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Osteopontin expression in salivary gland cancer. Kristine Bjørndal, Christian Godballe, Jørgen Johansen, Jens Overgaard, Annelise Krogdahl Odense University Hospital, DK. Aim of the study. To evaluate osteopontin expression and its prognostic information in salivary gland cancer. Material.
Osteopontin expression in salivary gland cancer Kristine Bjørndal, Christian Godballe, Jørgen Johansen, Jens Overgaard, Annelise Krogdahl Odense University Hospital, DK
Aim of the study To evaluate osteopontin expression and its prognostic information in salivary gland cancer
Material Salivary gland carcinomas treated at Odense University Hospital 1990-2005 48% males and 52% females Clinical data retrieved from the national database DASPYTCA Immunohistochemical investigations performed on surgical specimens Revision
Material 199 patients 3 – records 3 before 1990 5 metastases 10 - tumor 1 – follow-up 3 changed diagnosis 174 patients (OPN + follow-up)
Number of coloured tumor cells 0=none 1=<1/100 2=1/100-1/10 3=1/10-1/3 4=1/3-2/3 5=>2/3 % All salivary gland carcinomas stain. In 87% over 2/3 of the tumor cells are coloured NO CUT POINT
Colour intensity 0=NONE 1=weak 2=intermediate 3=strong %
Kappa beregning i Stata • kap v1 v2, tab • v2 • v1 1 2 3 Total • 1 33 6 0 39 • 2 14 54 11 79 • 3 0 12 45 57 • Total 47 72 56 175 • Expected • Agreement Agreement Kappa Std. Err. Z Prob>Z • 75.43 34.98% 0.6221 0.0539 11.53 0.0000
Overlevelsesanalyser Follow-up tid: Tid fra diagnose (dato for den første gang patienten ses på en Øre-Næse-Hals afdeling i forbindelse med aktuelle cancerdiagnose) til censorering, som kunne være: • Død • Sidste follow-up tjek (9. september 2008 Fpas) Hvis patienten var død, blev dødsårsag registreret som en af to: • Død af sin spytkirtelcancer eller af komplikationer til behandling af samme • Død af andre årsager
Datoer • Før selve beregningerne påbegyndes regnes datoer i Excel om til Stata-datoer: • generate double ddate=date(doedcen, "MDY", 2020) • generate double start=date(datoafd, "MDY", 2020) • generate fol=ddate-start • generate folaar=fol/365.25
CS analyser • stset folaar, failure(mors) • stsum • sts graph • sts list • sts graph, ci • stsum, by(ostint) • sts graph, by(ostint)
Proportional hazards assumption • xi: stcox i.ostint, tvc(ostint) texp(ln(_t)) • P=0,071
Cox-regression • xi: stcox i.ostint • _t Haz. Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] • _Iostint_2 .6793372 .2538967 -1.03 0.301 .3265545 1.413237 • _Iostint_3 .639291 .2613488 -1.09 0.274 .2868921 1.424553
Conclusion Salivary gland carcinomas express osteopontin Level of osteopontin expression cannot be used as a diagnostic or prognostic marker Osteopontin is a potential target for anti-cancer therapy