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Anatomy of Nasal Air Sacs in Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin

Detailed views of nasal air sacs in a dissected adult Atlantic white-sided dolphin, highlighting phonic lips and air sac structures.

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Anatomy of Nasal Air Sacs in Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin

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  1. Chapter 10 Author: Brudzynski

  2. Fig. 4. (a) Lateral-oblique view of left side of the head an adult Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus, that has been dissected to reveal the three pairs of nasal air sacs. Each air sac has been highlighted by the white 3  5 inch index card placed under it. (b) Frontal view of the rostral aspect of the same specimen shown in (a). (c) Ventral view of the nasal sac complex, dissected off the skull of the same specimen shown in (a) and (b). Note the two pairs of phonic lips, which have a crinkled appearance. The posterior phonic lip has been separated from the anterior lip at the midline on both sides and each is reflected laterally by a hemostat. (d) Enlargement of region indicated by the white box in image (c). Note the crinkled appearance of the surfaces (likely due to relaxation after severing medial connection of posterior phonic lip). Each phonic lip has a shelf of tissue that tapers to a thin edge at its free border. B: blowhole opening; LAPL: left anterior phonic lip; LN: left nasofrontal air sac; LNP: left nasal plug; LP: left premaxillary air sac; LPPL: left posterior phonic lip; LV: left vestibular air sac; RAPL: right anterior phonic lip; RN: right nasofrontal air sac; RNP: right nasal plug; RP: right premaxillary air sac; RPPL: right posterior phonic lip; RV = right vestibular air sac (see plate 10.4.4 for the colour version of this figure).

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