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EOS Direct Broadcast at SSEC

EOS Direct Broadcast at SSEC. Liam Gumley , Tom Rink, Kathy Strabala, Elizabeth Weisz, Allen Huang, Jun Li Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison MODIS Atmosphere Group, 18 March 2002. Terra Direct Broadcast. 10:30 am local descending MODIS only

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EOS Direct Broadcast at SSEC

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  1. EOS Direct Broadcast at SSEC Liam Gumley, Tom Rink, Kathy Strabala, Elizabeth Weisz, Allen Huang, Jun Li Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison MODIS Atmosphere Group, 18 March 2002

  2. Terra Direct Broadcast • 10:30 am local descending • MODIS only • Deep Space Network conflict (Goldstone, Madrid, Canberra)

  3. Aqua Direct Broadcast • 1:30 pm local ascending • MODIS, AIRS/AMSU/HSB, AMSR-E, CERES • No Deep Space Network conflict • Polar Ground Station conflict

  4. International Ground Stations • Locations: • Stations exist on every continent, except Antarctica (changing soon) • More than 75 stations worldwide (14 stations in Beijing alone) • ESA has 5 stations; Russia has 12; Australia has 3 • Many commercial vendors (US and foreign) are involved • Advantages for international users: • Local control and priorities • Nowcasting of local phenomena (e.g., fires, floods, severe weather) • Not dependent on Internet connectivity to DAAC • Can use the latest technology to move local science forward

  5. Coverage of DFD Receiving Station (DLR Germany)

  6. Terra MODIS NDVI composite 250 m (WASTAC Australia)

  7. Ice in the Barents Sea; Kolguev Island (ScanEx Moscow)

  8. SSEC Ground Station SeaSpace SX-EOS 4.4 m antenna: First pass acquired 2000/08/18 Overpass prediction 2003/03/18

  9. Terra MODIS, 21 January 2003 SSEC Direct Broadcast

  10. MODIS 250 meter natural color

  11. EOS Direct Broadcast at SSEC • Objectives:Routine acquisition and processing of EOS direct broadcast data. Distribution of processing software. • Accomplishments: • March 14, 2003: 4200 Terra passes and 675 Aqua passes acquired and processed. • Level 1B and Level 2 data produced automatically since January, 2001 and made available via anonymous FTP, DODS server, and Web. • IMAPP software package for processing MODIS direct broadcast data now in use in USA, UK, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Korea, Brazil, Australia. Level 2 algorithms (cloud mask, profiles, cloud top properties) released in 2002.

  12. SSEC EOS Direct Broadcast Block Diagram Level 0 Ingestor SeaSpace TeraScan SX-EOS Tape archive Exabyte 8mm Level 0 Data Level 0 Data Level 1B/2 Processors Intel Solaris x86 (‘terra’) Intel Linux (‘aqua’) Online Level-1B Anonymous FTP (7 days) Level 1B data Level 2 data Browse Images Browse Images Web Server Intel Solaris x86 Database MySQL, PHP Web Pages

  13. http://eosdb.ssec.wisc.edu/modisdirect/

  14. International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package • Goal: • Transform direct broadcast Level 0 data (initially from MODIS, eventually from all instruments) to calibrated & geolocated radiances (Level 1B) and selected geophysical products (Level 2). • IMAPP Features: • Ported to a range of platforms (IRIX, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, Linux), • Only tool kit required is NCSA HDF4, • Processing environment is greatly simplified, • Downlinked or definitive ephemeris/attitude data may be used, • Passes of arbitrary size may be processed, • Available at no cost; licensed under GNU GPL. • http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/IMAPP/

  15. IMAPP MODIS Level 1 • Requirements: • Everyone needs to transform Level 0 data to Level 1B • Code must be easy to install and run on a variety of platforms • Code must run on modest hardware • Must be traceable to Level 1 operational version • Implementation: • Toolkits (except HDF4), PCF files, etc. were removed • Simple script automates processing, e.g., • % imapp.csh t1.03033.1615.pds • Output L1B format is very similar (but not identical) to DAAC • Releases: • Versions 1.0-1.4 (May 00, Nov 00, Apr 01, Dec 01, Sep 02)

  16. Realtime Geolocation • For realtime processing, ephemeris and attitude downlinked from spacecraft must be used. • Post-processed ephemeris and attitude from NASA GSFC Flight Dynamics may be used for non realtime processing (delay of at least 24 hours after data acquisition) • What is the impact on geolocation accuracy of realtime processing?

