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Event ROI Methodology Dr. Elling Hamso Managing Partner

Event ROI Methodology Dr. Elling Hamso Managing Partner. +47 90 12 24 18 elling.hamso@eventroi.org Linkedin : ellinghamso | Twitter: ehamso | Facebook : ellinghamso www.eventroi.org. The Cleaning Franchise Story. ” what exactly do you know. in order to make more money ?”.

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Event ROI Methodology Dr. Elling Hamso Managing Partner

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Event ROI MethodologyDr. Elling HamsoManaging Partner +47 90 12 24 18 elling.hamso@eventroi.orgLinkedin: ellinghamso | Twitter: ehamso |Facebook: ellinghamso www.eventroi.org

  2. The Cleaning Franchise Story

  3. ”whatexactly do you know • in order to make more money?” thatparticipantsshould do differently aftertheevent

  4. ”we have differentcategoriesofparticipants”

  5. ”whydon’tthey do thatalready?”

  6. The Principle of Value Creation • whichaddsvalue to stakeholders To influenceparticipants to DO someting at thelowestpossiblecost

  7. ROI Objectives ROI Objective

  8. Impact Objectives ROI Objective

  9. Behaviour Objectives ROI Objective

  10. Learning Objectives ROI Objective

  11. Satisfaction and Learning Environment ROI Objective

  12. Target Audience Objectives

  13. ROI Pyramid ROI Level 5 Impact Level 4 Behaviour Level 3 Learning Level 2 Information | Skills | Attitudes | Relationships Satisfaction and Learning Environment Level 1 Target Audience Level 0

  14. ROI Methodology • developed during 30 years • 30.000 trained practitioners • 22 disciplines, incl. meetings • 54 countries • 50 books

  15. EVENT ROI WEEK Down Hall, London 5 - 9 September 2011 www.eventroi.org

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