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Remote Education Policy and Evaluation Seminar by N.V. Ushina

International research seminar exploring remote teaching technologies, accreditation procedures, state educational standards, and quality evaluations in educational institutions. Featuring experience-sharing and legislative insights.

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Remote Education Policy and Evaluation Seminar by N.V. Ushina

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  1. State policy in evaluation of educational achievements of students Internationalresearch and practice,psychological and pedagogicalseminar«The problems of remote education under the conditions of trans-border community» N.V. Ushina, deputy manager of academic control of MSHU

  2. Internationalresearch and practice, psychological and pedagogicalseminar«The problems of remote education under the conditions of trans-border community» STATE POLICY IN EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF STUDENTS • Remote technologies used in the procedure of accreditation of the university. • The experience of using remote educational technologies in MSPU. • Requirements to conditions of realization and evaluating of quality of education by means of Federal State Educational Standard(FSES)(as a part of electronic education)

  3. Internationalresearch and practice, psychological and pedagogicalseminar«The problems of remote education under the conditions of trans-border community» REMOTE TECHONOLOGIES USED IN THE PROCEDURE OF ACCREDITATION OF THE UNIVERSITY STATE POLICY IN EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF STUDENTS

  4. Legislative act of Russian Federation"About education" • The aims of state accreditation of educational institution are confirmation of accordance of educational standard in accordance of educative programs realized by educational institution, federal state educational standards or federal state requirements and, if other variants are not involved in enactment №12 of functioning Law, and establishment of its political status. Enactment № 2 “The principles of state policy in educational sphere” Enchantment № 33.2. State accreditation of educational institutions and scientific management.

  5. OUTSIDE CONTROL • Licensure • State educational standards of higher professional education(since 2011. - FSES) • Final state attestation • Annual account of the university • Accreditation

  6. State accreditation FSBI “National accreditational agency of educational sphere"

  7. Test work in the sphere of vocational education in the frames of procedure of state accreditation of educational institutes of higher and intermediate vocational education • The testing’s aim is the evaluation of quality of acquisition of knowledge achieved by the students in the process of learning program fare in conformity with the requirements of state educational standard of higher or intermediate vocational education(State Educational Standard HVE or SVE). • Accreditational testing is held in computer format with the use of the Internet and in the presence of a professional, having a control over the technology of the test work’s arranging at educational institute.

  8. PERSPECTIVES: «UNIFIED STATE EXAM FOR BACHELORS» The Institute of Educational Development National Research University «Higher School Economics» (head - Abankina I.V.) Activity of the Institute is directed to solving such problems as: • The reforming of content and structure of educational process • The developing of new tools and perfecting business ones in educational spheres • Modernization of legal basis of functioning and developing of educational system.

  9. Social-professional accreditation Public top-list of quality of OOP

  10. Internationalresearch and practice, psychological and pedagogicalseminar«The problems of remote education under the conditions of trans-border community» THE EXPERIENCE OF USING OF REMOTE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN MSPU State POLISY IN EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF STUDENTS

  11. Educational courses with using of the elements of remote technologies • Optional courses • Elective courses • Major-Specific Disciplines

  12. The Institute of scientific research of monitoring of educational quality

  13. The Institute of scientific research of monitoring of educational quality Internet-exercisers in educational sphere • For self-check and task-oriented training of students for the procedures of quality • For the control of the level of student’s proficiency in frames of educational process in university • For the purpose of training for entry to postgraduate • For training of applicants for Unified State Examination

  14. «The provisors of the higher education bear the main responsibility for the quality of education and its guaranty» Bolognese Declaration Organization of detached control of student’s knowledge in MSHU internet examinationrector’s control of student’s knowledge

  15. Internet Examination Aim:to use the system of detached external evaluation of quality of education for realisation of the principles of Bolognese process about the openess education’s quality. Structurarisation of information about the results of Interent-examination for the users of different levels.

  16. Rector’s control of student’s knowledge

  17. Computer testing within the university(АSТ-tеst) • Any discipline • A professor creates the basis for testing on his own • Involving in educational process • Self-sustained testing is possible(without professor) • Different levels of complexity • There are questions not only for recognition, but also for reproduction, matching etc. • Both separate topics, and themes taken as a whole are acceptable for learning • Various test’s tasks • The results are given to professor in several variants(request forms, diagrams, histograms etc.)

  18. Participation and organization of Internet-competition Tasks: • Revelation of gifted young people • Rising of quality of specialist’s training Open International Internet-Olympiads - 2009, 2010 г. Disciplines: Mats, Computer Technology, Physics, Russian Language, English Language

  19. Personal development training for professors

  20. Questionnaire Is realized by scientific laboratory of community studies • School leavers • First-year students • Undergraduates • Employers

  21. The main trends of community studies • Orientation of pupils of senior classes in Murmansk and Murmansk region in obtaining higher education • Orientation of first-course students of MSHU in obtaining profession • Evaluating of students of graduating classes of MSHU of the quality of given education • Evaluation of employers concerning the level of professional training of MSHU-undergraduates • The MSHU students’ opinion about the quality of disciplines


  23. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES • 7.3. The realization of competence-based approach must involve the vast usage of active and interactive forms of lessons(computer simulation, business-like and role-playing games, analysis of concrete situations, psychological and other trainings) coupled with out-of-school work with the aim to formulate and develop professional skills of students. Meetings with representatives of Russian and foreign firms, state and social organizations, workshops of experts and specialists must be involved in curriculum

  24. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 7.11. University is obliged to provide the students with real opportunity to participate in organizing their own program of education including the probable working-out of individual educational programs.

  25. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES • 7.15. Section... «Practical and on-the-job training»... Research work can be the part of practical training. In the case of its existence in the process of working out of research work the higher education must give students the opportunity: • - of getting access to modern electronic database containing up-to-date research and professional literature according to profile of training, including present-day foreign literature • - of getting access to thematic and vocationally-oriented Internet-resources • - to work with the help of modern computer means, fitted with license software including the opportunity to working with static information.

  26. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 7.17. The main educational programme must be provided with academic documentation and materials about all the courses, disciplines(modules) of basic educational program. The content of each of them must be given in the Internet resources or in the local area network of educational institute.

  27. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 7.17. Each student must be provided with access to electronic-library system, containing publications of basic examined disciplines and which is organized on the basis of direct contacts with the rights holders of educational and academic literature.

  28. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 7.17. Electronic-library system must provide the opportunity of individual access for each student from every spot, where there is an access to the Internet. The access to present-day professional database, informational help desks and search systems must be provided to students.

  29. REQUIREMENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF THE MAIN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF THE BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 7.19. In the process of individual using electronic publishing the university must provide each student with the work area in computer classroom, providing a means of Internet not less than 4 hours per week in accordance to the size of studied disciplines.

  30. You may learn more about Internet-exerciser, the system of inner-university test-programme at the campus building of MSHU situated at Kommuni Street 9, classroom № 210t. 8(815)-2-213-850

  31. Thank you for listening!

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