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Autism Strategies Requirements From Texas Administrative Code 89.1055 e 1-11. Janis McClure, MA LPC Region 8 ESC. Vision and Mission of Region 8. Purpose of Webinar. To give participants an overview of the 11 strategies required by TAC 89.1055 e 1-11. Give resources
Autism Strategies Requirements FromTexas Administrative Code89.1055 e 1-11 Janis McClure, MA LPC Region 8 ESC
Purpose of Webinar • To give participants an overview of the 11 strategies required by TAC 89.1055 e 1-11. • Give resources • Each district will have to decide how to implement strategies based on assessment of individual student need.
11 Strategies • Added 2007 • Found at TAC 89.1055 (e) (1-11) • http://www.txautism.net/docs/rules_sidebyside.pdf Rule/Guidance document from TEA found at • Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism homepage click on link for Commissioner’s Rule. • www.txautism.net
Before we start • Not every student will need every strategy • Based on assessment of individual student need. Data must support the need for the service. • Based on current IEP goals/objectives • Some over-lapping of areas.
TAC 89.1055 • For students eligible under §89.1040(c)(1) of this title (relating to Eligibility Criteria), the strategies described in paragraphs (1)-(11) of this subsection shall be considered, based on peer-reviewed, research-based educational programming practices to the extent practicable and, when needed, addressed in the IEP.
TAC 89.1040 (c) (1) Defines eligibility for autism and states that students with pervasive developmental disorders are included in this category. Pervasive developmental disorders include: Autism, Asperger’s, Rett’s Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).
Area is not needed-Reference 89.1055 (f) • When the ARD committee determines that services are not needed in one or more of the areas specified in 89.1055(e)(1)-(11), the ARD committee must include in the IEP a statement indicating that the services are not needed and the basis upon which the determination was made. The statement may address the services collectively or individually. An ARD committee maywish to include specific examples of a student’s current level of competency when addressing services. (TEA Guidance Document)
Area not needed • “Service is not needed at this time.” Not a sufficient explanation of why a service is not needed. • Why is service (strategy) not needed? Based on what data? Is the student making reasonable progress toward IEP goals without service? How do you know?
Evidenced-Based Practices • Evidence -Based Practices Briefs - http://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu/content/briefs.The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on ASD has developed Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Briefs for 24 identified evidence based practices. Each brief contains: an overview, which gives a general description of the practice and how it can be used with learners with ASD; explicit step-by-step directions detailing exactly how to implement a practice, based on the research articles identified in the evidence base; an implementation checklist which offers a way to document the degree to which practitioners are following the directions for implementation; and the list of references (evidence base) that demonstrate that the practices is efficacious and meets the NPDC’s criteria for being identified as an evidence-based practice. Also some briefs include supplemental materials such as data collection sheets. ( From Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Homepage-Resources)
(1) Extended Educational Programming • extended educational programming (for example: extended day and/or extended school year services that consider the duration of programs/settings based on assessment of behavior,social skills, communication, academics, and self-help skills); • (TAC 89.1055 e-1)
Extended School Year • Extended Educational Programming can include ESY , but is more than ESY. • ESY based on regression/recoupment and must meet specific criteria. (see handout ESY) • An ARD committee MAY, based on student need, extend the school year with or without ESY services.
Example Extended Year • A student did not qualify for ESY services, but based on assessments of communication and social skills, ARD committee decides the student needs to continue to work on IEP goals of appropriate conversation and mealtime behaviors with a variety of people across settings. District provides transportation to their community summer lunch program where a staff member works with student on specific skills during lunch times 3x per week.
Extended School Day Example • High school student with Asperger’s needs socials skills instruction as determined by assessment. However, this student is on “distinguished” graduation plan and does not have an open period. The staff develop 15 minute social skills lessons delivered at the end of each school day. This is agreeable to the student.
Before extending the day or year • Consider other options such as tutoring, adding related service, changing instructional setting, adding staff support, class with lower staff/student ratio, peer coaching, in-home training, etc. If data shows progress with additional supports extension of the day or year may not be needed.
(2) Daily Schedules • daily schedules reflecting minimal unstructured time and active engagement in learning activities (for example: lunch, snack, and recess periods that provide flexibility within routines; adapt to individual skill levels; and assist with schedule changes, such as changes involving substitute teachers and pep rallies); (TAC 89.1055 e-2)
Schedules • The student’s schedule not staffs’ • Intended to be actively used by student • Reflect active learning • Teach independence • Teach flexibility • Help with transitions/changes • Specific to individual student
Resources • www.ocali.org autism internet modules • Online module on visual schedules • Calendars for Students with Multiple Impairments including Deaf Blindness- by Robbie Blaha- Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired-concrete objects
Not Needed? • Can the student use the same schedule as everyone else with no problems including when change occurs? • Is a staff person “leading” the student around? • If the student is having problems with transitions, probably needs a schedule.
(3) In-Home, Community Training • in-home and community-based training or viable alternatives that assist the student with acquisition of social/behavioral skills (for example: strategies that facilitate maintenance and generalization of such skills from home to school, school to home, home to community, and school to community); (TAC 89.1055 e-3)
In-Home/Community Based • Direct services with the student at home, in the community or “viable alternative”. • Viable Alternative might be daycare, recreation center, church, grandma’s house- viable alternative not clearly defined in law or guidance document.
