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The 14-19 Learning Landscape Mary Curnock Cook Director, Qualifications and Skills

The 14-19 Learning Landscape Mary Curnock Cook Director, Qualifications and Skills. 14-19 Reform Programme. Why Reform at All?. Raise participation and achievement Progression to HE and/or employment Get the basics right Greater stretch and challenge Reduce the assessment burden

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The 14-19 Learning Landscape Mary Curnock Cook Director, Qualifications and Skills

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  1. The 14-19 Learning Landscape • Mary Curnock CookDirector, Qualifications and Skills

  2. 14-19 Reform Programme Why Reform at All? • Raise participation and achievement • Progression to HE and/or employment • Get the basics right • Greater stretch and challenge • Reduce the assessment burden • Transparency and simplicity in the system • Confidence in qualifications • Employer engagement 14-19 White Paper Leitch 2

  3. Promoting achievement, valuing success • launched 31 March 2008 • building on 2005 White Paper www.dcsf.gov.uk/consultations 3

  4. 14-19 Qualifications Strategy • 4 main suites of qualifications (with entitlement from 2013) • GCSE/A Level • Diploma • Apprenticeship • Foundation Learning Tier • New criteria for S96 funding • Biennial Review of qualifications offer • QCF • Applied A Levels go; Applied GCSEs stay • AEAs go; IB reduced emphasis • New Extended Diploma

  5. GCSE A level Ext Project App’ships Foundation learning tier UK Vocational Qualification Reform Programme 14-19 Reform Programme 16-19 14-16 Secondary Curriculum Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Painting the Picture Functional skills in English, mathematics and ICT 5

  6. GCSE A level Ext Project GCSE, A level and the Extended Project modernised content incorporation of functional skills controlled assessment reduction from six to four units in most subjects stretch and challenge introduction of the A* grade coursework reduced skills that employers and higher education demand: planning, research, analysis, evaluation, presentation, etc. GCSE A level Extended Project 6

  7. What are Diplomas? • Education (not training) • Composite Qualifications • Lines of Learning (not subjects) • Curriculum based • Collaboration and partnership to develop • Collaboration and partnership to deliver • A new approach to learning • Mixing applied and general learning • Emphasising skills as well as knowledge

  8. Diplomas: Bringing Learning to Life 8

  9. High Apprenticeships Functional Skills Diplomas NVQs Employer Verified Curriculum Employability New academic themed lines of learning Low A-Levels GCSEs Low High University Verified Curriculum

  10. Diploma Structure Principal learning based on the Line of Learning mandatory 50% applied newly developed, unitised qualifications Generic learning functional skills in English, maths and ICT personal, learning and thinking skills work experience (min. 10 days) project Additional and/or specialist learning complementary learning, adding breadth/depth progression pathways choice and flexibility 10

  11. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Entry 1-3 Diploma Award Certificate 13 – 36 credits Above 36 credits 1 – 12 credits The Simple Architecture of the Qualifications and Credit Framework Challenge Size

  12. Frameworks for learning, providing clear progression to identified destinations: First full level 2 Independent living/supported employment Skilled employment including Apprenticeship Diploma/GCSE (for 14-19) Pathways integrate 3 curriculum areas: Personal/Social Development Functional Skills Vocational/subject learning Each Pathway is supported by a range of QCF qualifications Progression Pathway Prospectus and specifications established Phased implementation with restricted provider groups from 08/09, wider roll-out from 2009/2010, full implementation in 2010 FLT Progression Pathways

  13. Example: Progression pathway to Diploma/GCSE Support national curriculum aims and delivery, Every Child Matters Provide a framework for designing programmes and teaching/learning Help reduce NEET numbers Deliver PLTs, WRL and citizenship Minimum requirements: achievement of at least one certificate sized qualification at Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 achievement of at least four credits of personal and social development skills achievement of at least Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT at Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 (5 credits each).

  14. Functional Skills A new suite of qualifications • English, Maths and ICT • Entry Levels 1,2 & 3 • Level 1 and 2 • Level 3 in development • 14-19 pilots 07/08 • 14-19 and adult pilots 08/09-09/10 • 2010 full roll out

  15. Raising the Participation Age What counts as staying on? • Participation at school, college, work-based learning or accredited training provided by an employer • Working towards an accredited qualification • Full time (16 guided hours per week if not working) • 280 hours/year if working at least 20 hours per week (approx one day per week)

  16. Hospitality Qualification

  17. 8 7 6 5 Challenge 4 3 2 1 Entry Level Diploma Award Certificate 13 – 36 credits Above 36 credits 1 – 12 credits Size A Simple Architecture

  18. 8 7 6 5 Challenge 4 3 2 1 Entry Level Diploma Award Certificate 13 – 36 credits Above 36 credits 1 – 12 credits Size A Simple Architecture

  19. A New World ! Maths / ScienceGCSE Level 2 Diploma Hospitality Apprenticeship Foundation DegreeTravel & Tourism Food Science FunctionalMaths Basic Food Hygiene Functional Maths Functional Maths

  20. Learner registers for a ULN Checks unit against qualification outcomes on the website Gains credit for a unit of assessment Gains credit for a unit of assessment Achievement recorded against ULN Gains credit for a unit of assessment Achieves sufficient credit for the whole qualifications Permanent achievementrecorded accessed through the website Using the Qualifications and Credit Framework

  21. Matt: The Telegraph

  22. structures and standards curriculum resources Diploma catalogues general information and more... www.naa.org.uk/14-19 For more information www.qca.org.uk/diploma 24

  23. Address and Useful Links • curnockcookm@qca.org.uk • http://www.qca.org.uk • Diploma:www.qca.org.uk/diploma • 14 – 19: www.qca.org.uk/14-19 25

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