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Review Class 1

Review Class 1. What is the definition of Eeman? Belief in the heart Statement of the tongue Action of the limbs How many conditions are there in the Kalima ? Seven (7) What are they? Knowledge Certainty Sincerity Truthfulness Love Compliance Acceptance. Matching. Have no doubt

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Review Class 1

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  1. Review Class 1 • What is the definition of Eeman? • Belief in the heart • Statement of the tongue • Action of the limbs • How many conditions are there in the Kalima? • Seven (7) • What are they? • Knowledge • Certainty • Sincerity • Truthfulness • Love • Compliance • Acceptance

  2. Matching • Have no doubt • Say Kalimah for marriage • Forced to wear hijab • Don’t pray but says the kalimia • Showing off • Others religions will are ok • Tawheed • Knowledge • Certainty • Sincerity • Love • Truthfulness • Compliance • Acceptance

  3. Matching • Have no doubt • Say Kalimah for marriage • Forced to wear hijab • Don’t pray but says the kalimia • Showing off • Others religions will are ok • Tawheed • Knowledge - G • Certainty - A • Sincerity - E • Love - C • Truthfulness - B • Compliance - D • Acceptance - F

  4. Review Class 1 • Why is Tawheed important? • It was the methodology of all the prophets and messengers • Three categories that Tawheed rectifies? • Belief • Worship • Manners • Proof of Tawheed? • "And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): 'Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities etc. i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah).' “ (16:36)

  5. Review Class 1 • What are the pillars of Islam? • Shahadah • Salah • Fasting in month of Ramadan • Zakat (obligatory Charity) • Hajj (if one can afford it) • What are the pillars of Eeman? • To believe in: • Allah • Angels • Books • Messengers • Al Qadar ( Devine Degree - the good and bad of it) • The Day of Judgment

  6. Review Class 1 • What is the definition of Tawheed? • To single out Allah with everything that is particular to Him in regards to His: • Lordship • Worship • Names and Attributes

  7. Tawheed Class 2

  8. Author • Sheikh-ul-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab • Born 1703 AD, Saudi Arabia • memorize the Qur'an by the age of 10 • Scholar of Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqu • Reviver of the Tawheed and the Sunnah • Wahabi

  9. Kitaab at - Tawheed • There are at least six books called Kitaabat-Tawheed: • Kitaabat-Tawheed, by Saheeh al-Bukhaaree [d. 256] • Kitaabat-Tawheed, by Muhammad ibn Is-haaqibnKhuzaymahAbooBakr al-Naysaboori [d.311]. • Kitaabat-Tawheed, by IbnMandah [d. 395]. • Kitaabat-Tawheed, by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali [d. 69] • Kitaabat-Tawheed, by Shaykh Muhammad ibnAbdul-Wahhaab[d.1206] (similar to al-Bukhaaree, ibnKhuzaymah and IbnMandah book) • Kitaabat-Tawheed of ShaykhSaalih al-Fawzaan.

  10. Types of Hadith • Ahaadeethwhich are saheeh. • Authentic hadeeth of the highest caliber in: • Strong chain of narrations • Strong reliability of the narrators. • Ahaadeethwhich are hasan. • Acceptable hadeeth • Rank below the sahih. • Strong chain of narration • Narratorshave some critism but was acceptable in a general way. • Ahaadeethwhich are hasan li-ghayrihi. • Weak chain of transmission • Strengthened by other chains. • It becomes hasan by way of support from other chains. • Ahaadeethwhich are da`eef (weak). • All chains of transmission are weak • Can be taken if the text falls under a general principle that is already accepted, approved of and endorsed by the Book and the Sunnah.

  11. Allah the Almighty said: "And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and men except they should worship Me (Alone).“ (51:56) • First and Second Point – • We understand from the verse the obligation of singling out Allah with all acts of worship. • This obligation exists for the jinn and the mankind. • The creation of jinn and mankind had a purpose and it is clearly that they are made as worshippers to worship Allah alone. • Third point: • The Creator, He is the One who deserves the worship Alone and none else from those He has created. • How can someone who is created himself and does not create deserve to be worshipped? • Allah is the • Creator, the Provider and the One who brings life (Tawheed ar-Rubuubiyyah) • The importance of Tawheed ul-‘Ibaadah and Tawheed ul-Uluuhiyyah is the very essence of the calls of the prophets • It is generally a concept agreed upon even by the disbelievers and the polytheists believed that Allah Alone was their Sole Provider, Creator, and the One who brings life and death. • They affirmed for Allah His Rubuubiyyah, that He is the only Creator, only Sustainer, and so on. Yet, they did not affirm Tawheed al-‘Ibaadah.

