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Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases. Reading -Paragraphs 6-13. Post-reading. Listen to paragraphs 6-13. Skip. Answer the following questions . When did the business community start to offer employment to the disabled ?. After the Department of Labor issued regulations that
Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 6-13 Post-reading
Answer the following questions .
When did the business community start to offer employment to the disabled ? After the Department of Labor issued regulations that authorize equal-employment opportunities for the handicapped.
This procedure continued for approximately five minutes, at which point even my saint-like disposition deserted me. • ..., at which point... 此為非限定用法的 • 關係子句,which為關係形容詞用法, • 修飾前面的句子。 • The argument started to get very • violent, at which point I left. • The patient was asleep, during • which time the nurse was beside • the bed. Next
This procedure continued for approximately five minutes, at which point even my saint-like disposition deserted me. N-like 為複合字 如…的 saint-like fatherlike childlike sportsmanlike godlike gentleman-like ladylike Next
This procedure continued for approximately five minutes, at which point even my saint-like disposition deserted me. This procedure continued for approximately five minutes[, at which point even my saint-like disposition deserted me]. → This event lasted for about five minutes, and then I lost my temper.
Look,” I finally blurted out, “this is absolutely ridiculous. Okay, granted I can’t see, but it’s got to have become pretty clear to both of you that I don’t need an interpreter.” • granted作副詞,用於承認某事為真, • 置於句首或句尾皆可。 • Granted I didn’t do well, but I had tried my best. it是虛主詞,表示that子句的內容,而 has got to 「必定」是用來加強語義。
“He says he doesn’t need an interpreter,” the orderly reported to the woman.
The toughest misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t work. • that子句在此為the view的補語,說明 • 其內容,其他如:fact, idea, belief, feeling或suggestion等後面也常加that 子句,形成補語用法。 • It is a fact that he got the highest score on the exam. • I have a feeling that Mary will be late • for the meeting.
I was turned down by over forty law firms because of my blindness, even though my qualifications included an above average degree from Harvard College and a good ranking in my Harvard Law School class. • turn down = reject; refuse; decline 回絕 • He tried to join the army but was • turned down because of his poor health. Next
I was turned down by over forty law firms because of my blindness, even though my qualifications included an above average degree from Harvard College and a good ranking in my Harvard Law School class. • because of = on account of; owing to; • as a result of • 因為(後面接名詞) • The baseball game was cancelled • because of the heavy rain. Next
I was turned down by over forty law firms because of my blindness, even though my qualifications included an above average degree from Harvard College and a good ranking in my Harvard Law School class. The Introduction of Harvard College The Introduction of Harvard Law School
The Introduction of Harvard College Harvard College「哈佛學院」坐落在麻薩諸 塞州劍橋,自1636年創建以來,這所美國高 等教育學府就從一個地方性的小學府(local college),轉變成全國性知名的Harvard University「哈佛大學」。在這過程當中, 歷任哈佛大學校長之銳意興革,功勞最大。
The Introduction of Harvard Law School Harvard Law School「哈佛法學院」於1817 年創立,雖然比大學部(Harvard College)建 校(1636)晚近兩百年,仍是美國最古老的法 學院並傳承著常春藤盟校的盛名。哈佛大學 部及法學院向來皆列全美排行前三名。
The attempt to find employment, the continuous frustration of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to practice law, and the rejection letters, not based on my lack of ability but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most disillusioning experiences of my life. 全句主詞為the attempt to find employment,其後的the continuous…law 和the rejection …disability 為同位語補充說明其內容. Next
The attempt to find employment, • the attempt to find employment為不定詞修飾名詞的用法. • Her ability to get on with her colleagues is her chief asset. • The child’s offer to work in the store was not taken seriously. • We were pleased by his willingness to share the work. Next
... it was impossible for a blind person to practice law.... • it 為虛主詞代替to practice law, • 常見此類用法的形容詞尚有: • important, necessary, convenient, easy, • difficult, dangerous 等。 • It is necessary for you to have the car washed before Saturday. • It is difficult for most people to • break with a deep-rooted habit. Next
...the rejection letters, not based on my lack of ability but rather on my disability.... • not based on...disability為前面省略了which are的分詞片語,修飾主詞the rejection letters. • based on • = on the basis of; according to 根據 • His view of life is based on his experience on the sea. • not...but 不是…而是… • Happiness and success in life depend not oncircumstances but on ourselves. Next
The attempt to find employment, the continuous frustration of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to practice law, and the rejection letters, not based on my lack of ability but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most disillusioning experiences of my life. →The effort of trying to find a job, the never-ending frustration of being told that I am not suited to be a lawyer, and the rejection letters due to my disability, not my inexperience, will always be one of the most disappointing experiences of my life.
