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The Holy Christian Church. Holy Christian church. The holy Christian church is the total number of those who believe in Christ. It’s made up of people . All who have faith in Christ are true members of the Christian church. Faith is what makes someone a member of the Christian church.
Holy Christian church • The holy Christian church is the total number of those who believe in Christ. It’s made up of people. • All who have faith in Christ are true members of the Christian church. • Faith is what makes someone a member of the Christian church.
Christ is the head of the whole Christian church. • It is called “Christian” because it belongs to Christ and is built on Him alone.
Jesus calls the church: • Bride • Temple • City • Flock • Body • On earth it is the “Kingdom of Grace. • In Heaven it is the “Kingdom of Glory” “Communion of Saints”
It is called “holy” because it is made up of holy people (saints). • A saint is “any believer who believes in Christ, whether in heaven or on earth.”
“communion of saints” Through faith all Christians, whether currently living here on earth as well as those who have died before us, are connected to make up the body of Christ.
When we meet fellow Christians from around the world, we can instantly feel connected to them because we are related to each other as brothers and sisters through our faith in Christ.
Through our faith in Christ we are connected to those who have died before us.
The Church Many members but only one church. Many members but only one church. It exits in heaven and throughout the world
holy catholic church Catholic, with a small “c” means “universal” or “general”. It means all Christians together make up the general church. It’s universal.
REFORMATION ERA Church united under one Roman Catholic Church ruled by the Pope from Rome. Martin Luther A priest who nailed a list of 99 things he saw wrong in the Roman Catholic Church
Catholics People who are members of the Roman Catholic Church Protestants People who protested against the Roman Catholic church and followed Luther’s teachings.
Denomination A church body or organization with a distinct name or a distinct body of doctrine. John Calvin Reformer in Hungary, Switzerland, France Ulrich Zwingi Reformer in Switzerland John Knox Reformer in Scotland
CHRISTIANS Greek Orthodox “Main Steam” churches Roman Catholic Lutheran, Methodist Presbyterian, Episcopal Different in our practices and teaching yet the same belief in Jesus.
Invisible Church • Invisible church is made up all people who have faith, who make up the body of Christ. • There is only one church-all believers in Christ.
Visible Church • The local church. The visible gathering of true believers but among them there are also unbelievers. • Believers and unbelievers. • There are a great many! • Gather around the “means of grace” which are the “marks of the church.”
Means of Grace The instruments God uses to convert and bless people.
The one who gathers and preserves God’s church. • Holy Spirit continues to gather and preserve the church.
Become a member of the invisible church. Join the true visible church. Support the church. Avoid false churches
The Bible is the true Word of God. 2. Jesus is the only Savior. 3. We are saved by believing in Jesus and being baptized.