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What does this picture tell us about gender?

Explore the social learning theory to understand gender development. Learn about observation, imitation, reinforcement, and models impacting gender identity. Study SLT evidence and content analysis methods to analyze gendered behavior in media, school, and family.

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What does this picture tell us about gender?

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  1. psychlotron.org.uk What does this picture tell us about gender?

  2. Today we will… • Examine the social learning theory of gender • Analyse gender development in terms of SLT • Discuss some research from within the SLT tradition psychlotron.org.uk

  3. What concepts does a behaviourist use to understand people? • How might a behaviourist explain the development of gender? psychlotron.org.uk

  4. Social learning theory • Based on behaviourism • Adds two important ideas: • People learn by observing others • People are active, not passive psychlotron.org.uk

  5. A person pays attention to someone else’s behaviour They memorise the behaviour they have observed They practice the behaviour themselves Given a reason, they may use it Encoding Imitation Motivation Social learning Attention psychlotron.org.uk

  6. Social learning theory • Observation • Model & modelling • Imitation • Reinforcement & punishment • Vicarious reinforcement & punishment psychlotron.org.uk

  7. In SLT, two important sources of models are the family, school and the media (e.g. TV ads & programmes) • What hypotheses can you make about what we will observe in families and the media if SLT is correct about the learning of gender identity & role? psychlotron.org.uk

  8. SLT evidence • Fagot & Leinbach • Teaching of gendered behaviour in the family, but not a typical finding • Fagot; Dweck et al • Teachers & peers react differently to male/female ‘preferred’ behaviour • Williams • Introduction of TV to an isolated community resulted in increases in gender stereotyping psychlotron.org.uk

  9. What evidence is there that children acquire gendered behaviour from the materials they learn from at school? • Content analysis method • Read up and make notes on Lobban (1974) and at least one other content analysis study psychlotron.org.uk

  10. Content analysis • A quantitative observational study carried out on written or pictorial material (rather than people) • Books, letters, diaries • Pictures (e.g. in magazines) • TV programmes/adverts • Videogames • Etc. psychlotron.org.uk

  11. Content analysis • Decide what you are counting • Decide how each instance will be classified • Look for a pattern in the way instances are classified psychlotron.org.uk

  12. Pictures in Ladybird Books • Look for instances of adult characters • Classify them according to (1) gender & (2) occupational role (i.e. the job they are depicted doing) • Look for instances of child characters • Classify them according to (1) gender & (2) whether they are ‘doing’ or ‘watching’ psychlotron.org.uk

  13. Content analysis • Convenient way of turning qualitative into quantitative data • Can rely heavily on subjective judgements – open to bias psychlotron.org.uk

  14. psychlotron.org.uk

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