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Women In Science: Recent Activity in the US Moving beyond "the woman problem" - changing men and institutions Fran Bagenal University of Colorado, Boulder. Demographics Studies -> pragmatic approach Institutional Studies: MIT -> many others Affirmative Action Title IX
Women In Science: Recent Activity in the USMoving beyond "the woman problem" - changing men and institutionsFran BagenalUniversity of Colorado, Boulder Demographics Studies -> pragmatic approach Institutional Studies: MIT -> many others Affirmative Action Title IX Some good books & great speakers Thoughts of a brain-drainer { Studies { Sticks { Suggestions
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • Demographics • statistical studies by professional organizations • decline in degrees (particularly in physical sciences) • workforce pressures • -> pragmatic approach • “how to help these poor women” • “how to train/hire/retain the talent we need to do the job”
Starting with 4 million 16-year-olds 5 in 1000 1 in 1000 “The Leaky Pipeline”
Percent of Physics BS Degrees and PhDs Earned by Women (1971-1998) Percent of PhDs Earned by Women - Historical Perspective (1920-1998) % Post-war grimness %
Percent of BS Degrees Earned by Women in Several Sciences (1975-1997) %
First Year Graduate Students in Physics and Astronomy US MUST diversify to meet workforce needs
“Hart-Rudman Report” - 2001 Education as a National Security Imperative “The harsh fact is that the US need for the highest quality human capital in science, mathematics, and engineering is not being met.” Recommendation “… fund a comprehensive program to produce the needed numbers of science and engineering professionals as well as qualified teachers in science and math.”
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • Institutional Studies - Status of Women at MIT -> many others • Caltech, U. California, Michigan, Stanford, Wisconsin, Space Telescope Science Institute, etc. • Pay, space, awards, responsibilities, etc. often unequal • But it is as much CULTURE that drives women away • - Women are less content with their work environment • - 2-body problems, family issues • - But also hostile environment - many subtle obstacles • - Not just older generation who just can’t change - new generation of arrogant and overly entitled young men who apparently can’t credit young women with intelligence, dedication or a future in science.
Women In Astronomy 2003 - Recommendations DATA Gather & post data on UG and graduate programs, Advertize where there are women faculty & women post-docs follow “the 60% cohort” - in 2002 60% of 18-23 year-old members are women - how will their careers evolve? HIRING - 2-body policies, pro-active recruitment FAMILIES - need flexibility in hours, careers, tenure INNOVATIVE CAREER PATHS - advertize, train, take pride MENTORING - describe what it is, give examples INSTITUTIONAL LEADERS MUST BE ACTIVE ON GENDER ISSUES - hiring, mentorship, career development BEST PRACTICES - Spread the word
“The Two-Body Problem” Profession of Physicists’ Spouses Women scientists/engineers tend to marry scientists/engineers
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • “Speak softly and carry a big stick” • Obligations of institutions that receive federal funds • Affirmative Action - “good faith” effort, significant impact at undergraduate admissions level, less at higher levels • Title IX - Show hiring/funding consistent with demographics for educational institutions to get federal research funds • e.g. Top schools not hiring women faculty in proportion to their own women PhDs • Debra Rolison articles/talks • Congress very interested
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • Some great speakers • Virgina Valian • Sheila Tobias • Denice Denton • Elaine Seymour • Susan Estrich • Debra Rolison • Some good books • .... and lots and lots of websites....
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • Thoughts of a Brain-Drainer • Keep BBC Horizon alive! • Humor is the best weapon (no “whining minnies”) • UK has 1/4 the US population and better education* • why does UK have <<1/4 US women scientists? • Please, please - someone write (preferable in cartoon): • “Everything the Astrophysicist Needs to Know About Women in Science But is Too Arrogant to Ask” • “Feminism 101 for the Busy Scientist” * produces twice as many physics degrees per capita
Women In Science:Recent Activity in the US • Some great speakers • Virgina Valian • Sheila Tobias • Denice Denton • Elaine Seymour • Susan Estrich • Debra Rolison • Some good books • .... and lots and lots of websites....
Web Sites - 1 www.aip.org/statistics/index.htm American Institute of Physics Statistics Group cheminfo.chem.ou.edu/faculty/djn/diversity/top50.html Diversity statistics at univ. science depts. www.serve.com/awis/ Association of Women in Science www.aps.org/educ/cswp/ Comm. on the Status of Women in Physics, American Physical Society www.aas.org/~cswa/ Comm. on the Status of Women, American Astronomical Society www.physics.wm.edu/dualcareer.html The 2-body problem / dual-careers www.wisc.edu/provost/hiring/hirinit.html U. Wisconsin spousal hiring policy
Web Sites - 2 www.aps.org/apsnews/0503/050312.html Applying Title IX to science depts. web.mit.edu/fnl/women/women.html MIT study on the status of women www.ucop.edu/pressummit/reports.html U. California reports on gender equity diversity.caltech.edu/ Caltech study on the status of women www.aura-astronomy.org/nv/nuresult.asp?nuid=52 Status of Women at Space Telescope Science Institute www.engr.washington.edu/advance/ ADVANCE program at U. Washington women in academia www.hunter.cuny.edu/genderequity/ Gender Equity Program for women in academia www.nssg.gov/ Hart-Rudman Commission crux.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/4000WS.html 4000 years of women in science