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Dynamic Networks and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities

Dynamic Networks and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities. Patrizia Daniele Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Catania Visiting Scholar at DEAS (Harvard University) Spring Semester 2006.

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Dynamic Networks and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities

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  1. Dynamic Networks and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities Patrizia Daniele Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Catania Visiting Scholar at DEAS (Harvard University) Spring Semester 2006 Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  2. Lions, J. L., and Stampacchia, G. (1967), “Variational Inequalities”, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 22, 493-519. • Brezis, H. (1967), “Inequations d'Evolution Abstraites”, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris. • Steinbach, J. (1998), “On a Variational Inequality Containing a Memory Term with an Application in Electro-Chemical Machining”, Journal of Convex Analysis, 5, 63-80. • Daniele, P., Maugeri, A., and Oettli, W. (1998), “Variational Inequalities and Time-Dependent Traffic Equilibria”, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, 326, Serie I, 1059-1062. • Daniele, P., Maugeri, A., and Oettli, W. (1999), “Time-Dependent Variational Inequalities”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 104, 543-555. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  3. Raciti, F. (2001), “Equilibrium in Time-Dependent Traffic Networks with Delay”, in Equilibrium Problems: Nonsmooth Optimization andVariational Inequality Models, F. Giannessi, A. Maugeri and P.M. Pardalos (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 247-253. • Gwinner, J. (2003), “Time Dependent Variational Inequalities - Some Recent Trends”, in Equilibrium Problems and Variational Models, P. Daniele, F. Giannessi and A. Maugeri (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 225-264. • Scrimali, L. (2004), “Quasi-Variational Inequalities in Transportation Networks”, M3AS: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 14, 1541-1560. • Daniele, P., and Maugeri, A. (2001), “On Dynamical Equilibrium Problems and Variational Inequalities”, in Equilibrium Problems: Nonsmooth Optimization and Variational Inequality Models, F. Giannessi, A. Maugeri, and P.M. Pardalos (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 59-69. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  4. Daniele, P. (2003), “Evolutionary Variational Inequalities and Economic Models for Demand Supply Markets”, M3AS: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 4, 471-489. • Daniele, P. (2004), “Time-Dependent Spatial Price Equilibrium Problem: Existence and Stability Results for the Quantity Formulation Model”, Journal of Global Optimization, 28, 283-295. • Daniele, P. (2003), “Variational Inequalities for Evolutionary Financial Equilibrium”, in Innovations in Financial and Economic Networks, A. Nagurney (ed), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England, 84-109. • Cojocaru, M.G., Daniele, P., and Nagurney, A. (2005), “Projected Dynamical Systems and Evolutionary (Time-Dependent) Variational Inequalities Via Hilbert Spaces with Applications”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 27, no.3, 1-15. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  5. Cojocaru, M.G., Daniele P., and Nagurney, A. (2005), “Double-Layered Dynamics: A Unified Theory of Projected Dynamical Systems and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities”, European Journal of Operational Research. • Cojocaru, M.G., Daniele P., and Nagurney, A. (2005), “Projected Dynamical Systems, Evolutionary Variational Inequalities, Applications, and a Computational Procedure”, in Pareto Optimality, Game Theory and Equilibria, A. Migdalas, P. Pardalos and L. Pitsoulis (eds), NOIA Series, Springer, Berlin, Germany. • Nagurney, A., Liu, Z., Cojocaru, M.G., Daniele, P. (2006), “Static and Dynamic Transportation Network Equilibrium Reformulations of Electric Power Supply Chain Networks with Known Demands”, Transportation Research E, to appear. • Daniele P. (2006), “Dynamic Networks and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities”, Edward Elgar Publishing. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  6. General Formulation of the set K for traffic network problems, spatial price equilibrium problems, financial equilibrium problems Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  7. Discretization Procedure Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  8. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  9. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

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  11. Theorem Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  12. Lemma Theorem Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  13. Continuity assumption • Discretization the time interval [0,T]; • Sequence of PDS; • Calculation of the critical points of the PDS; • Interpolation of the sequence of critical points; • Approximation of the equilibrium curve. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  14. Traffic Network O D Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  15. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  16. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  17. Direct Method Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  18. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  19. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  20. Traffic Network 0 D Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  21. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  22. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  23. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  24. Economic Markets P1 P2 Q1 Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  25. Direct Method Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  26. Discretization Procedure Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  27. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  28. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

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  30. Financial Markets • Nagurney, A., Dong, J., and Hughes, M. (1992), “Formulation and Computation of General Financial Equilibrium”, Optimization26, 339-354. • Nagurney, A. (1994), “Variational Inequalities in the Analysis and Computation of Multi-Sector, Multi-Instrument FinancialEquilibria”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 18, 161-184. • Nagurney, A., and Siokos, S. (1997a), “Variational Inequalities for International General Financial Equilibrium Modeling and Computation”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 25, 31-49. • Nagurney, A., and Siokos, S. (1997b), Financial Networks: Statics and Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. • Dong, J., Zhang, D., and Nagurney, A. (1996), “A Projected Dynamical Systems Model of General Financial Equilibrium with Stability Analysis”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling24, 35-44. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  31. m sectors: households, domestic business, banks, financial institutions, state and local governments, … • nfinancial instruments: mortgages, mutual funds, savings deposits, money market funds, … • si(t): total financial volume theld by sector i at time t • xij(t):amount of instrument j held as an asset in sector i's portfolio • yij(t): amount of instrument j held as a liability in sector i's portfolio Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  32. Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

  33. variance-covariance matrix aversion to the risk at time t rj(t): price of instrument j at time t set of feasible assets and liabilities Southern Ontario Dynamics Day April 07, 2006

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