Fortunately, this view of limitation and exclusion is beginning to change.
On April 16, the Department of Labor issued regulations that authorize equal-employment opportunities for the handicapped. The Introduction of the Department of Labor
the introduction of the Department of Labor 美國勞工部(The Department of Labor)旨在 提倡優良工作環境,協助勞工取得工作機會, 並保障其退休及醫療保健上之權益。再者,該部門亦同時致力於協助雇主尋找員工,確 保勞資雙方的集體協商管道能暢通無礙,並 隨時追蹤全國之就業狀況、物價變動及其他 經濟指標。該部門同時也執行許多與就業相 關的法律,以確保勞工得有安全及健康的工 作環境、享有最低時薪及加班給付、免於就 業歧視、並保障其在失業救濟金及其他收入補助上的權益。 Next
On April 16, the Department of Labor issued regulations that authorize equal-employment opportunities for the handicapped. the handicapped/disabled = handicapped people殘障人士 the + Adj 表示特定族群的人,常見的有:the rich/poor/ young/old/homeless/oppressed/educated/unemployed等。 that…handicapped 乃補語 (complement),用以說明regulations的 內容。
By and large, the business community’s response to offering employment to the disabled has been enthusiastic. • by and large = on the whole; in general • 大體上 • By and large, the job has been rather • good to me. • response to... 對…的回應 • 後面受詞多是名詞或如此句中的動名詞 • It is disappointing that we haven’t • received any response to our • advertisement.
I therefore look forward to the day, with the expectation that it is certain to come, when employers will view their handicapped workers as a little child viewed me years ago when my family still lived in Scarsdale. • look forward to V-ing/N 盼望… • I’m looking forward to seeing my • friends soon/my summer vacation. 於此with + NP乃一插入的介系詞片語, 而that子句為expectation的補語。 Next
I therefore look forward to the day, with the expectation that it is certain to come, when employers will view their handicapped workers as a little child viewed me years ago when my family still lived in Scarsdale. • as (conj.) 如同…一樣,按照…那樣 • Jack didn’t stay at home as he had been told. • Mr. Smith teaches us to see the object • as it really is. Next
I therefore look forward to the day, with the expectation that it is certain to come, when employers will view their handicapped workers as a little child viewed me years ago when my family still lived in Scarsdale. → Hence, I am hopefully expecting that there will surely be a day when employers will treat their handicapped workers in the same way as a little child treated me when my family still lived in Scarsdale years ago.
I was playing basketball with my father in our backyard according to procedures we had developed. • according to • = based on; in accordance with根據 • According to the latest weather report, • we are having a typhoon tomorrow. we had developed為省略受格that的 關代子句,修飾先行詞procedures。
My father would stand beneath the hoop, shout, and I would shoot over his head at the basket attached to our garage. attached...garage為省略了which was的 關係子句簡化而來的分詞片語,放在所 修飾的名詞後面。
Our next-door neighbor, aged five, wandered over into our yard with a playmate. “He’s blind,” our neighbor whispered to her friend in a voice that could be heard distinctly by Dad and me. Dad shot and missed; I did the same. Dad hit the rim; I missed entirely; Dad shot and missed the garage entirely. “Which one is blind?” whispered back the little friend. aged five為省略了who was的關係子句 簡化而來的分詞片語,放在後位修飾 主詞.