What is the purpose of in-home and community-based training ? • A student with autism may have difficulty generalizing skills from one environment to another. In-home/community-based training is an option an ARD committee may choose for a student with autism in order for the student to learn or reinforce social skills in a variety of settings. ( TEA Guidance Document)
Example • Acquisition- student is learning to sign- needs lots of repetition, small staff/student ratio, high level of feedback and reinforcement. • Fluency- student is learning more signs, signs are coming more easily, reinforcement still needed consistently, prompting and correction still needed but at lower rate. • Maintenance- student uses known signs easily, may require minor help, independent with signs • Generalization-student signs with variety of people in a variety of settings, uses signs as needed without prompting.
Resource Autism and ABA: A "How-To" Handbook for Teachers by • Autism In Action by Dr. Beverly Braman (BCBA-D) and Dr. Susan Catlett (BCBA-D).
In-Home • Based on needs assessment • Duty of the school, if there is a documented need, to offer a plan. • Based on ALL current IEP goals. • Parents have the right to decline in-home even if there is a documented need.
(4)Positive Behavior Supports • Positive behavior support strategies based on relevant information, for example: A. antecedent manipulation, replacement behaviors, reinforcement strategies, and data-based decisions; and B. a Behavior Intervention Plan developed from a Functional Behavioral Assessment that uses current data related to target behaviors and addresses behavioral programming across home, school, and community-based settings; (TAC 89.1055 e-4)
Key Elements of PBS • The key features of PBS, as identified by a pioneer in the field George Sugai, include : • A prevention-focused continuum of support • Proactive instructional approaches to teaching and improving social behaviors • Conceptually sound and empirically validated practices • Systems change to support effective practices • Data-based decision making.
So What Are these “Conceptually sound and empirically validated practices”?The list that follows is not exhaustive, just examples.
Examples • Antecedent Manipulation • Teaching Replacement Behaviors • Reinforcement Strategies • Identifying maintaining consequences • Data based decisions • Functional Behavior Assessment
Resources • OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports • www.pbis.org • Evidence -Based Practices Briefs - http://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu/content/briefs.The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on ASD has developed Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Briefs for 24 identified evidence based practices.
Resources • Texas PBIS Project Resources Link • http://www.txbehaviorsupport.org/default.aspx?name=usefullinks • Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism-TARGET Document and online Behavior Module • www.txautism.net
So this means….. • That if a student has challenging behaviors that are interfering with learning, an ARD committee may need to consider developing a behavior intervention plan, based on a functional behavior assessment composed of relevant, current data. The plan should include positive behavior supports individualized for that student.
(5) Futures Planning • §89.1055(e)(5) – beginning at any age, consistent with subsections (g) of this section, futures planning for integrated living, work, community, and educational environments that considers skills necessary to function in current and post-secondary environments;...
Subsection (g) Transition §89.1055(g) Content of the IEP For each student with a disability, beginning at age 16 (prior to the date on which a student turns 16 years of age) or younger, if determined appropriate by the ARD committee, the following issues must be considered in the development of the IEP, and if appropriate, integrated into the IEP... ( In 2011 TEC 29.0111/ 29.011 Amended age 16 to 14)
The Fitting Together Futures Planning becomes the Transition Plan at age 14 in Texas.
So what is the difference? • The transition plan has nine areas that must be addressed and must begin for all students with disabilities by age 14 in Texas. The ARDC can decide to begin transition earlier if needed. • Futures Planning is a requirement unique to the autism eligibility in Texas and can begin at any age. There are four areas specifically mentioned in rule.
Consider the Four Areas • Integrated Living • Work • Community • Educational Environments • Where is the student now in regard to these areas? Where do you want the student to be at the end of elementary, jr. high, high school in each area? What is the final goal?
Futures Planning • Driven by the family and student • Futures Planning becomes the transition plan at age 14 in Texas. • Is there ever a time this is not needed? Stating the student is “too young” is not a valid reason to mark this strategy as “not needed”.
Resources • Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Futures Planning online module • www.txautism.net • Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence • Social Supports for Transition Aged Individuals and Employee with Autism online modules • www.ocali.org
Resources • Texas Transition Network http://www.transitionintexas.org/Page/1 • Indiana Resource Center for Autism “I Wake Up for MY Dream!” Personal Futures Planning Circles of Support, MAPS and PATH http://www.iidc.indiana.edu/?pageId=422 Begin with the End in Mind.
(6) Parent/Family Training and Support • parent/family training and support, provided by qualified personnel with experience in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), that, for example: • A. provides a family with skills necessary for a child to succeed in the home/community setting;
includes information regarding resources (for example: parent support groups, workshops, videos, conferences, and materials designed to increase parent knowledge of specific teaching/management techniques related to the child's curriculum); and …
facilitates parental carryover of in-home training (for example: strategies for behavior management and developing structured home environments and/or communication training so that parents are active participants in promoting the continuity of interventions across all settings); TAC 89.1055 e-6
What does this mean? • Schools should provide information and local resources to families to increase knowledge of strategies that relate to child’s IEP and help foster continuity and generalization of skills across settings. • Variety of methods of parent training available • Staff responsible for parent training needs to be experienced in the area of autism.
Based on individual need • Need assessment of some kind to help determine parent/family training needs. • Parents/families have the right to declineeven if a need has been identified.