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Time Management Tips for a Productive Year 2022

Get practical advice and inspiration for maximizing your year ahead! Test everything, hold onto the good, and avoid evil. Use your time wisely with over 500,000 minutes left this year - focus on spiritual health, trust God for your needs, and prioritize what truly matters.

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Time Management Tips for a Productive Year 2022

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  1. February 3, 2013 TODAY’S MESSAGE New Year Resolution Dingc Hnyouv Zoux Yiem Siang-Hnyaangx Nyei Jauv 1 Te^saa^lo^ni^gaa 5:21-22

  2. THE NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONFOR 2013 “Oix zuqc seix mangc nyungc-nyungc. Longx nyei oix zuqc ei jienv zoux. Nyungc-nyungc orqv nyei oix zuqc simv nqoi.” 1 Te^saa^lo^ni^gaa 5:21-22 “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

  3. BEST ADVICE FOR 2013 Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Hnangv naaic, meih mbuo yiem seix zangc oix zuqc faix fim meih mbuo hnangv haaix nor yiem. Maiv dungx hnangv mienh hngongx mienh, oix zuqc hnangv cong-mengh nyei mienh wuov nor. Oix zuqc longc duqv horpc ziangh hoc, weic zuqc ih zanc nyei nyutc zeiv se orqv haic. E^fe^so 5:15-16 Ephesians 5:15-16

  4. BEST ADVICE FOR 2013 You have 355 days left this year, use the wisely. Meih maaih 355 hnoi zengc ih hnaangx, oix zuqc longc guai deix.

  5. BEST ADVICE FOR 2013 • You have 52 Weeks left this year, use them wisely. • Meih maaih 52 norm leiz-baaix zengc ih hnaangx, oix zuqc longc guai deix.

  6. BEST ADVICE FOR2013 You have 8532 hours left this year, use them wisely. Meih maaih 8532 norm ziangh zengc ih hnyaangx, oix zuqc longc guai deix.

  7. BEST ADVICE FOR2013 You have over 511,000 minutes left this year, use them wisely. Meih maaih 511, 000 buon zengc ih hnyaangx, oix zuqc longc guai deix.

  8. Baamh mienh zoux sic maiv horpc Tin-Hungh, maiv dungx zuotc ninh mbuo nyei nyungc zoux. Oix zuqc bun Tin-Hungh goiv nzengc meih mbuo nyei hnyouv caux hnamv nyei jauv, duqv siang-nyungc zeiv. Hnangv naaic meih mbuo haih hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh nyei za'eix, haaix nyungc se longx nyei, Tin-Hungh a'hneiv nyei, dunh yunh nyei za'eix. (Lomaa 12:2) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2


  10. Check your Spiritual Health: BY EXAMINING YOUR HEART Zaah Mangc Gaax Meih Nyei Hnyouv

  11. The Best Advice For You Is: Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Colossians 3:1-2) Se gorngv meih mbuo duqv caux Giduc panh nangh daaih, meih mbuo oix zuqc lorz yiem gu’nguaaic nyei sic, dongh Giduc zueiz jienv ninh nyei Die nyei mbiaauc maengx bung wuov norm dorngx. Oix zuqc zunv hnyouv hnamv gu’nguaaic nyei sic, maiv dungx hnamv naaiv baamh gen nyei sic. (Ko^lo^si 3:1-2)

  12. The Best Advise Is Do Not Treasures on earth. Longx Jiex Nyei Za’eix Se Maiv Dungx Siou Jaaix Nyei Ga’naaiv Yiem Naaiv Baamh Gen Matthew 6:19 – Matv^taai 6:19

  13. “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” “Haaix dauh gan longx Tin-Hungh yaac buangv hnyouv ninh maaih nyei, wuov dauh za'gengh butv zoih. Mbuo cuotv seix, maiv dorh haaix nyungc bieqc baamh gen. Mbuo nzuonx seix yaac maiv haih dorh haaix nyungc cuotv.” 1 Timothy 6:6-7 - 1 Ti^mo^tai 6:6-7

  14. It is written: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” “Meih siou jaaix nyei ga'naaiv yiem haaix norm dorngx, meih nyei hnyouv haaix zanc yaac jangx jienv wuov aqv.” Matthew 6:21 – Matv^taai 6:21

  15. Colossians 3:1 Ko^lo^si 3:1 Meih nyei m'zing mangc haaix nyungc? “Se gorngv meih mbuo duqv caux Giduc panh nangh daaih, meih mbuo oix zuqc lorz yiem gu’nguaaic nyei sic, dongh Giduc zueiz jienv ninh nyei Die nyei mbiaauc maengx bung wuov norm dorngx.” “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”

  16. or Ih zanc meih hnamv taux haaix nyungc ? nyaanh fai Ging-Sou nyei waac? Now what do you thinking about? money or the Bible?

  17. IT IS TIME TO TRUST GOD FOR LIFE’S NEEDS Taux ziangh hoc sienx kaux bungx hnyouv Tin-Hungh yiem mbuo qiemx zuqc nyei jauv aqv. Matthew 6:25-30

  18. BY TRUSTING GOD FOR FOOD & DRINK. Bungx Hnyouv Tin-Hungh Ziux Goux mbuo Nyei Nyanc Hopv Jauv Matthew 6:25-27 – Matv^taai 6:25-27

  19. It is written: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink . . . Ging-Sou Fiev Jienv Gorngv: “Weic naaiv yie gorngv mbuox meih mbuo, maiv dungx weic yungz maengc nyei nyanc hopv kuonx hnyouv. Yaac maiv dungx weic sin zangc nyei lui-houx kuonx hnyouv. Maengc gauh jaaix jiex nyanc hopv maiv zeiz? Sin yaac gauh jaaix jiex lui-houx maiv zeiz? Matv^taai 6:25

  20. Look at the birds of the air . . . Mangc gaax ndaix ndaamh lungh nyei norqc Matv^taai 6:26

  21. I know God loves me. Are you not much more valuable than they? Meih mbuo zungv gaux jaaix jiex norqc maiv zeiz? Matthew 6:26

  22. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Haaix dauh weic kuonx hnyouv nyei sic haih borqv duqv ninh nyei maengc ndaauv faaux yietc norm ziangh hoc nyei fai? Matthew 6:27

  23. Trust GOD for Life’s Needs: BY TRUSTING GOD FOR CLOTHES Oix zuqc bungx hnyouv Tin-Hungh weic lui-houx nyei jauv. Matthew 6:28-30

  24. See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. (28-29)

  25. It is written: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Maiv dungx weic yungz maengc nyei nyanc hopv kuonx hnyouv, fai sin zangc nyei lui-houx kuonx hnyouv. Matthew 6:25

  26. III. IT IS TIME TO SEEK GOD FIRST Taux Ziangh Hoc Lorz Ndaangc Tin-Hungh Nyei Jauv aqv. Matthew 6:31-34

  27. Seek GOD First: Oix Zuqc Lorz Tin-Hungh Ndaangc Matthew 6:33

  28. PRIORITIES: GOD = Tin-Hungh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (33)

  29. PRIORITIES: 1. 2. 3. GOD = Tin-Hungh 4. 5. (33)

  30. Seek GOD First: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT LIFE’S NEEDS (31-34)

  31. Do not worry about TOMORROW EACH DAY HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE OF ITS OWN. Maiv dungx nzauh njang hnoi nyei sic yietc hnoi maaih yietc nyei nzauh gaux aqv. Matthew 6:34

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