guardians • Concrete Cooperators • Duties & responsibilities • Takes care of things • Obey laws • Follow rules • Respect rights of others
GUARDIANS • Dependable, helpful, hard-working • Loyal mates, responsible parents, stabilizing leaders • Dutiful, cautious, humble, focused on credentials and traditions • Concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, dream of giving out justice
The Idealists • Abstract Cooperators • Hope for & imagine might be possible • Act in good conscience • Try to reach their goals w/o compromising personal code of ethics
IDEALISTS • Enthusiastic, trust intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, dream of attaining wisdom • Loving, kindhearted, authentic • Giving, trusting, spiritual, focused on personal journey and human potentials • Intense mates, nurturing parents, inspirational leaders
The Artisans • Concrete Utilitarians • What they see in front of them • What they can get their hands on • Do whatever works • Quick, effective payoff • Bend the rules
ARTISANS • Fun-loving, optimistic, realistic • Unconventional, bold, spontaneous • Creative parents, playful mates, troubleshooting leaders • Excitable, trust impulses, want a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, dream of mastering action skills
The Rationals • Abstract Utilitarians • New problems that intrigue them • New solutions they envision • Pragmatic - FACTS • Act as efficiently as possible • Ignore arbitrary rules & conventions
RATIONALS • Skeptical, self-contained, focused on problem-solving • Ingenious, independent, strong willed • Reasonable mates, individualizing parents, strategic leaders • Even-tempered, trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, dream of understanding how world works