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Case Presentation

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Case Presentation. Dr. Huda AL- Sa kran R2 [SSC-Dent(Endo)] . Patient personal data :. 26yrs old Saudi female. Medical History: NAD Allergy : None. Past Dental History : several restorations. Chief Complaint:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Case Presentation • Dr. HudaAL-Sakran • R2 [SSC-Dent(Endo)]

  2. Patient personal data : 26yrs old Saudi female. • Medical History: NAD • Allergy: None. • Past Dental History: several restorations.

  3. Chief Complaint: I have pain in my tooth during mastication • Nature of pain: dull ,moderate , localized pain, initiated by mastication

  4. Clinical examination: • Extra-oral Examination: WNL • Intra-Oral Examination: soft tissues: WNL clinical crown: badly decayed

  5. Tooth & Periodontal Exam

  6. Radiographic Finding

  7. Radiographic Finding

  8. Diagnosis • Pulpal: Necrotic Pulp • Periapical: Acute PeriradicularPeridontitis • Periodontal: WNL

  9. Etiology: Caries. • TX. Plan: • Endodontic: Non-surgical RCT. • Restorative: casted post & core& crown , after crown lengthening. • Prognosis: Good.

  10. Access Opening

  11. Biomechanical Data:

  12. WL WL

  13. MAC MAC

  14. Case no. 2

  15. Patient personal data : 46yrs old Saudi female. • Medical History: NAD • Allergy: None. • Past Dental History: several restorations. several RCT. several extractions

  16. Chief Complaint: my doctor told me I need to redo RCT for my teeth • History of present illness: no pain

  17. Clinical examination: • Extra-oral Examination: WNL • Intra-Oral Examination: soft tissues: WNL clinical crown: with Temp. Filling

  18. Tooth & Periodontal Exam

  19. Radiographic Finding

  20. Diagnosis • Pulpal: prior RCT • Periapical: Chronic PeriradicularPeridontitis • Periodontal: generalized marginal gingivitis.

  21. Etiology: prior RCT • TX. Plan: • Endodontic: Non-surgical RC retreatment. • Restorative: casted post & core& crown • Prognosis:Good.

  22. Access Opening

  23. ProFile .04 Taper with or without chloroform seemed to be a viable alternative retreatment technique for guttapercha-obturated root canals. Sae-Lim V, et al, 2000 The rotary methods were considerably faster in removing gutta-percha from obturated root than the hand methods, and the time for the ProFiles alone was less than that for Profiles with chloroform Pitt Ford ,etal2001

  24. Biomechanical Data:

  25. IF

  26. tamse & kafine 1980 : zygomatic arch interferes with the apical third of the roots of the first and second upper molars. The number of interferences around the second molar apices was much larger (42 percent average) than those around the first molar apices (20 percent average). For endodontic radiographic diagnosis of the upper two molars, the bisecting-angle technique has proved to be unreliable. Need to shift x-ray beam to move arch off of the root.

  27. when using the bisecting angle technique, superimposition of the zygomatic process of the maxilla over the root apices of molar teeth will occur. Modification of the bisecting angle technique by reducing vertical angulation will decreases the incidence of superimposition of the zygomatic process . Fava & Dummer 1997 Decrease in vertical angle produces cause an elongated tooth and may increase the size of the radiolucent area,Huumonen & Ørstavik 2002

  28. MAC MAC

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