  12. Fourth point: • To understand that Allaah is free of need. • Allaah, the High and Exalted, does not need His creation and has no need for them, yet they are the ones who need Him because He is the creator and they are the created beings. • Fifth point: • We understand from this: • Those things that Allah has done at certain times, like creating the heavens and the earth, creating mankind and jinn or anything else that Allah has mentioned that He has done – are done for a very high, lofty, noble reason, wisdom or goal. • Nothing that Allaah has done is without a complete and perfect objective. • Nothing was done in play or to waste time, Allaah (ta’aala) is far removed above such an idea. • Allah (subhaanahuwata’aala) has Created for the highest and most wise reason and that is to establish His right to be worshipped Alone

  13. "And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): 'Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities etc. i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah).' “ (16:36) • First point: • The reason for sending all the Messengers has been to invite to Tawheed and to prohibit the people from acts of worship dedicated to other than Allah (Shirk). • Second point: • The religion of the Prophets is one. • It is to purify ones’ worship of Allah and abandon all forms of shirk (associating partners with Allah). • This has (always been the case) even when the Prophets had differences in the application of their messages throughout different times. • Example: it was impermissible for such and such nation to eat such and such food in this time that they lived in and another nation may have been allowed to eat that food, etc. There are some different, specific rulings given to each nation. Again, all under the specific legislation of Allah. So therefore, it was the most suitable and best legislation for each people in each time.

  14. Third point: • The Risalaah (message) has been conveyed to all of the people and nations throughout history. • The proof has been established against them. • In general, Allah has sent the Messengers and their messages have reached all corners of the earth in a general way. The proof has been established upon the people in a general way. • Example: Ahlul-Fatrah – • People have died in a time where they did not hear the message of the new prophet. • Their message was corrupted and the message of the next prophet after the one that was sent to them did not reach them. • They did not hear the message of Tawheed as clearly as it was conveyed • They had some physical or mental retardation • Died before the age of responsibility

  15. Fourth point: • Allah speaks of the high status that Tawheed holds and that it has been an obligation on every single group of people who ever lived on this earth. • Fifth point: • The verse contains what is in the statement ‘Laa ilaha illallaah’ of negation and affirmation. • Laailaha (there is no one worthy of worship, no deity worthy of worship and nothing that deserves worship) • illallaah (except Allaah). • The Messenger sent to every group of people said ” “Worship Allah,” this is your affirmation. “Avoid Taaghuut” is a negation • A Muslim must negate the rights claimed that some have the right to be worshipped other than Allah. • So it shows, here, that Tawheed cannot be established correctly except establishing both the affirmation of Allah's right to be worshipped and the negation of others who claim or that they have a right to be worshipped. • Simply negating that others have the right to be worshipped is not Tawheed by itself. Likewise, to say that Allah deserves to be worshipped without negating others rights’ to be worshipped is not Tawheed by itself. • Tawheed must have both elements that Allah is to be worshipped Alone, and that no one besides Allah deserves that worship.

  16. ShaikhSaleh al Fawzaan - Points • First point: • Tawheed is the first thing that Allah has begun with • It is the very first of all rights and all obligatory matters that the servant must fulfill in his life. • The very first and most deserving of attention is the right of Allah to be worshipped Alone. • Second point: • Tawheedcannot be established unless both things are present: • Anegation of things that are worshipped besides Allah • An affirmation that only He deserves worship.

  17. ShaikhSaleh al Fawzaan - Points • Third and Fourth point: • The greatness or the superiority of the rights of the two parents since Allah has mentioned them right after mentioning His role right to be worshipped Alone. • So it comes in rank second – after Tawheed of Allah, you must be dutiful to your parents. “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: 'My Lord! Bestow onthemYour Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.' “ (17:23, 24)

  18. “Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship)…” [Suurat un-Nisaa (4):36] • First point: • It is obligatory to single out Allah with our worship since Allah has ordered that first and it is the most stressed of all obligations. • Second point: • The prohibition and illegality of polytheism (to offer acts of worship to other than Allah). This is because Allah is the One who forbade that and thus it is the most severe prohibition there is. • Third point: • It is obligatory to avoid shirk • The avoidance of shirk is the condition of the acceptability of every one of your acts of worship since Allah has mentioned them together. • He ordered us to worship Him and He forbade from committing shirk. So anyone who is committing shirk in his act of worship with Allah will absolutely have that act of worship rejected by Allah, as well as the rest of his deeds.

  19. Fourth point: • Shirk is unlawful, absolutely prohibited. • The little of it and the great, • Most obvious forms of it; as big as it may be, or as tiny and irrelevant as some people may consider it. • All acts of shirk are impermissible. The Arabic construction here, “Shayaan” …And do not make shirk with Allah, shayaan (with anything).” This phrase is from the phrases of unrestrictedness. • Meaning, every single thing that could fall under the shay is to be rejected as an object of worship. So it is general and unrestricted and no exception is made. Nothing may be taken as partner with Allah.

  20. Fifth point: • It is not permissible that shirk is made with Allah in a person’s act of worship. This is not to be directed towards: • Angels • Prophets • Righteous people • Statues nor idols

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