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ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTIONS. Basia Korel Kendra Wadsworth. MOTIVATION. Astronomical number of medical errors and deaths Up to 7,000 Americans die per year The financial costs run nearly $77 billion a year Prescription fraud is a growing problem in the United States.

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  1. ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTIONS Basia Korel Kendra Wadsworth

  2. MOTIVATION • Astronomical number of medical errors and deaths • Up to 7,000 Americans die per year • The financial costs run nearly $77 billion a year • Prescription fraud is a growing problem in the United States.

  3. A. Prescription altered to change the type of drug from Tylenol II to Tylenol IV

  4. CURRENT STATE-OF-ART • UIFramework - Graphical user interface of prescribing e-Prescriptions project • TrustworthyRX - Secure transmission of the e-Prescriptions across a trustworthy framework project

  5. GOALS • Integrate the user interface for writing prescriptions with the project that digitally signs and secures the transmission of the prescription. • Add further functionality to the user interface • To incorporate fingerprint authentication to ensure the identity of the physician

  6. WHY FINGERPRINTS??? • Impossible to lend someone your hand • More than 50 percent of all help desk calls are related to passwords either lost, forgotten, or otherwise useless • Other authentication mechanisms require you to carry something • Everyone is known to have a unique, immutable fingerprint

  7. DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000 Reader

  8. FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION: HOW IT WORKS • A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger. • The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows as well as the minutia points. • Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending.

  9. HOW IT WORKS… • Fingerprint scanner captures an image of the fingerprint (the pattern of ridges and furrows) • Only a subset of features are extracted from the image based on spatial relationships • Data containing subset of data points is stored in a template

  10. HOW IT WORKS… • Our system assumes enrollment – the fingerprint enrollment template is stored in a secure database • The verification template is captured in the running system and verified against the enrollment template

  11. ISSUES… • Integration - All data fields must be consistent in database, prescription object in UI and prescription object in TrustworthyRX • Means to instantiate prescription object in TrustworthyRX with populated fields from UI. • Generate an XML file with these populated fields according to XML Schema definition. • Fingerprint authentication – assume physician enrollment • Generate and store x.509 certificates from a trust CA for appropriate stakeholders to digital sign prescription object.

  12. DIGITAL SIGNATURES • Public key cryptography algorithm • Jane wants to send a secure message to John and John wants to verify it came from Jane 1. Jane’s message -> hash alg. -> Jane’s message digest 2. message digest -> Jane’s private key -> Jane’s signature 3. Jane -> Jane’s message and signature -> John 4. signature -> Jane’s public key -> hash alg. -> John’s computed message digest 5. Jane’s message digest == John’s computed message digest

  13. x.509 CERTIFICATES • Uses a digital signature to bind a public key to an identity. - authenticates user - assures that data originated from the verified source - data integrity - protects data from being altered during transmission - confidentiality - protects a user’s identity. • Our implement - Authenticode x.509 v.3 certificates - this certificate is signed with a private key that uniquely identifies the holder of the certificate.


  15. A FEW PROBLEMS… • Both projects needed to be redesigned for proper integration. • Web Services – x.509 certificates • Web Services - RSACryptoServiceProvider

  16. NOT ENOUGH TIME • Web services • Timed session • Replay attack

  17. FUTURE WORK • WS-SecureConversation – ensure message level security by securing internal SOAP messages in the system. • Web services and SSL – secure end-user to web services connections and database to client connections. • Ensure ethical and lawful drugs/prescriptions are being issued.

  18. THANK YOUS • Professor Weaver • Mentors: Shaun Hutton & Paul Bui • Dr. Tom Powers • NSF REU Group, Summer 2006

  19. REFERENCES • Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, “The Problem of Prescription Fraud”, http://www.popcenter.org/Problems/problem-prescription-fraud.htm • Vogelsang, Jeff and Kristin Wang, “Trustworthy Electronic Prescriptions”, Project Documentation, April 2006. • Stuppy, John and Austin Kennedy, “Secure e-Prescriptions User Interface”, Project Summary & User Manual, Spring 2006.

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