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Child Study Committee (CSC). Chittum Elementary School Faculty Inservice January 10, 2011. The General Relationship between ESTAT and CSC. Teacher notices student deficiencies. Teacher accommodates and differentiates. Teacher collects evidence.
Child Study Committee (CSC) Chittum Elementary School Faculty Inservice January 10, 2011
The General Relationship between ESTAT and CSC Teacher notices student deficiencies Teacher accommodates and differentiates Teacher collects evidence Teacher refers to ESTAT by filling out the paperwork ESTAT/CSC meets and requests intervention documentation Teacher implements and documents ESTAT/CSC meets and possibly refers for testing
The CSC Procedure after ESTAT • Parent, teacher, or ESTAT requests testing • CSC Committee sends home CSC Invitation and convenes within 10 business days • At the meeting the CSC and ESTAT will examine child’s progress and teacher’s documentation of intervention (will be discussed later) • CSC either recommends or does not recommend testing, screening, and evaluation • Testing, screening, and evaluation is completed within 65 working days
The Referral Process • It is essential thatthe teacher should seek to go through ESTAT prior to CSC. • Not doing this risks the CSC’s inability to recommend further testing due to a lack of documented evidence. • If CSC receives a referral from any source, we are required to meet by law. • CSC is not required to refer students for testing. • CSC cannot refer students for testing unless written documentation is provided showing evidence that testing is needed. • If ESTAT refers a student to CSC, the teacher MUST fill out paperwork prior to scheduling the meeting. This will speed up the process and meeting time.
Before the Meeting: CSC paperwork for the teacher • Behavioral checklist • Referral form • Teacher observation form • Teachers will conduct a Classroom Observation (unless SLD is suspected) • If a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) is suspected, an administrator will conduct the Classroom Observation. • Child Study Committee Referral Information Sheet (green sheet)
During the meeting:Procedure • Whenever possible, the ESTAT/CSC teams will be represented. • Reason for the ESTAT merger: • ESTAT-to-CSC referrals can be expedited without having to schedule another meeting • CSC referrals will be more informed due to the closer proximity of communication between committees. • Just because there is a meeting, it does not mean that a CSC referral will be made. • Parents and teachers should be prepared to discuss: • Strengths • Weaknesses • Accommodations that have been made, as well as their success rate
Meeting Minutes Full forms and close ups
General Testing Recommendations Full forms and close ups
After the CSC meeting and recommendation • Teacher will continue ESTAT and other interventions in class • Other tests, evaluations, and screenings will be completed within 65 working days after the meeting.
We recognize the following • The CSC process is labor and time intensive • However, this is to ensure that the right determinations are made, as well as ensure that all other options have been exhausted before moving on to formal accommodations (504/IEP). • Requiring the channel through ESTAT is cumbersome • However, if a child does qualify for testing, ESTAT documentations will expedite the process through CSC, as well as provide a strong case for testing • Qualifications for special education services are determined by federal law. • Certain procedures must be followed in order to be in compliance with that law! • This protects the schools and the individual teachers.