I would hope that, in the near future, when a plant manager is touring the factory with the foreman and comes upon a handicapped and a nonhandicapped person working together, his comment after watching them work will be, “Which one is disabled?” • I would hope/think/image • 希望或認為某件事是真的 • I would hope that my friend has free • time now. • I would imagine that • Father is at work. Next
I would hope that, in the near future, when a plant manager is touring the factory with the foreman and comes upon a handicapped and a nonhandicapped person working together, his comment after watching themwork will be, “Which one is disabled?” • come upon • = run/bump into; run/come across 偶遇 • Yesterday I came upon an old friend in the park after we had lost contact for years. Next
I would hope that, in the near future, when a plant manager is touring the factory with the foreman and comes upon a handicapped and a nonhandicapped person working together, his comment after watching them work will be, “Which one is disabled?” working together為省略了 who are的關係子句簡化而 來的分詞片語,放在後位修飾。 Next
I would hope that, in the near future, when a plant manager is touring the factory with the foreman and comes upon a handicapped and a nonhandicapped person working together, his comment after watching them work will be, “Which one is disabled?” ...his comment after watching.... → ...his comment after he watches.... Back
I. Reading for the Main Idea and Details • Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. • ____ 1. What is the main idea of the reading? • (A) The blind have many unpleasant experiences in their lives. • (B) The blind can hear, talk and work as able-bodied people do. • (C) The blind should be treated like ordinary people and have equal opportunities. • (D) Even though a blind person is well- educated and well-qualified, his or her job application may still be rejected merely because of his or her blindness. C
I. Reading for the Main Idea and Details • Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. • ____2. What does the title of the reading “Darkness at Noon” mean? • (A) Although blind, the author is a man of insight. • (B) Because he is blind, the author feels sad and hopeless. • (C) Because he is blind, the author is in the dark even when it is noon. • (D) Although sighted, some people are unable to “see” how to treat the blind. D
I. Reading for the Main Idea and Details B. What kind of detail does the author use to support his main idea? Check your answer. □ Causes. □Facts. □Examples. □ Explanations.
I. Reading for the Main Idea and Details C.What transitional expression is used to introduce the supporting detail? Write your answer in the blank. ___________________________ For example .
I. Reading for the Main Idea and Details D. Indicate “M” (main idea) or “D” (details) for the sentences by checking. M D □ □ 1. Once at the airport, the ticket counter clerk described me as “a seventy” instead of a blind person.
□ □ 2. It was difficult for me, a blind person, to find a job as a lawyer. □ □ 3. I look forward to the day when other people won’t treat me as a disabled person. □ □ 4. In a restaurant, a waiter or waitress will not take my order. □ □ 5. A disabled person may not be less capable than a normal person.
II. Reading Strategy: Scanning Scanning is a way to achieve high-speed reading. You should first have a question in mind and then scan the passage for the answer. In order to read faster, the practice of scanning is essential, for it can help you skip unimportant words and pay attention to the information you look for. You can scan almost all kinds of materials except for those that require you to read in detail, such as a textbook or a mystery story.
Exercise: • Read the following questions. Then, scan • the reading to find out the answers. Try • to work as fast as possible! • What date was the author's birthday? • ________________________________ • 2. What sport was mentioned in the • reading? • ________________________________ • 3. Where did the author live when he was • a child? • _________________________________ November 5, 1944 . Basketball. Scar.
4. What word did the ground hostess use to refer to the disabled people? _________________________________ 5. In which university did the author study for a diploma in law degree? _________________________________ Seventy. Oxford University.
Did you use to have any • misconception about blind • people? Now that you’ve • read the reading, what do • you think about your • misconception(s)?
Reference answer : Yes, I used to think blind people had many limitations, and therefore, most of them were confined to their homes. I thought that without others' help, they could not do many things, let alone get a job. I even thought they were miserable and hopeless. However,
Reference answer : after reading this story, I find the author, although blind, is just as “able” as most ordinary people. Besides, he is even more optimistic than many of us. He accepts his own disability without complaints and views unfair treatment by others with humor. He truly deserves our respect.