  17. Figure courtesy of Stefan Maier, DOLA

  18. HDF L1B Input Binary L1B BIL format Science Code IMAPP MODIS Level 2 Products Overview • Current products include Cloud Mask, Cloud Top Pressure and Phase, Temperature and Moisture Profiles • Same science as operational algorithms for Terra and Aqua Details • Either IMAPP or DAAC format Level 1B may be used as input • Binary BIL intermediate file format is used (ENVI compatible) • Output binary files may be converted to HDF • Ancillary data are available from SSEC via anonymous FTP Binary L2 BIL format

  19. IMAPP MODIS Level 2, Sep. 16, 2002 1636-1647 UTC

  20. MODIS Level 2 Realtime Applications MSFC Short Term Prediction Research and Transition Center • Infusion of ESE data into NWS regional forecast operations Terra MODIS 2002/07/18 16:10 UTC Cloud Top Pressure Cloud Mask

  21. IMAPP AIRS/AMSU/HSB Level 1 • Requirements: • Everyone needs to transform Level 0 data to Level 1B • JPL maintains the algorithm; UW delivers it to users • Code must run on modest hardware (e.g., Intel Linux) • Must be traceable to Level 1 operational version • Implementation: • DAAC operational version with Python wrappers (by JPL) • Initial platforms will be Solaris and Intel Red Hat Linux • All input data comes from spacecraft (no ancillary required) • Output L1B format is identical to DAAC (6 minute granules) • Have processed SSEC DB data in beta testing • Releases: • Version 1.0: April 2003

  22. AIRS L1B data acquired and processed at SSEC on 2003/03/24

  23. IMAPP AIRS regression (top) vs. ECMWF analysis (bottom) Western Australia on July 20, 2002 (granule 58)

  24. IMAPP AMSR-E Level 1 • Requirements: • Everyone needs to transform Level 0 data to Level 1B • RSS maintains the algorithm; UW delivers it to users • Code must run on modest hardware (e.g., Intel Linux) • Implementation: • DB specific version written in Fortran 90 (by RSS) • Version 1 calibration (not Version 2 with hot load fix) • All input data comes from spacecraft (no ancillary required) • Output L1B format is flat binary • Have processed SSEC DB data in beta testing • Releases: • Pending resolution of calibration algorithm

  25. AMSR-E 89 GHz horizontal polarization Acquired and processed at SSEC on January 28, 2003 1912-1923

  26. Future Work: MODIS • IMAPP funding has been approved for 2003-2006 • New MODIS Products: • Aerosol Optical Depth (MOD04) • Land Surface Reflectance (MOD09) • Sea Surface Temperature (MOD28) • Cloud Optical Properties (MOD06_OD) • Snow and Sea Ice Detection (MOD10, MOD29) • Scene Classification (Clouds and Land Surface) • Conversion from IMAPP format to DAAC HDF-EOS

  27. Future Work: AIRS/AMSU/HSB and AMSR-E • AIRS/AMSU/HSB (in cooperation with JPL): • Level 1 calibration and geolocation • AIRS regression retrieval of temperature and moisture profiles • AIRS + AMSU regression and physical retrieval • AMSU precipitation estimation • MODIS/AIRS collocation • AMSR-E (in cooperation with RSS): • Level 1 calibration and geolocation • Precipitation estimation • Soil moisture • Surface winds

  28. International Collaboration • MODIS Direct Broadcast Workshop in Perth, Australia, Nov. 26-29 2002 • Three operational ground stations (Perth, Alice Springs, Hobart) • Participants from CSIRO, DOLA, ACRES, Curtin University • Lectures and lab sessions (ENVI)

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