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Interviewing the Mind/Brain Response Latency and Neuroimaging

Interviewing the Mind/Brain Response Latency and Neuroimaging. Marketing 642 La Donna White and Amy Thomas. Interviewing the Mind/Brain. The mind screams volumes in silence. Interviewing the Mind/Brain.

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Interviewing the Mind/Brain Response Latency and Neuroimaging

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  1. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency and Neuroimaging Marketing 642 La Donna White and Amy Thomas

  2. Interviewing the Mind/Brain The mind screams volumes in silence.

  3. Interviewing the Mind/Brain There are two techniques covered in this chapter that can be used to tap into people’s unconscious perceptions and responses. • Response Latency Techniques • Neuroimaging Techniques

  4. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency Techniques Response latency is defined as how long it takes an individual to respond to a question or image. • Absence of noise • Traditional uses • Questionnaire data

  5. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency TechniquesImplicit versus Explicit Implicit measures offer two benefits that make them better predictors of behavior than explicit measures such as surveys. • Uncover attitudes that consumers may not be aware of. • Reveal social drivers that affect behavior. • Alcohol • Elderly people

  6. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency Techniques There are various response latency techniques that researchers can use. The two that we will discuss today are: • Priming • Implicit Association Test

  7. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency TechniquesPriming • Used to determine how quickly people relate certain products with different thoughts. • Response Latency and Priming vs. Surveys and Priming • Perfume Example

  8. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency TechniquesImplicit Association Test (IAT) This concept builds on priming research by measuring the association of two different concepts in the consumer’s mind. • Strength of association • Concepts • Negative and positive ideas Flowers - Insects - Irritating - Pleasant

  9. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency TechniquesImplicit Association with Brands Research has proven that implicit measures are more powerful tools in understanding consumers relationships with brands. • Ethnocentrism among U.S. and foreign consumers living in the United States.

  10. Interviewing the Mind/BrainResponse Latency TechniquesConclusion In the future market research will rely on a combination of explicit, implicit and behavioral variables in order to better understand how the conscious and unconscious mind impact consumer behavior.

  11. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging Techniques • Neuroimaging techniques consist of brain scanning processes that produce pictures of the structure or functioning of neurons. • This technology has recently been applied to the field of marketing and promises to revolutionize the study of consumer behavior

  12. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging Techniques Neuroimaging can be applied in the following areas: • Advertisements ( TV Commercials ) • Packaging of products • Brand Names • Choice Behavior

  13. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging Techniques There are two types of methodology that can be used in neuroimaging. • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) • Functional Diffuse Optical Tomography (fDOT)

  14. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Noninvasive • Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) technique • Standard fMRI procedures • Take images of the brain region in question prior to activity • Take images of same brain region while it is performing a task such as watching different advertisements • Analyze the differences between the two pictures

  15. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging The use of function magnetic resonance imaging can help researchers determine whether or not one ad more effectively elicits positive emotions and past memory and encodes new memory.

  16. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesFunctional Diffuse Optical Tomography Disadvantages • Participants must lie still in a noisy cramped device. • Facilities are large and expensive

  17. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesFunctional Diffuse Optical Tomography How does it work? • Like shining a flashlight through your hand. • Infrared light (laser sources and detectors) is shined through the brains surface to show the variations in blood flow through particular areas to measure neural activity.

  18. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesThe Promise of Neuroimaging • Can cover a larger number of subjects • Can be used for a variety of marketing applications • Can improve our understanding of consumer thinking • Can improve upon our existing research tools

  19. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesThe Promise of Neuroimaging • A study was done to detect and measure consumer reactions to marketing stimuli using brain imaging technology and was compared to a similar study which was performed through the use of explicit methods • The conclusions of both studies were the same and the neuroimaging study offered a lot more detail.

  20. Interviewing the Mind/BrainNeuroimaging TechniquesCaution! • Specific thoughts or feelings cannot be pinpointed through the use of Neuroimaging. • Only inferences can be made based upon the particular kinds of thoughts and feelings that are being activated.

  21. Interviewing the Mind/BrainFocus Groups Folly?

  22. Interviewing the Mind/BrainFocus Groups Personal Experience • Simulations • Unrealistic • Time Consuming • Interview • Brief • Did not address my concerns • Personality conflict

  23. Interviewing the Mind/BrainFocus Groups Sample Questions • Would you rather have the controls for the radio on the left or right side? • When you push a button would you like to hear it click or feel it? • Where would you like the cup holders in your car?

  24. Interviewing the Mind/Brain “The Knowledge is Power” Trap

  25. Interviewing the Mind/Brain Questions?

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