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RR-TAG Closing Report

RR-TAG Closing Report. Authors:. Date: November 16, 2012.

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RR-TAG Closing Report

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  1. RR-TAG Closing Report Authors: Date:November16, 2012 Notice:This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.18. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

  2. Overview • This document reports on the regulatory matters considered and outputs from the November, 2012IEEE 802 Plenary. • Specific documents/actions were approved by the RR-TAG in response to the regulatory proceedings reviewed and inputs from various WGs. • The RR-TAG is input driven. The attendance varies depending on the topics & documents being considered. E.g. one session in Atlanta had 25 people from different WGs helping draft an output. Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

  3. Outputs from the San AntonioMeeting • 18-12-0117-01“Draft request to FCC for a Public Notice requesting comments to Progeny M-LMS testing” – IEEE 802.18/IEEE 802 have for many years opposed the various petitions from Progeny and other 900 MHz M-LMS to either be allowed more time to build out their networks or waiver of other FCC rules. The FCC has, as an exception, created a “safe harbor” for license exempt devices in the 902 – 928 MHz frequency band. The FCC allowed Progeny a limited build out with a requirement to report the impact on Part 15 devices. The tests did show interference into the unlicensed “protected” services. This document requests that the FCC publish a Public Notice requesting comments on the Progeny M-LMS testing results. Approval was 3/0/0 • 18-12-0116-01“Report to External Organizations on P802.16.3 Progress” – This provides an update to various external organizations, including the FCC, on the status of P802.16.3. Approval was 3/0/1. Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

  4. Outputs from the San AntonioMeeting • 18-12-0118-01 “Draft LS to WP 5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR” – This document from IEEE 802.16 provides comments to ITU-R WP5D on the use of IMT technologies to provide broadband support for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR). The only IEEE 802 WG with a technology listed in the ITU-R IMT Recommendations is IEEE 802.16. Approval was 4/0/0. • 18-12-0114-02 “Draft comments to FCC Wireless Microphone Refresh Proceeding”. This contribution was developed by IEEE 802.22. The FCC rules regarding the use of wireless microphones impacts the use of the “TV white space” frequency bands, hence they impact the deployment of the IEEE 802.22 technology. This document proposes the FCC make changes to the rules during this “refresh proceeding”. Approval was 4/0/0. Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

  5. 18-12-0109 The RR-TAG spent a good amount of time working on a response to the US FCC regarding their plan for TVWS use. What 802 has been working for is that the FCC identify adequate and appropriate spectrum for license exempt (unlicensed) devices. The topic is complex but a draft has been developed. There will be an 802.18 conference call on December 3rd at 11:00 a.m. CST. All of these documents are available on the IEEE 802.18 Mentor page. One item considered in San Antonio to be completed by conference call Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

  6. Work for the January interim and March plenary • Work on the next input to ITU-R WP1A in regard to Question ITU-R 236/1 in particulat: • What are appropriate frequency bands for wireless management of a Smart Grid • What are appropriate technologies for wireless management of a Smart Grid, e.g. through put. • Other regulatory matters that become apparent by the start of the meeting that may impact IEEE 802 technologies. • Don’t forget that for the most part you can maintain your voting rights in your home group when you participate in the RR-TAG (and, of course, log your attendance correctly!). Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLC

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