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Social Studies Slide Show. THE OHIO MODEL. Grade 4 by Brenda O’Reilly. Rational.
THE OHIO MODEL • Grade 4 • by • Brenda O’Reilly
Rational • The six strands of the Ohio Model are addressed with a focus on Ohio. The past, the people, and the institutions are addressed. Connections can be made to the other forty-nine states as well as the rest of the world.
Instructional Objective Focus * American Heritage * People in Societies * World Interactions * Decision Making and Resources *Democratic Processes *Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
American Heritage Activities • Have students make timelines of great events in Ohio’s history • Students can learn about the Ohio Pioneers by linking to the Oregon Trail website. • Have students choose a famous Ohioan and write a two-page report with one illustration. • Have students write their own Ohio fact book (make paper and cover in the shape of Ohio). • Using topographic maps, have students the path of the glacier, acknowledging the many levels of land.
American Heritage Websites http://www.state.oh.us http://www.kidport.com http://www.ohiohistory.org/resource/html http://www.isu.edu/~trimich.oregontrail.html http://www.co.lake.oh.us/websites.histdoc.htm
Activities for People in Societies • On individual Ohio maps, have students label where various cultural groups settled in Ohio. • Have students create an eight slide power point show that indicates how various culture groups make their living. • Write Ohio’s government to ask how they deal with the needs and demands of various culture groups. • Have each student research and role play a famous Ohioan. • With input and effort from the entire class, create a Venn diagram to contrast and compare various societies in Ohio.
Websites for People in Societies • http://www.logs.org/people.htm • http://dbs.ohiohistory.org/africanam • http://www.amish-heartland.com • http://www.fi.edu/flights/first/intro.html •
Activities for World Interactions • Create tables, charts, and graphs to compare climate, vegetation, and resources in Ohio with other locations. • View a video tape that explains the interdependence of Ohio’s economy with nations around the world. • View slides and discuss how the Ohio government deals with government in other nations. • Have students choose any world location and write a contrast/comparison to Ohio. • Have students point out on a map and describe Ohio’s location relative to other states and nations.
Websites for World Interactions • http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/states/ • www.traveladventures.org/ • http://www.map.lib.umn.edu/news.html • http://www.nationalgrographic.com/index.html • http://www.theglobe.com/defaulttaf?flash=1&version=4 • igher_Education/Colleges_and_Universities/By_Region/U_S_States/Ohio/
Activities for Decision Making and Resources • Students will discover on maps where different resources are found. • Students will choose and research a resource, then present it orally. • Students will make a brochure about the advantages and disadvantages of specialization in the production process. • Students will come up with a list of items that require numerous resources to compose, have them classify each resource by the factors of production. • Give students an income amount to budget.
Websites for Decision Makingand Resources • http://www.frbchi.org/ • http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/teach2.htm • http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/results/view.asp? • http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/edu/RSE/RSEyellow/gnb.html • http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/results/index.asp?subjectID=2&SubheadID=2&TopicID=56&Grade_Value=2
Activities for Democratic Processes • Students will go through the process of how a bill becomes a law. • Students will make commercials to illustrate how the government promotes order and society. • Students will participate in a mock senator debate. • Students will write a letter to the Governor about any topic they choose. • Students will get web pals and compare the similarities and differences in their democratic processes.
Websites for Democratic Processes • http://www.state.oh.us/ • http:www.ncss.org/home2.html • http://politics.yahoo.com/politics/StateandLocal/Ohio/. • http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/results/view.asp? • http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/ohiodefined/message.html
Activities for Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities • Have students discuss the leaders of their town and state, collectively make a chart showing the duties each of these people do. • Set up and carry out a mock voting event. • Have the students write news articles on current issues then layout a newspaper from them. • On a bulletin board, collaborate with students to make a fact and opinion web. • At individual computers, have students research to find websites they can turn to in order to stay informed about current events.
Websites for Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities • http://www.stateline.org/ • http://www.state.oh.us/ohio/legislat.htm • http://www.state.oh.us/ohio/ohiolaws.htm • http://www.piperinfo.com/state/index.cfm • http://www.naco.org/counties/counties/index.cfm
Conclusion • The six-strand Ohio Model is designed to enhance the quality of social studies learning. All teachers should become familiar with the model and use it to guide them as they teach.