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Trainer Recognition

Chris Callander Sub Dean. Trainer Recognition. Accreditation by Wales Deanery. Recognition by GMC. Approval by GMC. WHO?. Undergraduate education Those responsible for overseeing students’ progress at each medical school Lead coordinators at each local education provider (LEP)

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Trainer Recognition

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  1. Chris Callander Sub Dean Trainer Recognition

  2. Accreditation by Wales Deanery Recognition by GMC Approval by GMC

  3. WHO? Undergraduate education • Those responsible for overseeing students’ progress at each medical school • Lead coordinators at each local education provider (LEP) Postgraduate training • Named educational supervisors • Named clinical supervisors

  4. Named Educational Supervisor A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained Responsible for the overall supervision and management of a trainee’s trajectory of learning and educational progress during a placement or series of placements Helps the trainee to plan their training and achieve agreed learning outcomes Responsible for setting educational goals and for bringing together all relevant evidence to form a summative judgement at the end of the placement or series of placements. By the nature of their ES accreditation is automatically accredited to be a clinical supervisor

  5. Named Clinical Supervisor A trainer who is responsible for overseeing a specified trainee’s clinical work throughout a placement in a clinical or medical environment Is appropriately trained to do so will provide constructive feedback during that placement will lead on providing a review of the trainee’s clinical or medical practice throughout the placement that will contribute to the educational supervisor’s report on whether the trainee should progress to the next stage of their training.

  6. WHO’S LEFT? Sessional Clinical Supervisor • A trainer who supervises the trainee’s emergency or elective clinical work but does not have responsibility for overseeing the sum of the trainee’s clinical activity throughout a placement • Not a “named” clinical or educational supervisor • Does not require GMC recognition

  7. WHO’S LEFT? ES with no trainees • OK to meet criteria whilst waiting • No associated tariff Tutors / TPDs who aren’t ESs • Meeting ES criteria may help job planning

  8. How will Educational Supervisors be recognised by the Wales Deanery? • Educational Supervisors in Wales will be required to sign and meet the requirements of the Educational Supervision Agreement • The Agreement defines the roles, responsibilities and rights of the three parties: • An Educational Supervisor • A Local Education Provider • The Wales Deanery

  9. Roll out from November 2013

  10. Joint sign-off Deanery Employer Educational Supervisor

  11. What are the key aims of the ES Agreement? Protected time to undertake the Educational Supervisor role =0.25 SPA per week per trainee The Agreement aims to professionalise the Educational Supervisor role by: • Clearly defining the roles, responsibilities and rights of those providing educational supervision and those supporting Educational Supervisors • Ensuring that ESs receive protected time, resources and support to deliver educational role, including increased recognition of the Educational Supervisor role within the Consultant job planning process and access to appropriate training

  12. What are the requirements detailed in the Agreement? The Agreement includes an ES responsibility to meet the GMC CPD requirements as follows: • Eight hours of Educational CPD per year • Four of the eight hours to be recognised by CPD certificates and provided as evidence at annual appraisal • Cover at least two different domains of the GMC’s Framework per year • Cover all seven GMC Framework domains over a five year cycle

  13. What are the requirements detailed in the Agreement? • and… ES must demonstrate/provide evidence of appropriate attitudes and behaviours • End of placement evaluation/feedback forms • GMC survey results • Teaching evaluation forms • Trainee audits and critical incidents • Multisource feedback forms • Letters of thanks • Prior educational experience will be recorded but, as the Agreement is a prospective commitment, grandfather clauses will not apply.

  14. WHAT ABOUT THE NAMED CLINICAL SUPERVISORS? Accreditation will commence after ES process Majority will already be educational supervisors No need to sign agreement No tariff agreed – as yet

  15. How will the Deanery monitor the implementation of the process? The compliance of individual ES and CSs will be monitored at annual appraisal, where evidence of CPD activity and appropriate skills and behaviours will be required. The Deanery will work to: • Establish arrangements to monitor trainer, Employer and Deanery compliance with Agreement responsibilities and requirements • Develop remediation and other processes to handle instances in which requirements are not met

  16. How will the Deanery monitor the implementation of the process? Mechanisms for Deanery monitoring of the compliance of Employers may include: • The production of reports on the CPD activity of trainers from the Intrepid database • The production of reports of average SPA time allocated to groups of trainers from the MARS appraisal system • Triangulation with training quality data

  17. TIMELINE 31st July 2013 Deanery systems and databases are ready 31st July 2014 All trainers to be registered on the database and have either provisional or full recognition 31st July 2016 New arrangements to be fully implemented

