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Controlling False Positive Rate Due to Multiple Analyses Unstratified vs. Stratified Logrank Test. Peiling Yang, Gang Chen, George Y.H. Chi DBI/OB/OPaSS/CDER/FDA The view expressed in this talk are those of the authors and may not necessarily represent those of the Food and Drug Administration.
Controlling False Positive Rate Due to Multiple AnalysesUnstratified vs. Stratified Logrank Test Peiling Yang, Gang Chen, George Y.H. Chi DBI/OB/OPaSS/CDER/FDA The view expressed in this talk are those of the authors and may not necessarily represent those of the Food and Drug Administration.
Issues to Explore • Implication of these tests/analyses. • Eligibility of efficacy claim based on these tests/analyses. • Practicability of multiple testing/analyses.
Outline • Notations / Settings • Introduction to logrank test • Unstratified, stratified • Comparisons • Hypotheses, test statistic, test procedure, inference • Practicability of hypotheses Testing • Multiple testing/analyses • Example of Drug X • Summary
Settings / Notations • 2 arms (control j=1; experimental: j=2). • K strata: k=1, .., K • Patients randomized within strata • t1 < t2 < …< tD: distinct death times • dijk: # of deaths & Yijk: # of patients at risk at death time ti, in jth arm & kth stratum.
Settings / Notations • Hazard ratio (ctrl./exper.): constant • Across strata: c • Within stratum: ck • Non-informative censoring
Introduction: Unstratified Logrank • Wu ~ N(0,1) under least favorable parameter configuration (c=1) in . • Reject if Wu > z. • Type I error rate is controlled at level .
Introduction: Stratified Logrank • Ws~ N(0,1) under least favorable parameter configuration (ck = 1 for all k) in . • Reject if Ws > z. • Type I error rate is controlled at level .
Comparison of Hypotheses • Different hypotheses formulations:
Comparison of Test Statistics • Corr(Wu, Ws) = 1because ofsame r.v. d.1. • Ws = a Wu + b,wherewhere • Wu ~ N(0, 1) Ws ~ N(b, a2)
Comparison of Inference • Rejection of : • Infer overall positive treatment effect in entire population. • Rejection of : • Can only infer positive treatment effect in "at least one stratum". • Further testing to identify those strata required to make claim & error rate for identifying wrong strata also needs to be controlled.
Practicability of Hypotheses Testing • Unstratified hypotheses are tested whendesired to infer overall positive treatment effect in entire population. • Stratified hypotheses are tested whendesired to infer positive treatment effect in certain strata. • Multiple testing of both unstratified & stratified hypotheses ok when not sure whether treatment is effective in entire population or certain strata (but both nulls need to be prespecified in protocol).
Multiple Testing/Analyses • Multiple testing unstratified (use Wu) & stratified (use Ws) hypotheses. • Error to control: strong familywise error (SFE), including the following: • When c1 & all ck1: falsely infer c or some ck’s>1. • When c1 & some ck’s>1: falsely infer c>1 or wrong ck’s>1 Note: parameter space of “all ck1 but c>1” impossible.
Multiple Testing/Analyses Property of SFE: FEnested in another FE. Which ck>1? Nested FE c>1 & at least one ck>1 c1 & at least one ck>1 FE c1 & all ck 1 impossible space
Example -- Drug X • Ws= aWu+b, where a = 1.039, b=0.409 • Critical value using Ws should be adjusted to az+b. • False positive error rate using Ws w/o adjustment = 0.066; • Inflation = 0.066 - 0.025 = 0.041. • Ans.: This finding is not statistically significant. for
Figure 1: False positive rate vs. desired level (w/o adjustment)
Summary • Hypotheses (unstratified or stratified or both) • should reflect what is desired to claim. • need to be prespecified in protocol. • If stratified null is rejected, further testing required to identify in which strata treatment effect is positive. • Strong family error rate needs to be controlled regardless of single or multiple testing.