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The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle. (Ground water). California Marine Protection Areas. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mlpa/pdfs/southcoast_isor_040710.pdf . Recommendations for San Diego. CONSERVATION (SHORT TERM & LONG TERM) • Implement the Regional Model Landscape Ordinance.

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The Water Cycle

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  1. The Water Cycle

  2. (Ground water)

  3. California Marine Protection Areas http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mlpa/pdfs/southcoast_isor_040710.pdf

  4. Recommendations for San Diego CONSERVATION (SHORT TERM & LONG TERM) • Implement the Regional Model Landscape Ordinance. • Work with industry stakeholders to establish educational, training and certification programs and compliance standards for landscape professionals. • Work with local nurseries and retailers to promote drought-tolerant landscaping & indoor water savings devices in their stores. • Engage in a consistent and effective public education and outreach campaign on how to achieve indoor and outdoor water conservation. • Promote incentive-based water conservation rebates and implement more aggressive residential tiered water rates to encourage users to save. • Develop a long-term plan to retrofit all government-owned sites (parks, civic centers, government facilities, freeway & roadway rights of way, etc.) with drought-tolerant landscaping and weather-based irrigation controllers. Where replacing landscaping is inconsistent with the intended use (e.g., active parks), consider adjustments to the irrigation schedule, install weatherbased irrigation controllers and remove water-consumptive vegetation where possible. • Through education and incentives, encourage larger water users such as apartment and condominium complexes and commercial and industrial sites to install irrigation technologies like drip and weather-based irrigation controllers and replace water-consumptive vegetation.

  5. New Sources De-Salinization Rainwater Harvesting http://www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/rainwater.shtml http://www.otaywater.gov/owd/index.aspx

  6. Energy Resources Types: Non-Renewable & Renewable (Time frames!) Examples of each?

  7. Coal -Mined -Stripped, Mountain-top removal -Pros? -Cons?

  8. Clean Coal?

  9. Oil Wells: Drilled on land or offshore -Pros? -Cons?

  10. Natural Gas -Drilled wells -Pros? -Cons?

  11. Energy Consumption (Worldwide is about the same)

  12. Peak Oil

  13. Drill Baby, Drill! Arctic National Wildlife Reserve

  14. Proposal General Outline • Title • Summary (Keep brief, overview of whole proposal) • Introduction • Background (Explain the general problem you wish to address) • Review of what other schools are doing to address to issue • Statement of the scope and benefit of the project to the school • Project Goals and Objective • Goal 1 • Objective 1 ii.Objective 2 • Cost/Benefit Analysis (Detail analysis of associated expenditures and long term benefits) • Conclusions

  15. Air Pollution Outdoor Air Pollution Sources? • Smog (photochemical) • Particulates • Ozone (lower tropospheric) • Lead, Hg • Cloroflourocarbons • (aerosols, refrigerants) -CO2

  16. Ozone Depletion

  17. Indoor Air Pollution

  18. Economic Costs of Air Pollution E.P.A. Estimates Health care- $150 billion/year (U.S. only) Forest productivity- $30 billion/year Agricultural losses- $2.6 billion/year Material Damage?

  19. Earth’s Atmosphere and the Greenhouse Effect, and Climate Change

  20. The “Greenhouse Effect”

  21. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and average temperatures from 1958 to 2000

  22. Nuclear Energy Pros ? Cons ?

  23. Nuclear is not emission - free • Plant construction • Mining uranium and milling • Conversion of fuel • Enrichment of fuel • Plant operations • Transport and storage of waste • Decommissioning

  24. Passive Solar Pros? Cons?

  25. Photovoltaic (active solar)

  26. Fuel Cells – “The hydrogen economy” Source of hydrogen? Pros? Cons?

  27. Biomass Fuels Methane Ethanol Biodiesel Others?

  28. Pros? Cons?

  29. Fuel from Algae http://www.sapphireenergy.com/

  30. Wind Pros? Cons?

  31. Geothermal Pros? Cons?

  32. Wave Energy Pros? Cons?

  33. Environmental Toxins & Human Health Types: • Radiation • Chemicals Some Major Sources of ChemicalToxins: • - Agricultural • Industrial • Consumer Products Persistence in the environment Bio-accumulation Bio-magnification

  34. Range of health effects Disease- Cancer, organ systems Birth defects Reproductive system damage Immune system damage Nervous system damage Children and fetus most susceptible!

  35. Industrial Toxins Sources of Dioxin from typical American diet “Finally, a 2003 re-analysis of the cancer risk from dioxin reaffirmed that there is no known "safe dose" or "threshold" below which dioxin will not cause cancer. “

  36. Effects of pesticides on Human health: - Endocrine disrupters - Cancer - Neurologic diseases Most pesticides in food: http://www.foodnews.org/fulllist.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ99Znv5rZY

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