  18. IDENTIFICATION OF ES / CSs Process commences November 2013 • Local Faculty Leads (for trainers) will be responsible for the process in their Health Board and will roll out the Agreement in their Health Boards as they see fit • LFLs will liaise with Training Programme Directors, Tutors, Postgraduate Centre Managers, Specialty Training Managers • Regular update reports to Deanery on which specialties are signed up

  19. Local Faculty Leads for Trainers BCUHB Lee Wisby Hywel Dda Phil Avery ABM David Vardill Cwm Taf Prof Hary Cardiff & Vale Anton Saayman Aneurin Bevan Peter Neville

  20. MORE INFORMATION Newsletters Contact the Local Faculty Lead for Trainer Support at your Health Board Contact the Deanery’s Quality and Postgraduate Education Support Unit at walesdeanerysre@cardiff.ac.uk Further information will be published on the Deanery’s web site (www.walesdeanery.org)

  21. Educational Supervisor:competency Domains Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning Teaching and facilitating learning Enhancing learn Supporting and monitoring educational progress Guiding personal and professional development Continuing professional development as an educator Two domains per year, all seven over five years 8 hrs CPD per year, 4 with certificate

  22. Named Clinical Supervisor Competency Domains • Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training • Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning • Teaching and facilitating learning • Enhancing learn • Supporting and monitoring educational progress • Guiding personal and professional development • Continuing professional development as an educator • Two domains per year, all five over five years • 8 hrs CPD per year, 4 with certificate

  23. Domain 1: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training How to protect patients and enhance their care through supervision of doctors in training How to balance the needs of patients and service with the educational needs of trainees.

  24. Domain 1: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training

  25. Domain 1: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training Examples of relevant supporting evidence • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face to face and online learning • GMC trainee survey results • Feedback from patients about care received • Details of measures put in place to ensure supervision appropriate to trainee’s competence and confidence • Trainee audits, examples of topics critically appraised by trainees • Examples of near miss/ critical incident analysis

  26. Domain 1: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training Content suggestions for course designers • Balancing the needs of service delivery with education • Allowing trainees, when suitably competent, to take responsibility for care, appropriate to the needs of the patient • Developing appropriate induction programmes

  27. Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning How to make the clinical environment safe and conducive to effective learning for trainees and others.

  28. Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning

  29. Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning

  30. Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning Examples of relevant supporting evidence • Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face to face and online learning • GMC trainee survey results • Other feedback from trainees • Details of learning programmes, study schedules, timetables for trainees and clinical teachers • Feedback from colleagues

  31. Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning Content suggestions for course designers • Creating an environment for learning • Identifying and planning learning opportunities • Managing diversity • Providing equality of opportunity

  32. Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning How to work with trainees to facilitate their learning.

  33. Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning

  34. Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning

  35. Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning Examples of relevant supporting evidence • Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face to face and online learning • GMC trainee survey results • Other feedback from trainees • Details of learning programmes, study schedules and timetables for trainees • Feedback from colleagues • Evidence of recent initiatives to enhance the provision of learning opportunities

  36. Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning Content suggestions for course designers • Assessing learning needs • Using a variety of methods to deliver the curriculum • Skills teaching • Developmental conversational skills e.g. coaching

  37. Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment The approach to assessment and feedback.

  38. Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment

  39. Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment

  40. Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment Examples of relevant supporting evidence • Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face to face and online learning • GMC trainee survey results • Other feedback from trainees • Details of programmes, study schedules and timetables for trainees indicating assessment modes, patterns and relevance to learning • Evidence of attendance at ARCPs • Feedback from peers, e.g. relating to external examining or professional assessment

  41. Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment Content suggestions for course designers • Principles of workplace-based assessment • Use of commonly used assessment tools e.g. mini-CEX, MSF • Giving effective feedback

  42. Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress Support provided to trainees in their progression towards CCT and their intended career destination.

  43. Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress

  44. Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress

  45. Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress Examples of relevant supporting evidence • Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face to face and online learning • GMC survey results • Other feedback from trainees • Examples of meetings, records of trainee progress and learning plans,(anonymised) • Case studies of the management of a trainee in difficulty (anonymised) • Feedback from peers, e.g. relating to involvement in organisational/ professional activities • Records of other relevant activities undertaken, e.g. involvement in recruitment, training committees etc

  46. Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress Content suggestions for course designers • Setting and reviewing learning objectives • Purpose and processes of portfolios • Annual review of competence progression • Identification, diagnosis and management of the trainee in difficulty • Interview skills

  47. Domain 6: Guiding personal and professional development Support provided to trainees in relation to their personal and professional development.

  48. Domain 6: Guiding personal and professional development

  49. Domain 6: Guiding personal and professional development

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